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Essential Roots.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Roots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Roots

2 ANATOMY ANA apart TOME Cutting

3 A, An Not, without Asymmetrical

4 Ab Away Abduct

5 Ad To adhere

6 Angio Vessel Angioplast

7 Antero In front of Anterior

8 Arthro Joint Arthritis

9 Atrium Hall/entrance

10 Axis Axle Pivotal point

11 Bi Two

12 Brachio An arm Bicep brachii

13 Brevis Short Brief

14 Buccal Cheek buccinators

15 Cerebro Brain Cerebrum

16 Cephal Head encephalitis

17 Cervico Neck cervical

18 Cortex Outer layer

19 Delta triangular

20 Dys Bad dysfunction

21 Endo Inside endocardium Endometrium Endocrine Endomorph

22 Epi Over epidermis

23 Ex Outside External Exit

24 Gaster Stomach Gastric bypass

25 Hema Blood hemophilia

26 Hyper Excessive Hyperactive

27 Hypo Less, lower Hypothermia

28 Infra Under inferior

29 Inter Between International

30 Itis Inflammation tonsillitis

31 Lys, lysis Dissolve, Destroy Lysol

32 Nephro/Renal Kidney Nephrons Adrenal gland

33 Neuro- Nerve neuron

34 Oculus Eye Binocular

35 Olfacere To smell Olfactory

36 Orbis Circular Orbit

37 Oste Bone Osteoporosis

38 Pulmo Lung pulmonary

39 Plantar Sole of feet

40 Pod, Ped, Pes Foot Pedestrian

41 Posterus behind

42 Proximus Next to proximal

43 Rectus Straight Homo erectus

44 Supra Above superior

45 Tachy fast

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