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III. Ancient Egypt.

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1 III. Ancient Egypt

2 A. Nile River “Gift of the Nile” – Egypt’s nickname
Nile River is the longest river in the world stretching 4100 miles Nile flooded yearly like clockwork and it left behind rich deposits of black mud Egypt would be a desert without these floods


4 Modern Day Nile River

5 B. Egyptian Writing Hieroglyphics – Egyptian form of writing where pictures stand for ideas Papyrus – Paper made from tall plants found along the Nile

6 C. Pyramids Great tombs built for pharaohs and queens
Built without the aid of wheels Believed in a life after death Were filled with all the pharaoh’s treasures

7 Great Pyramids of Giza

8 D. Pharaohs Pharaohs – Egyptian king-gods who headed both government and religion Egyptians worshiped kings like gods Believed to be the living son of the Sun God



11 E. Egyptian Religion One of the first religions to believe in an afterlife Polytheistic – Believe in many gods Mummification – Embalming and drying the corpse to prevent it from decaying

12 Egyptian Sun God

13 4000 Year Old Egyptian Mummy

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