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Citing and Properly using the Academic Research site

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1 Citing and Properly using the Academic Research site
How to Use EBSCO Citing and Properly using the Academic Research site

2 Why EBSCO? The EBSCO database only uses peer-reviewed sources and authors in it’s database “Peer-reviewed” means that the article has been through the following steps Written by a person of standing in this academic field (someone with a degree or career focused only on this subject) Edited by their peers (fellow experts/professors) Submitted to an academic journal Blind-reviewed by several other peers around the nation Edited once more by the author and resubmitted Published in an Academic Journal with long-standing credibility

3 Why EBSCO? Thinking about the concept of peer review, it is easy to see why your teachers trust this more than Wikipedia. Other sites, and even some news sources, are created or written by people who do not have to vouch for their knowledge or expertise in the field that they are writing about. Domains like “.com,” “.net,” and “.org” are all available for purchase, meaning that they can be created by anyone with a bank account. (.edu and .gov cannot be purchased) For example, there is a site online (with a “.org” address) about a prominent civil rights leader that is run by a member of the KKK. These peer-reviewed articles are also the only types of sources you will be able to use in college

4 Logging in Follow the link exactly
You will not need to log in if you are on a district computer You’ll know if you’re logged in when it says “PEARLAND IND SCH DIST” on the top right corner Log in using the credentials in packet #2 Follow the next steps in the following pictures

5 Click on “EBSCOhost Research Database”

6 On this page, you must check a source in order to have it included in your search. “Academic Search Complete” is the best overview for all topics, but also skim to see if there are others you’d like to include. Click “Continue” when finished.

7 Enter your search into the search bar

8 On the side, check the boxes to mark “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed” Journals.” There are more customization options on this side, so fix any other problems here.

9 Scroll over for the “Abstract” (i.e. summary)
Format of the article Source Where possible, you will want to look at the PDF formats because they include page numbers.

10 Citation help Publication info 
Other chapters in this issue of the journal  Citation help

11 Before you leave… Add the relevant information to your source notes page Add the quotes that you might use Note the info needed for your works cited pages (pages, author, etc.) Note the database where you found the article so that you can find it again if you need to If you are having a lot of trouble searching for your topic, try the research tips from this site:

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