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Protecting the cell since…forever.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting the cell since…forever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting the cell since…forever

2 Recall Check…Do you remember?
What are two parts that every lipid has to have?

3 Cellular Boundaries A thin, flexible barrier known as the cell membrane surrounds all cells. The make-up of cell membranes is a double layer of lipids called phospholipids.

4 The functions of cell boundaries.
The cell membrane: Controls what enters and leaves the cell Protects and supports the cell

5 Phospholipid Structure
a closer look

6 Phospholipids and Water…

7 Hydrophilic versus Hydrophobic
Hydro: water Philic: to love; to want; to desire Phobic: to fear; to hate; to loathe Hydrophilic: to love and desire being around water Hydrophobic: to fear and loathe being around water

8 Structure Equals Function
The special structure of the bilayer allows for there to be a inside and an outside. The fatty acid tails hate water and only like themselves.

9 Plasma Membrane

10 Phospholipid Bilayer = Cell Membrane = Plasma Membrane
All three of these names identify the same part of the cell. They can all be used interchangeably. The diagram shows: Phospholipid Bilayer Cell Membrane Plasma Membrane

11 Fluid-Mosaic Model Fluid: able to flow easily
Mosaic: a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass The cell membrane/plasma membrane/phospholipid bilayer are called a fluid mosaic because it is constantly moving and made up of a bunch of stuff.

12 Cell Membrane

13 Plasma Membrane: Carbohydrates
Surface carbohydrates on a cell membrane act as a license plate. Carbohydrates are linked to proteins or lipids act as sticky place of attachment points for cells.

14 Cell Membrane: Lipids Phospholipids are the main ingredient in the cell membrane. Lipids can also be used by as anchor points for carbohydrates. Cholesterol can be used as a way to keep F.A.Ts from tangling up.

15 Cholesterol

16 Phospholipid Bilayer: Proteins
Integral proteins: proteins that go all the way through the cell membrane. Peripheral proteins: proteins that are just on the inside or outside of the cell membrane Proteins serve several functions throughout the cell membrane. Transport Attachment Cellular Communication

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