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API RP 17A - Discussion Points

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1 API RP 17A - Discussion Points
Task Group Members There are over forty task group members which includes the Work Group Chair for each of the other API 17 series documents. updated TARGET DATES FOR DELIVERABLES Currently addressing the comments received from the last send out. The document will then be submitted to API for editorial review and future ballot. MAJOR ISSUES There were two actions noted in the June meeting to address the major issues outstanding on the document. They are: Action: The task group is to address “What is the purpose of this document?” Action: API 17A is the “traffic-cop” to determine content with other SC17 documents. These will be addressed in the next two slides. API RP 17 A – Winter 2016 Update

2 API RP 17A - Discussion Points
Action: What is the purpose of this document? - This has not changed and is stated in the beginning of the document: API RP 17A provides general requirements and recommendations for the development of subsea production systems, from the design phase to decommissioning and abandonment. System Engineering has already been addressed in this document and its sister ISO document in previous revisions. This latest revision has expanded the information on it since no other API 17 series document addresses it. This is also an area that can be further expanded on in the future. However how general requirements and recommendations are addressed in the document has changed: Equipment requirements intended to specific types of equipment have been removed. Previously the document did have to state requirements for equipment not covered in a specific API 17 series document, however now there are specific documents for all major subsea equipment. Reference and describe the other API 17 series documents and technical reports in the document. This provides an overview of all of the API 17 series documents . Additionally: Proposes common terminology for testing in API 17 series documents. This is being worked with the API 17Q Task Group. Title of Presentation

3 API RP 17A - Discussion Points
Action: API 17A is the “traffic-cop” to determine content with other SC17 documents. In the June meeting, the Chairman emphasized that all Task Group Leaders are members of the 17A Task Group and should collectively make decisions as to what is kept in individual documents versus what should be elevated for general coverage in 17A. To address this the following approach was taken: To avoid duplication of equipment requirements in multiple documents, API 17A does not repeat requirements which already existed in another document for equipment.  Instead it references the other document. API 17A cannot impose requirements on subsea equipment across multiple API 17 series documents without agreement by their Task Groups that they are correct and acceptable for their equipment. This resulted in the document moving to using general statements since it is not only difficult to state a requirement that works across several types of equipment, but it is also difficult for other Task Groups to meet to review the 17A document to see if there are issues. This is especially true for Task Groups that are not regularly meeting at this time. Title of Presentation

4 TR13 and TR14 - Discussion Points
TR13 - General Overview of Subsea Production Systems updated TARGET DATES FOR DELIVERABLES Document already balloted. All comments addressed and document now ready to be published. MAJOR ISSUES There are no issues. TR14 - Flow Assurance It is the recommendation based on the comments received and subsequent discussions that this document is not released and the project is closed. To conclude this work a formal vote is needed. This was discussed in the August meeting. A straw vote was then taken and everyone was in agreement to close the project without releasing a document at that time. API RP 17 A – Summer 2015 Update

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