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“Our vision is for a Scotland where people who are disabled or living with long term conditions and unpaid carers have a strong voice and enjoy their right.

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Presentation on theme: "“Our vision is for a Scotland where people who are disabled or living with long term conditions and unpaid carers have a strong voice and enjoy their right."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Our vision is for a Scotland where people who are disabled or living with long term conditions and unpaid carers have a strong voice and enjoy their right to live well.”

2 National Links Worker Programme #makeslinks
Roseann Logan Chris Gourley Community Links Manager Learning and Evaluation Officer

3 #makeslinks Dahlgreen & Whitehead 1991

4 Role of the CLP One-to-one solution focussed interactions
#makeslinks Role of the CLP One-to-one solution focussed interactions Practice development work Community network building

5 Capacities of the ‘Links Approach’
#makeslinks Capacities of the ‘Links Approach’ Team wellbeing Shared learning Awareness Intelligence Signposting Problem solving Network building Safe environment Protected time Links triggers Information gathering Practice systems Personal wellbeing Skills and knowledge Social models Curation Accessible formats Identify barriers Motivational support Enough time Shared stories Self management Point of need availability Acceptable and meaningful Find solutions, offer help Community relationships Creative solutions Local capacity building

6 #makeslinks Protecting time to enable weekly / bi-weekly / monthly meetings between CLP & team Practice blog Supporting local community assets bids for funding

7 #makeslinks Protecting time to enable weekly / bi-weekly / monthly meetings between CLP & team Practice blog Supporting local community assets bids for funding

8 #makeslinks I think this is ****
Awareness of safety climate and what could be improved Awareness of the links approach and benefit of such

9 #makeslinks

10 #makeslinks Staff training Creating community signposting protocols

11 #makeslinks List of vulnerable adults Review policies & protocols

12 #makeslinks Hosting coffee mornings
Getting out in to community (see blog)

13 #makeslinks

14 #makeslinks

15 #makeslinks Referrals to Community Links Practitioners* 2188 1465
Links Worker Programme April 2014 – February 2016 inclusive Number of referrals received Number of Individuals worked with 2188 1465 Rolling conversion rate: (67%) *numbers do not include referrals made directly to resources by practice staff

16 #makeslinks Female

17 Physical health issues
#makeslinks Social issues Physical health issues 23 No referral reason recorded 13 54 23 5 62 12 Female 61 An analysis of the first 253 people referred to CLP Mental health issues

18 “Life without Mummy and Daddy” ‘Jade’ 11 years old

19 #makeslinks

20 #makeslinks Cameron’s woman supported to attend creative writing classes, poem was published in MHA&F festival, Acknowledged CLP. Football memories project for Men with dementia

21 #makeslinks GP practice undertook tour at Christmas. People now being signposted to courses delivered at resource centre. Individual with addiction issues.

22 #makeslinks

23 Any questions? Thank you #makeslinks @lwpmakeslinks

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