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1 - + + -

2 Resistive feedback: b=R1/(R1+R2)
A(w)*w = A(0)*|P1| = GBW w |P1| =BW Buffer: b=1 Resistive feedback: b=R1/(R1+R2)

3 Remember: phase margin is defined on the loop TF
Nyquist plot Bode plot

4 -45 PM -135

5 Under damped Critically dampled Over damped For the same resources, under damped system is faster and therefore is desired.

6 Overshoot = (peak – final)/final *100%
For under damped system that does not have too much overshoot: PM in deg + O.S.  70. For example: 55 deg PM will have about 15% O.S. Damping ratio z  PM / 100 Settling time  - ln(tolerance)/(wtz) For single pole: Settling time  - ln(tolerance)/t

7 vs vb cc VDD M9 M12 M11 Iref M1 M2 vo vin- vin+= voQ = vo CL M3 M4 M13

8 DC gain: Av(0)={gm1*(ro6,8||ro2,4)} * {gm10*(ro10||ro11)
=Av1(0) * Av2(0) p1 = -1/{(Av2*Cc + Cgs10 +…)*(ro6,8||ro2,4)}  -1/{Av2*Cc*(ro6,8||ro2,4)} BW = |p1| GBW = Av(0)*BW  gm1/Cc p2  - gm10/{CL+Cc+Cdb10+Cdb11} z1  gm10/Cc

9 Gm2/(CL+Cc) wp1 wp2 wz1

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