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*All ideas can be used with a projector or television using S-Video Connection Ideas compiled by Sharon Thornton, Instructional Technology Ways to use.

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Presentation on theme: "*All ideas can be used with a projector or television using S-Video Connection Ideas compiled by Sharon Thornton, Instructional Technology Ways to use."— Presentation transcript:

1 *All ideas can be used with a projector or television using S-Video Connection Ideas compiled by Sharon Thornton, Instructional Technology Ways to use your Projector with your Computer to Enhance ClassroomInstruction Includes Contest Ideas and winners Ways to use your Projector with your Computer to Enhance Classroom Instruction Includes Contest Ideas and winners Let the Show Begin!

2 Use Jump Slides to organize content Submittted by Brooke Perry Kindergarten Moseley Elementary K-1 Wonderful idea to use for creating units of study. Example: Create a power point about plants, and then add Hyperlinks to specific information on the Internet so when you click on them it will open the website right from the power point. Great way to organize your teaching!

3 Display Software Program Manipulatives to Enhance your teaching Open a program such as Pixie 2. Open Stickers>Clip Art>Math Folder> 3-D Shapes. Bring in shapes, then click on Options to rotate objects to determine properties. There are also stickers for Money, Shapes, dice, base-10 blocks, clocks and fractions Submitted by Su-Su Collier -1 st Grade- Williams Elementary K-1

4 Play Sound Effects as moods for Writing Prompts- Awesome! Thunderstorm, dinosaur, space and whale sounds Submitted by Sunny Allen- 2 nd grade Williams Elementary 2-3

5 Play Educational Songs to Introduce and Reinforce Subject Content Submitted by Sunny Allen- 2 nd grade Williams Elementary

6 Science & Math-Daily Practice Mr. Sorianos 2 nd grade class at Williams uses the Weather Channel to check daily weather.Weather Channel Students become weather announcers as they point out the 5 day forecast along with high and low temperatures of the week. They compare and order these numbers. Students can also view Forecast or Storm Watch Videos from live links. The Weather Channel for kids The Weather Channel for kids 2-3

7 Daily Math Integration 1: Here is one of Mr. Sorianos students using the Weather Channel date to calculate the difference between the high and low temperature. Science & Math-Daily Practice

8 Daily Math Integration 2: Here is one of Mr. Sorianos students using the Weather Channel data to practice daily graphing skills. Science & Math-Daily Practice

9 Display Daily News/Current Events to spark Classroom Discussions Time for Kids Scholastic News for Kids National Geographic News Kids Newsroom PBS News Hour Submitted by : Misty Andersen 4 th Grade Houston Elementary 4-5 Students view Live video footage on CCN as they discuss the current fire situation

10 Teaming up: Review Games to Tackle the TAKS Teachers had all the 4 th grade classes in the lab to play a TAKS review game that Mrs. Almanza created in Power Point. The classes competed for points. A wonderful way to review concepts that offers a refreshing type of review for students. Submitted by Irma Almanza 4th Grade- Williams Elementary Mrs. Almanza managed the power point from the teacher station Mrs. Villarreal managed student responses 4 -5

11 Teaming up: Review Games to Tackle the TAKS More Information Students used Eggspert, a classroom game management system to respond to questions.

12 Each student created a word problem in Pixie 2 software. They all saved to one folder on the student drive, and then the teacher created a video that she will play in class to let students solve each math problem. Click here for directions. This is a great way to engage and motivate students! Click here for directionsClick here for directions Submitted by Robin Orozco 5 th Grade- Moseley Elementary Display Student Work as a Teaching Tool 4-5 Also submitted by Robin Averitt- 3 rd Grade- Williams Elementary

13 Display Internet Images and Pictures to Enhance Instruction Art teacher Amanda Borowczak displaying beautiful images of ocean creatures My projector displays work so that students may sit on the carpet and at the table closest to the carpet. It shines the width of a King Size Sheet, so that call students can properly viewed what is displayed and never complain about not being able to see. I created the screen myself with a few small hooks, carabineers and a king size sheet. (all cost less than $25.00) I chose to arrange my project over the carpet area because it promotes student learning and invites student to engage in conversations with each other. Specials

14 Create/Use Review Games to increase student involvement Looking for Pre-made Review Games and Concept Slide Shows? Jefferson County Schools: Petes PowerPoint Station: Mrs. Aleman created a fraction review game for her 3 rd grade students at Williams to help them prepare for the TAKS test as change up from paper pencil reviews. 2-3

15 Display books for shared reading that you create using PowerPoint. Submitted by Brooke Perry-Kindergarten Moseley Elementary Need a big book for a specific topic or skill? Cant find one that fits? Create your own books for shared reading using PowerPoint. Display the text on the t.v. screen or projector. -Visit for links to PowerPoint books for ideas. There are several which are ready for use. Just download them, save, and reopen when youre ready for shared reading.

16 Display Online Maps as a Teaching Resource National Geographic Xpeditions Atlas Maps World Atlas Map Machine by National Geographic Google Maps Maps that Teach Houghton/Mifflin Online Maps Google Earth Application

17 Interactive Slides such as Close Activities to aide in instruction Submitted by Jennifer Melton 4 th Grade Moseley Elementary *When the teacher or student click on the blank, The answer flies in in blue letters. Close Activity. *Use as an introduction or review for writing strategies.

