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Hi FIU! In this short video, I am going to walk you through the process of buying and activating your discounted “Student Best Value” digital code for.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi FIU! In this short video, I am going to walk you through the process of buying and activating your discounted “Student Best Value” digital code for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi FIU! In this short video, I am going to walk you through the process of buying and activating your discounted “Student Best Value” digital code for this course. With the “Student Best Value” option, you can save between 25 to 40 percent on your required course materials. The discounted purchase option will be available ONLY until the term drop/add date. After drop/add, you can purchase through this same process at the regular price. DON’T WAIT! Take advantage of the Best Value program and save money.

2 Student registration steps
STEP 1: Sign into your campus Canvas account. To get started, log into your Canvas account

3 Student registration steps
STEP 2: Select your course that is participating in the FIU Student Best Value program Select your course that is part of the Student Best Value pilot

4 Student registration steps
STEP 3: When you are in the course, select the “Course Materials” link. This will activate the “My Digital Content” link. Once inside the course, choose the “Course Materials” icon to activate the “My Digital Content” link.

5 Student registration steps
STEP 4: Choose your campus by selecting “FIU Modesto Maidique Campus” and click the “Update” button. Select the “FIU Modesto Maidique Campus” and hit “update”

6 Student registration steps
STEP 5: You will be brought to your Course Materials view. Your discounted “value” course material status is “Available for Purchase”. Click “Purchase” to proceed. You are now in the Course Materials view. Choose “Purchase” to move forward

7 Student registration steps
STEP 6: The bookstore website opens in a new window and the product is already in your cart at Click “Checkout” to proceed The bookstore website opens in a new window and your discounted digital product is already in your “cart”. Choose “Checkout” to proceed.

8 Student registration steps
STEP 7: Select your payment type, enter the related payment information and clicks “Continue”. If you have a book advance, you may elect to purchase using your FIU OneCard. Enter your 7 digit Panther ID number in the “card” field to purchase.

9 Student registration steps
If you purchase with your FAU One Card, your transaction will be processed within 48 hours or less after placing your order. FIU One Card or Panther ID purchases are subject to a processing delay outside of regular business hours. All other payment types will be immediately processed.

10 Student registration steps
STEP 8: You will receive an order confirmation message, and an order confirmation [this will be sent to your FIU address]. If you have any issues with your order, use the Order # as reference when you open a help desk ticket at You’ll see a confirmation message and you will receive a confirmation . If you have any issues with your order, use the Order # as reference when you open a help desk ticket at

11 Student registration steps
STEP 9: The bookstore website window will automatically close after a short period of time and the you will see your Course Materials view in your selected course in Canvas. The status on the title will now appear as “Purchased” and the button will read “Reveal Access Code”. The bookstore website window will close after a short period of time and you will see your Course Materials vide in Canvas. The title will be labled “purchased” and you can select the “Reveal Access Code” link to receive your Connect access code.

12 Student registration steps
STEP 10: You will receive a “code activation confirmation” message. You must acknowledge this message by clicking “Confirm and Reveal Access Code.” Choose the “Confirm and Reveal Access Code” button to receive your code

13 Student registration steps
STEP 11: You will be presented with Access Code redemption window. By clicking “Copy Code & Launch Site” you will be taken directly to the McGraw-Hill website to register, redeem code and begin interacting with course materials. On the next window, choose the “Copy Code and Launch Site” button to move into the Connect registration sequence

14 Student registration steps
STEP 12: On the section “Welcome” page, enter your address and choose the “Register Now” button It is recommended to use your school/institution address when creating an account. If you’ve used Connect before, use the address that you have used in the past. You are now automatically in the Connect registration section. Enter your school address [or the address you’ve used for Connect in the past]

15 Student registration steps
STEP 13: If you do not have a Connect account, you will be prompted to create an account. If you are new to Connect, you’ll complete a brief information page

16 Student registration steps
STEP 14: On the following page either choose “find my account” if you’ve used Connect before or “continue with my new account” if this is your first time using the platform. If you have used Connect before, choose “Find My Account”. If you are new to Connect, choose “Continue with my new account”

17 Student registration steps
STEP 15: Because you’ve purchased the discounted code through the “Student Best Value” program, enter your code in the “already purchased” section. NOTE: you do NOT need to buy anything further but you can order a low cost looseleaf version of the text later in the process. Because you’ve purchased the discounted code through the “Student Best Value” program, PASTE the code that was revealed the “already purchased” section. NOTE: you do NOT need to buy anything further but you can order a low cost looseleaf version of the text later in the process.

18 Student registration steps
You have successfully joined the class. Click GO TO CONNECT. Choose the “Go to Connect” button to proceed into the platform

19 Course home In the future, you’ll access Connect by choosing your individual Connect assignments posted in your Canvas course In the future, you’ll access Connect by choosing your individual Connect assignments posted in your Canvas course

20 Where to Go For Help: Connect Tech Support CALL: (800) 331-5094
& CHAT: MONDAY-THURSDAY: 24 hours FRIDAY: 12 AM - 9 PM EST SATURDAY: 10 AM - 8 PM EST SUNDAY: 12 PM – 12 AM EST FIND MORE SUPPORT: FIND MORE TIPS: NOTE: If you contact your instructor with a technical question, you will be asked to provide a case number from tech support before your concern is escalated. ********************************************* FOR YOUR BOOKSTORE PURCHASE: If you have any issues with your order, use the Order # as reference when you open a help desk ticket at I’d like to make sure you know where to go for help if you need it. Should you have questions about anything of a technical nature while you are registering or once you are in Connect, you can contact McGraw-Hill’s Customer Experience Group. They are available 24 hours a day Monday through Thursday, and they have extensive hours on the weekends as well. You can call, chat, complete an online web form, or access their online Knowledge Base to find an answer for yourself. If you have any issues with your bookstore order, use the Order # as reference when you open a help desk ticket at

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