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Number Line Where are you on the learning journey?

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Presentation on theme: "Number Line Where are you on the learning journey?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Number Line Where are you on the learning journey?
Where do you want to get to? Level 2 3 4 5 6 Number Line I can order numbers to 100 using terms such as greater, less than and in between. I understand and can use place value in numbers up to 1000. I recognise negative numbers. I understand simple decimal notation. I can order decimals to two or three places. I can order positive and negative integers, decimals and fractions; use the number line as a model for ordering of the real numbers. I can use the symbols =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥ I can decide if a statement expressed algebraically is always true, sometimes true or never true and give reasons for my answer.

2 What does each of these symbols mean? < > = ≤ ≥ ≠
LO To use a number line to order numbers. RAG Key Words: Greater Than, Less Than, Equal 14-Nov-1814-Nov-18 Starter Activity Think / Pair / Share What does each of these symbols mean? < > = ≤ ≥ ≠ 2

3 Get your mini white boards ready -
True or False? Display the probing questions on the next 5 slides and ask pupils to respond with either true or false. Ask them to justify their responses.

4 -3 < -4

5 -8 > -3

6 =


8 All of these number are ≤ -4
0, -5, - 6, - 3, -4

9 Any number + 2 is ≥ 2

10 You must be ready to justify your decisions to the rest of the class.
Task One Choose 10 of the numbers from the boxes and position them on the line provided. Make sure you select numbers which will challenge you. You must be ready to justify your decisions to the rest of the class. How did you choose your numbers? Which numbers were easier to position? Are there any that you weren’t sure about? This task can be completed in pairs or small groups.


12 -3 10 193 459 100 -8 0.31 17 88 0.5 -20 72 - 𝟕 𝟓 𝟐𝟕 𝟑 - ⅕ 64 52 37 -7

13 You can use each card as many times as you like.
Task Two Use either the symbols or key words to create statements about the numbers on the cards. Create as many different statements as you can, using as many of the symbol cards or key words as you can. You can use each card as many times as you like. If possible try and link several cards together in one statement. Use the blank cards for your choice of number This task can be completed in pairs or small groups.

14 = ≠ < ≥ > ≤ Is the same as Is bigger than Is smaller than
Is equal to greater Than Is less Than

15 Extension Task. Decide if each statement is :- Always True Sometimes True Never True You must be able to give a reason for your answer. (Divide your sheet of paper into columns like this…) Always True Sometimes True Never True

16 Number Line Look back at your learning journey?
What new skills have you learnt? Use the confidence arrow to show how well you understand this new skill. Level 2 3 4 5 6 Number Line I can order numbers to 100 using terms such as greater, less than and in between. I understand and can use place value in numbers up to 1000. I recognise negative numbers. I understand simple decimal notation. I can order decimals to two or three places. I can order positive and negative integers, decimals and fractions; use the number line as a model for ordering of the real numbers. I can use the symbols =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥ I can decide if a statement expressed algebraically is always true, sometimes true or never true and give reasons for my answer.

17 I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else!
Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding. I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Print this slide 4 to a page.

18 I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else!
Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding. I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Print this slide 4 to a page.

19 I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else!
Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding. I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Print this slide 4 to a page.

20 I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else!
Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding. I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else! I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet. I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet. I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson. I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson. Print this slide 4 to a page.

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