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Welcome to Mr. Findlay’s Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Findlay’s Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Findlay’s Class!

2 By the end of today you should...
Know most of your classmates and a little something about them Know Mr. Findlay and a few things about him Have an understanding of the units that we will be studying this semester Have an understanding of what is expected of you with regards to the school and the science department, and.... Have an understanding of what Mr. Findlay expects from you for the remainder of the semester

3 1. Student Profile Sheet and Welcome Letter
Everyone needs to have one of the “Totally Confidential Student Profile Sheets” and you can start filling that out. The “Welcome Letter” is for you and your parents to look over and understand where you can access resources to help you be successful in this course.

4 Learning Skills and Expectations
Responsibility The ability to make and maintain learning commitments (to oneself and others) in line with established classroom norms/routines. Organization The ability to manage and prioritize materials, information and time towards the achievement of goals. Independent Work The ability to follow directions, self assess and complete work (without prompting or re-direction) in relation to success criteria. Collaboration The ability to work with others, both face-to-face and virtually, toward a goal and in a variety of roles. Initiative The ability to self-start, self assess, and self advocate based upon curiosity, openness to new ideas, a positive attitude toward learning and feedback in relation to goals. Learning Skills & Work Habits Self-regulation The ability to set, monitor, and revise plans, attitudes, and behaviours to take strategic action toward the achievement of goals (cognitive, social and emotional).

5 2. What do you expect? What makes a teacher a “good teacher”?
What have you heard about me?

6 3. Course Profile: Science Dept. Expectations
Units of Study Evaluation Reminders Tips for Success

7 4. What Can I Do To Be Successful?
There are two basic things that are going to help you while you are pursuing your goals. What do you think they are? Your level of interest and effort in the course: If you want to get successful in this course (and success for you is going to be different than your neighbor) you are going to need to work. You are going to need to do mandatory homework consistently. You are going to need to ask questions. You are going to need to pay attention and work hard for 75 minutes a day (and sometimes for some concepts, more). How quickly the material comes to you: If the material comes to you more quickly, meaning, you understand it with less practice; then it is going to be beneficial. If you struggle with the material, see #1.

8 5. Classroom Charter These are my “promises” to you...
You all have my trust and respect at this point in the semester. If you abide by my classroom rules and try your best to get E’s in the learning skills categories then I will try my VERY best to keep my promises to you. Everyone has to sign the class copy on the back of your student profile...

9 6. What do you remember from last year?
What was the easiest…? What was the most challenging?

10 Starting off right… Online Textbook Cards Moodle Access: SNC 2D SLSS
The Periodic Table Structure of the Atom Watch the videos listed on the website and complete the handout.

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