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Welcome to Year 5/6 Welcome to parents and teachers introduce themselves and say which class they are teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5/6 Welcome to parents and teachers introduce themselves and say which class they are teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5/6 Welcome to parents and teachers introduce themselves and say which class they are teaching.

2 Teams Shakespeare Class Year 5: Ms Gifkins and Miss Salinger Learning Support Assistant: Mrs D’arcy Tolkien Class Year 5 and 6: Mrs Whitmore and Miss Byrne Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Dudley Horowitz Class Year 6: Mrs Anstead and Mrs Adams Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Snelling APP cover: Miss Salinger

3 Topics Inventions Ancient Greeks Earth and space Autumn Term
Spring Term Summer Term Inventions Ancient Greeks Earth and space Topics will be …

4 Trips PGL Year 6 Year 5 pupils will be taken on a
trip during this week, and activities will be planned linked to this trip. We also have an, in school, Victorian workshop planned for this half term and a virtual space workshop planned for Summer term. The trips/visits will be ….

5 Homework (Weekly) Homework in Years 5 and 6 is very important to help your child prepare for secondary school. Please support your child in helping them to get their homework completed and handed in on time. Spellings are based on _______________________, ( the most commonly used words), when these are learned the children move to the National Literacy Strategy Spelling bank lists. Lists will go home on …… and will be tested on ……. Reading: The ideal would be to read with your child daily for a few minutes. We are enclosing a sheet which would help you read with your child.

6 Homework (Weekly) Literacy homework set on Tuesday for the following Monday. Maths homework set on Friday for the following Thursday. We will be alternating between My Maths and arithmetic homework (on paper). Weekly spelling rules will be taught and practised each day. Big Spell Beat that sheets already sent home for further practice. These will be tested each Friday and changed on a termly basis. Spellings are based on _______________________, ( the most commonly used words), when these are learned the children move to the National Literacy Strategy Spelling bank lists. Lists will go home on …… and will be tested on ……. Reading: The ideal would be to read with your child daily for a few minutes. We are enclosing a sheet which would help you read with your child. Grammar homework books will be given to Year 6 later in the term.

7 Uniform Label uniform/equipment clearly Black Shoes (Not trainers)
Shoulder-length hair tied back Plain gold or silver studs only (that can be taken off during P.E.) No nail varnish or tattoo transfers Correct P.E. kit every day of the week.

8 P.E. We are all doing P.E. on Wednesday. The second weekly lessons are on: Shakespeare – Friday Tolkien – Tuesday Horowitz - Thursday. After Christmas, the Wednesday P.E. will change as we won’t be doing basketball with the coach.

9 Parent Support Supporting homework – timetable.
Hearing your child read regularly; asking them questions about what they’ve read. Commenting on reading in reading records. Listening to readers. Make office aware if you can support with our trips. Labelled uniform/equipment E-safety

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