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WWI Causes of WWI?.

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1 WWI Causes of WWI?

2 ON a sheet of paper and answer the following question:
Bell Ringer: Pick up your study guide from your blue tub. Write across the top: Due Thursday 10/15 Also take out your banner notes from yesterday! ON a sheet of paper and answer the following question: Why did we go outside to demonstrate the causes of WWI? What did you learn?

3 Causes of World War "The Great War was without precedent ... never had so many nations taken up arms at a single time. Never had the battlefield been so vast…never had the fighting been so gruesome..." 3

4 Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
What sparked it all? Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

5 The events that followed…
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June of by a member of a nationalistic secret Serbian society, the emperor of Austria-Hungary declared war of Serbia.

6 The events that followed…
Russia sent troops to defend Serbia Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Russia sent troops to defend Serbia because Russia had a separate treaty with Serbia. Russia supported Serbia because they were both of a similar ethnic backgrounds.

7 The events that followed…
Germany declared war on Russia Russia sent troops to defend Serbia Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Since Germany had a treaty with Austria- Hungary (the Triple Alliance), Germany declared war on Russia. What is the triple alliance?

8 Alliance An agreement among people or nations to unite for a common cause. Each member of an alliance agrees to help the other members in case one is attacked.

9 How could Germany’s location in Europe be a problem for them?

10 Germany in the Middle Germany’s big problem was that it was in the middle of Europe. That made it vulnerable if it came to war.

11 In the 19th century, Germany’s brilliant Chancellor, Bismarck, solved this problem by keeping friends with Russia and Austria-Hungary

12 Then Bismarck allied with Italy and Austria-Hungary (the Triple Alliance). Together with his friendship with Russia, this kept Germany safe.

13 But when Kaiser Wilhelm became Emperor, he dumped the Russian alliance
But when Kaiser Wilhelm became Emperor, he dumped the Russian alliance. He kept the Triple Alliance, but this did NOT solve the problem of Germany’s encirclement.

14 The Triple Entente In 1907 Russia joined Britain and France to make the Triple Entente. By 1914 Europe had divided into two massive superpower blocks.

15 Distributed Summarizing
With a seat partner, discuss a time in your life when an alliance (with a friend, family member, or someone else) has caused problems.

16 The events that followed…
Germany declared war on France Germany declared war on Russia Russia sent troops to defend Serbia Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia France had a treaty with Russia (the Triple Entente) so Germany declared war against France.

17 The events that followed…
And so the war begins! Germany declared war on France Germany declared war on Russia Russia sent troops to defend Serbia Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

18 Things changed during the war
The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente turned into these two WWI alliances. The Triple Entente plus more formed the Allied Powers The Triple Alliance plus more formed the Central Powers The Central powers Austria-Hungary Germany Turkey (Ottoman Empire) The Allied Powers Russia France United Kingdom Italy United States


20 Statistics from WWI Nation Total Number of servicemen in the war.
Number of deaths Number of soldiers wounded Number of men taken prisoner or reported missing Austria 7,800,000 1,200,000 3,620,000 2,200,000 Britain 8,904,467 908,371 2,090,212 191,652 France 8,410,000 1,357,800 4,266,000 537,000 Germany 11,000,000 17,737,000 4,216,058 1,152,800 Italy 5,615,000 650,000 947,000 600,000 Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,950,000 2,500,000 Turkey 2,850,000 325,000 400,000 250,000 U.S. 4,355,000 126,000 234,300 4,500

21 Some of the Technological Advances from WWI
Tank Aircraft Machine Gun Gas used as a weapon Flamethrower

22 Could World War I have been prevented? Why or why not?
Summarizing Could World War I have been prevented? Why or why not?

23 Part II Objectives: Write down today’s objectives on a piece of notebook paper!
Why was WWI called the War to end all Wars? What were some of the technical advancements during WWI? What are the effects of WWI on the physical, cultural, and geographical components of Europe? Brainpop WWI

24 Objective: To examine the causes of America’s involvement in World War I.

25 · Officially, the U.S. was a neutral country.
American Neutrality · Officially, the U.S. was a neutral country. · However, we traded food, weapons, oil, steel, and other goods far more with the Allied Powers than with the Central Powers.

26 · Both the Allied Powers and Central powers used propaganda in order to support their cause by making their enemies seem savage.


28 Freedom of the Seas · The U.S., as a neutral nation, claimed the right to trade with either side in the war. · However, Britain and Germany set up blockades around the British and German coasts.

29 · German submarines, called U-boats, torpedoed enemy ships and neutral ships trading with the enemy.

30 A German U-boat Torpedoes a Steamer, circa 1916


32 · In 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania, a British passenger ship, killing approximately 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.

33 · Americans were infuriated with the destruction of the Lusitania.



36 Moving Toward War Zimmermann telegram:
– secret message from Germany to Mexico urging Mexico to attack the U.S. if the U.S. declared war on Germany – Germany promised to help Mexico regain land it lost to the U.S. in the Mexican War. * The U.S. declared war on the Central Powers in 1917.

37 (above) Zimmermann Telegram as Received by the German Ambassador to Mexico, 01/19/1917 (right) decoded words

38 Zimmermann Telegram: Decoded Message

39 So what were the long-lasting effects of WWI?

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