18 Use Powerpoints with embedded videos for class discussions, reviews Students watch the embedded video and then Answer questions as a class. Submitted by Kathleen Andrews Technology Facilitator

19 Post Objectives Recognize and Create Alliteration (repeated sounds in text) big brown bear This is a slide from Mrs. Perrys PowerPoint where she has slides for all her objectives for her kindergarten students at Moseley.

20 Model Research Directions from your classroom ahead of time to save time in the computer lab Here she showed her students where she wanted them to go for research and what to do when they get there. Great time-saver idea! Submitted by Alicia Adame 5 th Grade- Houston Elementary

21 Display Graphic Organizers/Thinking Maps Good visualization for student note-taking and labeling Use Kidspiration and Inspiration software to create your graphic organizers. Remember: All the Thinking Map Templates are located inside these software programs. Kidspiration: Click on Reading and Writing Activities. Inspiration: File>Templates> Thinking Submitted by Audra Thornton- Kinder- Houston

22 Incorporate music and movement into your daily activities while connecting literacy as students view the words to familiar songs. Submitted by Brooke Perry Kindergarten Moseley Elementary

23 Submitted by Mrs. Perrys Class When our class earns 10 bumble bees, we will have a popsicle party! Who will on their best behavior Have a classroom competition between table groups or boys vs. girls. As students are caught beeing good and making good choices, add points or icons to their groups score card. Reward the group with the highest number of points at the end of the day or week. Especially at the end of the school year and at exciting times in the school year, students can benefit from positive reinforcement on a daily basis. Teachers can also allow the entire class to work together, and once they earn a certain number of points, the entire class could receive a reward,

24 Display Assignment Directions This is power point slide. You can use every year. Submitted by Brooke Perry Kindergarten Moseley Elementary

25 79418202611158 1419101613 312501 SWAT Teacher can call out numbers for number recognition, addition or multiplication facts (Swat the sum or product of 3+2), or compare numbers. Students come up and Swat the correct answer. Submitted by Brooke Perry & Tina Sanders Moseley Elementary Note: I saw giant plastic flyswatters At the dollar store last week.

26 Get Students Excited about Conducting Science Experiments by Showing Scientific Investigation Clips: Submitted by Brooke Perry Kindergarten- Moseley Use the scientific method, view the 2-5 minute clips, discuss, and conduct your own experiments.

27 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 20 30 40 50 Power Point Jeopardy Submitted by Rozanne Fleischer & Sarah Johnson Moseley Elementary Create and Play Review Games with your Class -Power Point Bingo

28 Manage Literacy Centers Submitted by Su-Su Collier 1 st Grade- Williams ElementaryComputer CJ, John Listening Cody, Jairius Big Books Rheanna, Valarie Puzzles Sophia, Emani Bang Jewelly, Kynecha, Alazea Free Reading Roman, River Making Words Ian, Nathan P Following Directions Yulianna, Jocelyn Poems Nathan I, Hector WorkStation Day 1A Just change the student names each day

29 Classroom Management: Display Announcements, Assignments, Directions Mrs. Almanzas 4 th grade class at Williams knows exactly what to do each morning because she displays a Power Point slide that she changes daily. Another idea: display directions to assignments or activities for student reference. You could be any program including Word or Pixie 2.

30 Review Word Wall Words or Math Facts -During down time while students are lining up You could also play Around the World as a review game to strength visual memory. Also submitted by Tamara Hunter, 2st grade- Houston Elementary

31 Show Discovery Streaming Videos Make it interactive: Pause video to ask questions, start discussions

32 Classroom Management: Timers Online Timers: Online Stop Watch- Toolbox Timer: (Choose Elapsed or countdown.) Vicki Blackwell Timer:

33 Graph and Analyze Data as a Class Using online graphing tools Create a Graph by Kid Zone- NECS Amble Web Grapher: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: Bar Graph Sorter by Shodor:

34 Google Earth for Science Science: Check the Weather Layer and you can check the daily weather, get a 5 day forecast and compare the weather with other parts of the world. Zoom out for a country or world view to see the weather patterns.

35 Google Earth for Social Studies 1. Click on View>Grid to see latitude and longitude lines to view the equator. 2. Demonstrate night and day (time zone) Click on the sun in the tool bar. 3. Fly to historic places. Check the Geographic Web layer to see images.

36 Use Interactive Sites to Teach Concepts This activity taken from Virtual Library of Virtual Manipulatives

37 Display Software Program Graphics to Enhance your teaching Open a program such as Pixie 2. Open Stickers>Clip Art>Weather There are stickers for space, maps, plants and seasons, life cycles and animals. Dont forget the premade templates: Click on the Open Folder and choose Activities

38 Provide Clear Notes Strengthen Note-taking skills You could also put up spelling words or notes from a lecture you give.

39 Introduce and Review Concepts Increase Student Interest and Involvement Mrs. Averitts 3 rd Grade class at Williams reviews plant concepts through this C-Scope slide show. Notice how students are up out of their seat to interact with the review game.

40 Provide Feedback Students and are rewarded in front of their peers with a positive feedback slide for a correct answer.

41 Physical Activities Coach Carroll at Williams Elementary displays an exercise video on her gym wall so several grade levels can easily follow each step. Classroom Idea: Too wet to go outside for recess-Get indoor exercise! Discovery Streaming Videos: Rainy Day Recess One: Primary Grades Rainy Day Recess One: Primary Grades Rainy Day Recess One: Intermediate Grades Rainy Day Physical Education: Primary Grades

42 Information Management Tool Display as students enter the room in the morning. Hot Lunch Pizza Submitted by Su-Su Collier 1 st Grade- Williams Elementary

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