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Bell Work: Friday, February 9, 2018

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1 Bell Work: Friday, February 9, 2018
Textbook pg. SH22 Analyze Maps Read this page and the map, “Louisiana Purchase” Answer the Practice and Apply the Skill Questions 1-5

2 Bell Work Answer Key To show early explorations across what would become the continental US; most of North America Lewis’s return trip Natchitoches The Louisiana Purchase Not explicitly; it does show how much the US was enlarged by it, however.

3 US HISTORY USHC 2.1 Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Summarize the impact of the westward movement on nationalism and democracy, including the expansion of the franchise, the displacement of Native Americans from the southeast and conflicts over states’ rights and federal power during the era of Jacksonian democracy as the result of major land acquisitions such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Oregon Treaty, and the Mexican Cession.

4 Objective/Focus Question
Locate major land acquisitions (Louisiana, Oregon, Texas, and the Mexican Cession) on a map and determine from whom, why, and how these lands were acquired. Summarize the acquisitions’ impact on individualism, sectionalism, and democracy.

5 I can… “I Can” Statements
Locate Louisiana, Oregon, Texas, and the Mexican Cession on a map Determine from whom, why, and how these lands were acquired Summarize the impact of gaining these lands on individualism, sectionalism, and democracy Summarize the impact of gaining these lands and westward movement on the expansion of the franchise, the displacement of Native Americans from the southeast and conflicts over states’ rights and federal power during the era of Jacksonian democracy This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

6 Mini-lesson Mini-lesson: Map Using the Index
Browse text set with our purpose in mind

7 Student Work: Marshall Text set
Textbook and Text set Textbook: Use Index All texts: Preview 1 Preview 2 Close Read Take notes in your own words on the chart Color the map

8 Acquired from? Date? Why? How?
Acquired from? Date? Why? How? Louisiana Purchase Florida Texas Annexation Oregon Country Mexican Cession Gadsden Purchase

9 Territorial Acquisitions
USHC 2.1

10 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

11 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

12 Jefferson’s Dilemma

13 The Lewis and Clark Expedition

14 The United States Economy Early 19th Century
Jefferson’s agrarian economic model depended on trade with Europe. Agriculture + Trade = Prosperity

Economic Coercion Avoid War (Get Britain to stop impressing American sailors without going to war) RESULT: FAILURE


17 The “War Hawks” Henry Clay (KY) John C. Calhoun (SC)

18 Madison’s War Message to Congress (1812)
James Madison Fourth President of the U.S. PROVOCATIONS Impressment of Sailors Cutting off Trade Arming Native Americans on the western frontier

19 Battle of New Orleans January 8, 1815
CONSEQUENCES Gen. Andrew Jackson Surge of national pride AMERICA! Andrew Jackson: National Hero Although the Battle of New Orleans took place after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, the Battle of New Orleans was important because the decisive victory gave Americans a sense of national pride.

20 Jackson Square New Orleans
The Champion of the Common [White] Man

21 Indian Removal Trail of Tears

22 Texas Oregon Treaty (1846) Louisiana Purchase (1803) Mexican Cession
(1848) Texas Annexation (1845)

23 Summarize how westward expansion impacted sectionalism.
Exit Slip Summarize how westward expansion impacted sectionalism.

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