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Welcome to First Grade Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade Orientation

2 First Grade Team Melissa Crain Rachel Rice Debbie Hunt Pamela Slote
Sarah Genao

3 Parent Communication School and Teacher Email Phone Calls
School, Team and Teacher Websites Parent/Teacher Conferences

4 Healthy Snacks Keep it neat! Pretzels Goldfish Crackers Fruit
Water only (sport lids)

5 Homework Green homework folder
Homework sent home on Monday- due back on Friday (10 minutes per night) Poetry notebook sent home on Friday- due back on Monday Take home readers

6 Behavior, dress code and birthdays
Conduct sheets: Weekly behavior sheets will come home each Friday in the red folder. Positive reinforcement systems. Students earn “warm fuzzies” to trade in for valuable rewards! We will introduce earning coins very soon. Dress code: No flip flops on PE days. Shorts must be mid-thigh and no spaghetti strap tops. Birthdays: Birthday treats may be ordered from the cafeteria.

7 Writing Workshop Units Studied: Launching writing workshop
Personal narratives Poetry Non-fiction writing Daily Journals

8 What is the Daily 4? Students will engage in literacy rotations consisting of: Listening to reading, reading to self, partner reading and journal writing. Students will receive small group reading instruction. Look for books to come home soon!

9 Word Study Focus on spelling patterns and rules
Understand how words work High frequency sight words Dictation spelling tests will begin mid-year

10 First Grade Concepts Include:
Math First Grade Concepts Include: Addition/subtraction Problem Solving Estimation Graphing Geometry Measurement Place Value Money Time Wow!!!

11 Science Weather Seasons Life cycles Gardening
Hands-on Science Experiments

12 Social Studies Community Citizenship Culture Famous People Geography

13 Thanks for coming!

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