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Romans 12-13.

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1 Romans 12-13

2 Series Outline Living Sacrifice, (12:1) A Changed Life, (12:2)
Walk According to Your Abilities, (12:3-8) Walk According to Your Calling: In Love, (12:9-10) Fervent in Spirit, (12:11-12) How we interact with Others, ( 12:13-16) Dealing with Vengeance, (12:17- 13:7)

3 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Rom 12:13-16, Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

4 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Church caring for their own Act 2:44-47 Acts 3:34-37 Acts 11:27-30 Qualified widows Act 6:1-4 I Tim 5:3-16

5 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Church caring for their own Church caring for other Christians Rom 15:25-28 I Cor 16:1-3 II Cor 8:1-5 II Cor 9:1-15

6 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help needy Saints, vs. 13 Church caring for their own Church caring for other Christians Church caring for Paul Phil 4:14-19

7 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 All that believed – Acts 2:44,45 Them that believed – Acts 4:32-35 The disciples – Acts 6:1 Relief unto the brethren – Acts 11:29 Unto the saints – Rom. 15:25 For the poor saints – Rom. 15:26 Accepted of the saints – Rom. 15:31 Collection for the saints - 1 Cor. 16:1 Ministering to the saints – 2 Cor. 8:4 Supplied the need of the saints – 2 Cor. 9:1,12 Relieve the widows indeed – 1 Tim 5:16

8 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Pursue Hospitality, vs. 13 Heb 13:2, entertain strangers

9 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Pursue Hospitality, vs. 13 Bless Those Who Pursue You, vs. 14 Mt 5:21-26 Mt 5:43-47 Rom 12:19-21

10 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Pursue Hospitality, vs. 13 Bless Those Who Pursue You, vs. 14 Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice, vs. 15 Rom 12:4-5

11 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Pursue Hospitality, vs. 13 Bless Those Who Pursue You, vs. 14 Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice, vs. 15 Be Humble, vs. 16 Jas 2:1-9 Jn 17:20-21 Phil 2:1-11

12 Walk According To Your Calling: Interaction with Others
Help Needy Saints, vs. 13 Pursue Hospitality, vs. 13 Bless Those Who Pursue You, vs. 14 Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice, vs. 15 Be Humble, vs. 16

13 Series Outline Living Sacrifice, (12:1) A Changed Life, (12:2)
Walk According to Your Abilities, (12:3-8) Walk According to Your Calling: In Love, (12:9-10) Fervent in Spirit, (12:11-12) How we interact with Others, ( 12:13-16) Dealing with Vengeance, (12:17- 13:7)

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