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LO: To revise the nature of government
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to… Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A*
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Task: Once you have written Your title and date… Fact Test! You have 10 minutes Only.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* What skills are we looking for in the 25 markers?
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* So what has been asked before? Key themes that recur Events that were turning points in the development of government Influences of factors such As war and revolution upon Development of government. Changes in the Nature of Government over time.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Autocracy Tsars ordained by God, Expects submission of people, Tsar a paternalist. Role of Russian Orthodox Church, Pobedonostsev anti liberal government. NI “Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality” Fundamental Laws 1832 AII supports Autocracy but “abolish serfdom from above”, Emancipation, Zemstva, education, relaxed censorship. AIII blamed liberalism for his father’s death. Russification, Statute for State Security, Pogroms, Executions, Land Captains NII reintroduced Fundamental Laws in October Manifesto, Dumas, Personal Command WW1 Autocracy, Dictatorship and Totalitarianism Dictatorship Lenin “What is to be done”. Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Advocated Central Committee leading revolution (Marxist-Leninism). Civil War – War Communism – NEP. Lenin adjusted ideology to avoid opposition. Socialism in In One Country v Permanent Revolution Totalitarianism Dictatorial government that controlled every aspect of citizens lives. Stalinism, Command Economy, Five Year Plans, Collectivisation, Cult of Personality, Terror Khrushchev; Collective Leadership, de-Stalinisation, secret speech.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Change and Continuity in Central Administration Tsarism Autocratic – officials and organs of government answer to Tsar. Hierarchical. Aspects of government, Council of Ministers, Imperial Council, Committee of Ministers Introduction of Dumas in 1905, the Mir and Zemstva. Judiciary fairly liberal but some controls eg Land Captains Provisional Government Democratic rather than Autocratic, replaced Tsarism but unelected. Hierarchical but shared power with Petrograd Soviet “Dual Authority” Two main organs of Government, Petrograd Soviet and Provisional Government. Many reforms offered giving freedom to people. Liberal judiciary, political prisoners freed. Communism Autocratic and Dictatorial, all government answerable to the Leader. Hierarchical, Democratic Centralism, 1918 and 1924 Constitutions. Many organs, All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Central Executive Committee (Politburo, Orgburo, Ogburo), Council of People’s Commissars (SOVNARKOM) Supreme Soviet for Nationalities meant to be democratic. Local government run by party. Judiciary led by “Revolutionary Justice”.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Methods of Repression and enforcement All leaders made use of Secret Police, Army, Propaganda and Censorship. Secret Police Third Section set up by Nicholas I after Decembrist Revolt Okhrana set up by Alexander II in Powers enhanced. Provisional Government focus on Wartime Counter Espionage Bureau Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky. Focused on counter-revolutionary activity. Cheka implements Red Terror, Kulak elimination, labour camps GPU then OGPU in Still feared by population. NKVD formed 1934, led by Yagoda then Yezhov. Gulags, Purges 1946 MVD and KGB. Army Russification leads to army as peacekeeping force Used on Bloody Sunday. Less effective in Bolsheviks deploy army to Consolidate power. Red Army imposes War Communism. Suppresses Kronstadt 1921. Under Stalin Red Army involved in grain recquisition and purges. Under Khrushchev more focused on international conflits.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Methods of Repression and enforcement Censorship AII Russia Experiences Glasnost (openness) for the first time 1865 Censorship relaxed books published, 1864 it was 1836 books. 1872 Das Kapital Published AIII Clampdown on publications, newspapers closed down, journals censored NII Reversion to Glasnost, publications increase by three times in his reign. Pre-publication censorship dissappears. Publishers could still be fined/shut down. Kopek newspapers (penny paper) aimed at proletariat. Dumas reported on. Heavy censorship during WW1. News gained from Foreign broadcast Lenin Press freedoms abolished in order to suppress counter-revolutionaries. 1921 Agitation and Propaganda (Agitprop) department founded. Schools, cinemas, radio, libraries all under survellaince. Only writers who supported the Bolsheviks flourished Stalin Censorship increased. By 1932 all literary groups shut down. Writers had to join Union of Soviet Writers. 1934 Writers had to produce “socialist realism”. Many sent to camps and exile. WW2 saw news fictionalised and distorted. Idea of “New Soviet Man” Khrushchev Censorship eased. 65,000 books a year. 60 million reading newspapers. By 1959 there were 135,000 libraries with 8 billion books. Propaganda Tsars promoted themselves To small extent Peace Land Bread All power to the Soviets Cults of Personality Pravda + Izvestiya Komsomols Stakhanovism Dynamo and Spartak Moscow Eisenstein.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Extent and Impact Of reform Tsarism Tsars tended to use reform to appease opposition. Emancipation intended to make serfs less likely to riot. Duma intended to quieten those who wanted constitutional reform. Provisional government reformed to help stability. However reforms often led to an increase in opposition. Communism Used reform to control opposition Reforms tended to crush opponents of the regime War Communism, NEP and Five Year Plans all were combined with repression. Little scope to question the reforms. Those who disagreed with reform were exiled or executed.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* The extent and effectiveness of opposition before and after 1917 Tsarism Populists/Narodniks 1863(Chernyshevsky) Peoples Will 1879, “propaganda of the deed” (violence) Socialist Revolutionaries 1901, killed Minister of Interior Plehve in 1904. Social Democrats 1898, set up by Plekhanov. Divided into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. 1904 Liberal “westernisers”. Kadets + Octobrists 1905, supported the October Manifesto, liberal groups. Played Roles in Dumas. Communism Bolsheviks fail to win majority in Constituent Assembly Most votes for SRs. 1921 “On Party Unit” made parties illegal and banned factions. Opposition inside party to War Communism and Brest-Litovsk. NEP brought in as Response to pressure for change. Power struggle after death of Lenin between Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev Purges under Stalin
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* The extent and effectiveness of opposition before and after 1917 Peasants Peasants largely ignorant and apathetic. Were 70-80% of population during Tsarism. Riots based on land distribution and food access. Prevalent throughout 1861 Emancipation leads to unrest. Land Captains quell revolt in 1890s. 1891 Famine revolts due to redemption payments and rising prices. Land appropriated, refused to pay taxes, robbed stores, attacked landowners. Black Earth revolts suppressed by Stolypin his reforms pacify. War Communism hurts peasants, NEP brought in to appease them. Collectivisation and dekulakisation ignited Peasant unrest. Significant opposition. Little unrest during Khrushchev era. Workers Workers grow after Witte’s “great spurt” Working conditions poor under Tsarism and Communism. 1885 Morozov strike involved Bloody Sunday Strikes. Lena Goldfield Massacre Putilov strikes 1917. Workers accepted Five Year Plans, however suicides increasing. WW2 pressures. Khrushchev industrial relations stable, although Novocherhassk 20 workers killed.
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A*
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Over to you Autocracy, Dictatorship and Totalitarianism Democracy Change and Continuity in Central Administration A + Katie Methods of Repression and enforcement Tom and Mollie Liberalism Extent and Impact Of reform Charlottes and Poppy The extent and effectiveness of opposition before and after 1917 George and James Autocracy Dictatorship Totalitarianism Time
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A* Homework for next week Monday 13th Revise for fact test on Society Bring examples of revision materials for society “The Lives of Peasants did not improve during the period ” How Far do you agree with this statement? (25)
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A*
LO: To revise the nature of government
Describe the key question topics E-D Explain the importance of key factors C-B Judge the most important arguments A-A*
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