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Do Now: Sit down silently, take out a pen and a piece of loose-leaf. Nothing else should be on your desk but those two things! Read the work Ms. Landy.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Sit down silently, take out a pen and a piece of loose-leaf. Nothing else should be on your desk but those two things! Read the work Ms. Landy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Sit down silently, take out a pen and a piece of loose-leaf. Nothing else should be on your desk but those two things! Read the work Ms. Landy is going to hand out on your desk and check the corrections she made. If you have a syllabus signed, leave it in the upper right hand corner of your desk.

2 Champion Scholars Assignment
We’re going to write our rough drafts today! YAY!

3 What is it? A card with stats about you
Every scholar at PCA will complete it You will hand-write it. With approval, you will type it and add a photo. Then it will go on the class bulletin board!

4 How are we going to write them?
Outline for each paragraph Full example Together in class

5 First Paragraph – All About Me
My name is __________ __________. I am in sixth grade at Power Center Academy. Add a 2-3 sentences about your family. What are your hobbies? What are some of your favorites (food, color, sports teams, etc.) (3-4 sentences)? What is your personality like? Plus anything else you want us to know (2-3 sentences). Please take 10 minutes to do this.

6 Second Paragraph – Academic Goals
My academic goal for the school year is to _________________________. I plan to take the following steps: first step, second step, and third step. Additionally, I would like to join the __________ club/team. Why do you want to join (2-3 senteces)?

7 Third Paragraph – Future Career
I plan to become a ___________. I would like to be a _____________ because __________________ (2-3 sentences). To become a _____________, I will need to go to ______________ school.

8 Student’s Name Enter Section Enter Student’s Name Champion Scholar
Scholar Facts My name is Michael Bradley. I am a sixth grader at Power Center Academy. I am the oldest of three. I have two brothers. I love to read comics and play soccer. My favorite color is green. My favorite food is pizza. When people first meet me they think I am friendly but shy. Academic Goals This year my goal is to make honor roll for every report card. I plan to take the following steps: take good notes in class, ask questions when I don’t understand, study my notes before the test, and complete my homework. In addition, I want to tryout for the debate team. I am a big talker. I think I would like to debate topics with other kids. Future Career I plan to become a lawyer. I would like to be a sports attorney. It combines my love of sports and law. I know I need to go to college and law school. Student’s Name Enter Section

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