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Fall in love with Jesus, not money or material things

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2 Fall in love with Jesus, not money or material things
Fall in love with Jesus, not money or material things. Don’t be deceived, running to and fro, looking for those who can astonish you with some new spiritual insight of mesmerize you by performing great miracles.


4 Jimmy Swaggart declares that "Sex education classes in our public schools are promoting incest."
Denounces New Orleans preacher Marvin Gorman (extramarital affairs.) Gorman is defrocked. Jimmy Swaggart denounces PTL minister Jim Bakker for committing adultery, calling him "a cancer in the body of Christ."

5 Jimmy Swaggart photographed with prostitute Debra Murphree outside the Travel Inn in Lake Charles, LA. Jimmy Swaggart tearfully begs God’s forgiveness on his TV show, "I have sinned against you, my Lord."

6 Psychodynamic Theory

7 Psychodynamic Theory

8 Freud Created image of what a psychologist looks like

9 Freud Time period Medical degree The “Scientific Project”
Physician who studied neurology The “Scientific Project” Introduced cocaine to Europe as an alternative to morphine Hypnosis

10 Sigmund Freud Greatest contributions Behavior can be unconscious
Children engage in and think about sexuality even at an early age 3) The “talking cure” 4) The first comprehensive theory of personality

11 Key Ideas Psychic Determinism Everything that happens has a cause
This cause can be discovered No accidents! Forget names, places Drop something, etc. The cause can be discovered Why don’t you know about these causes?

12 Key Ideas Unconscious Psychic determinism leads directly to the unconscious! Research shows the mind does do many things at once that we are not always aware of

13 Key Ideas Internal Structure Psychic Conflict
Mind is different than brain The MIND has three “parts” Psychic Conflict These parts may conflict with each other

14 Key Ideas Mental Energy Psychic energy / Libido Laws of thermodynamics
The mind needs “energy” to make it go Psychic energy / Libido Thanatos Laws of thermodynamics Energy can not be created or destroyed Energy is finite Energy in one part of the mind, can’t be used for another

15 Key Ideas Doctrine of Opposites
Everything in life contains opposites Happiness vs. sadness Extremes on any dimension tend to be more similar to each other than in the middle

16 Key Ideas Census Crusader Pornographer

17 Key Ideas Thinks about it & Defines their life Census Crusader

18 Key Ideas

19 Key Ideas Thinks about dress Thinks about others Defines self by dress

20 Personality Development
Psychosexual stages from birth to maturation Proceeds in a prescribed manner Based on which part of the body is most sensitive to excitation Emphasis is on pleasure not sex Libido – the sexual energy and becomes attached or associated with needs of the individual

21 What is a baby like?

22 What is a baby like?

23 What is a baby like?

24 Pure evil?

25 Id “It” Baby is pure id Primitive Where libido comes from
Unverbalized needs, wants, and feelings Think of the worst thought Where libido comes from Baby is mass of needs

26 Id Pleasure principle Primary process thinking “I want it all now!”
UCS No “words” No qualification, no sense of time, etc. Goal: immediate gratification of every need

27 How does a baby get pleasure?

28 Oral Stage The primary source of pleasure is in the mouth (only thing a child has control over) Libido is in the mouth, lips, and tongue Birth to about 18 months

29 Oral Stage Psychological Theme Dependency
A baby is completely dependent and passive What happens if the babies oral needs are satisfied at this stage?

30 Oral Stage If need are satisfied most of the libido moves to the next stage But If needs are not satisfied Needs are too satisfied Note: doctrine of opposites

31 Oral Stage Adult Personality Type “Oral character”
One of two extremes (both have issues focused on dependency and passivity) Doctrine of opposites Extremely independent Don’t want help from anyone! / “I can do it myself!” Extremely Passive Just wait for things to happen Think about what they want, rather then do something about it

32 Next Stage If “just enough” gratification

33 Next Stage If “just enough” gratification

34 Anal Stage Libido moves to elimination organs “Have to go!”
Age 1 – 3 years “Have to go!” Child needs to learn to control his or her bowels Note: Id doesn’t want to worry about this!

35 Anal Stage Ego is born “I”
Created because of awareness that one does not get everything one wants

36 Anal Stage Ego is born Reality principle Secondary process thinking
The way to get the most gratification in the long run is to make compromises Secondary process thinking What you think, “think” means! Rational, practical, etc.

37 Anal Stage Ego must deal with reality (parents) and the Id (want to go!). Psychological Theme Self Control and obedience “No!” Terrible twos Figure out power

38 Anal Stage If needs are satisfied most of the libido moves to the next stage But If too much control forced on child If too little control of child

39 Anal Stage Adult Personality Type “Anal character” Anal Retentive
One of two extremes (both have issues focused on control) Doctrine of opposites Anal Retentive Extremely organized / cannot tolerate disorganization Try to control every aspect of life (although like control from authority) Anal Expulsive Little or no self-control Disorganized, always late Dislike authority

40 Psychosexual Stages Stage Physical Focus Psychological Theme
Parts of the Mind Oral Mouth Dependency Pure Id Anal Elimination organs Self-Control Ego is born Libido

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