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Integrating the eContent Community

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1 Content Village -
Integrating the eContent Community ISSS/LORIS 2004 Conference, Hradec Kralove, 29 March 2004


3 Action Line 1.2 Creation of a European data collection Objective
Creation of a scientific and medical data collection (dangerous agents, risk factors, assessed effects), technical information (safety protective measures, equipment and devices), regulatory and legal information Action Line 1.2 Creation of a European data collection WORKSAFE aims to make it easier to access and use the wealth of data available in Europe on health protection of workers and safety in the workplace. The high risk of activities involving the use of toxic and noxious substances has been studied for a long time, and a considerable amount of information has been collected throughout Europe on this subject, both by EU and national public institutions. WORKSAFE aims to improve the access to, and use of, these data, which are generally held by research institutes, public health institutions and hospitals. In particular, the project focuses on setting up a pan-European distributed database and developing a set of Web-based access services to allow the content that is available in this area to be exploited. The aim is to run a demonstration pilot application in the key sector of risks related to cancer and chronic degenerative diseases in highly exposed working environments. These include health care institutions, biological, chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories and industries. Next Slide Using the most advanced multimedia techniques for information communication and dissemination, WORKSAFE will make a wide range of multi-sectoral data accessible through global network services. The information will include scientific and medical data (e.g. dangerous agents, mixtures and exposures, risk factors, epidemiological data); technical information (e.g. safety protective measures, equipment and devices); and regulatory and legal information (e.g. safety norms, laws and regulations, professional charges for risk and safety assessment, national and EU directives). Market/Users Health care institutions, biological, chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories and industries.

4 Partners Public Health Institutions Private Sector

5 Cross Lingual 2 Action Line 2.1
Partnerships for multilingual and multicultural content Cross Lingual 2 Objective Provide news, policy positions, discussion forums and contacts on selected EU affairs topics. Content adaptation by other policy portals: decentralised method for seven other languages. CrossLingual II is a demonstration project gathering, editing and disseminating multilingual content on EU policies, involving a network of partners at EU and national level with content and commercial objectives. The project will promote multilingual EU policy content via networks. It is based on the EurActiv web site developed under the 2001 eContent preparatory action "Working prototype for Multilingual Policy Portal", involving SYSTRAN (translation software), Euractiv and IFJ (International Federation of Journalists), and launched in EU circles in French and English. The project aims at developing CrossLingual content from six members from three countries and promoting new multilingual capabilities through the use of a translation workbench. Next slide The project is based on the web channel; other media will be explored as well as a network of policy portals on the model of the Brussels one. Paris, Berlin and London are planned for the future, in addition to further partners in 12 countries (11 having been agreed for content production and dissemination, and 15 identified for commercial dissemination). Market/Users Industry and civil society organisations which take part in EU policy making.

6 Cross Lingual 2 Partners
Content Providers and Publishers Language Translation and Localisation Cross Lingual 2 Partners Nouvelles communautaires, Positions et Acteurs Européens Software Platform International Federation of Journalists

7 Action Line 2.1 Partnerships for multilingual and multicultural content Objective Content creation, localisation and commercialisation of multilingual on-line content for children In this project, four SMEs will set up a platform for the creation, localisation and commercialisation of multilingual on-line content for children. As well as creating content, off-line legacy content (digital and non-digital) will be reused. The content will be multi-level, so that it can be exploited within one framework but also as individual content entities. By using state-of-the-art technology for the on-line clearing of copyright (using a B2B site for on- line licensing) and multiple and flexible commercial models, the project will enable the commercialisation of content, also for emerging platforms such as interactive television and mobile broadband. In order to obtain concrete results, the project will focus on content on one specific subject: Nature. The content will be centred around one character (Oscar the Balloonist). The content will be localised for different European regions and languages. Pilot projects in which the content is exploited in an economically viable way will be set up during the project. Market/Users Parents that want to teach to their children notions of the local nature

8 eContent Accompanying Measures
Scope: AMs address a broader population within the targeted sector Major role Awareness and dissemination activities Promoting/Publicising the eContent programme and its results Supporting exchange of best practice Objective: Stimulating cross-fertilisation between eContent programme actors Flexible funding scheme Scope: AMs address a broader population within the target sector While individual projects tend to focus on specific issues in a given domain, accompanying measures are meant to address and prove relevant for a broader cross-section of industry and society. Accompanying measures address at a wider population within the target sectors. (target groups addressed by the eContent programme include Internet related SMEs that exploit e-content products and services, entrepreneurs, starts-ups, public authorities and professional associations on a regional, national and international level. Target groups however vary according to the scope of the Action Lines of the programme. Major role: Awareness and dissemination activities Promoting/ Publicising the eContent programme and its results Supporting exchange of best practice Accompanying measures typically address documentation, dissemination and exchange of best practice and awareness and dissemination activities such as industry-led web portals, project clustering and concertation, case studies, print and electronic publications and presentations at major public events; etc. for example in the area of web internationalisation, e-content localisation, cross-cultural information and transaction services, etc. (Also pending on Action Lines), Objective: Stimulating cross-fertilisation between eContent programme actors Accompanying measures are supposed to achieve an higher level of cross-fertilisation between industrial, professional and national activities in the field thus multiplying the results of the programme Flexible funding scheme Accompanying measures are characterised by a flexible funding scheme ranging from 50% to 100% of the total cost depending on the type of action. As a general rule, accompanying measures are based upon multi-party, multi-nation partnerships, although single-country or single-contractor actions are eligible as well.

9 Roles and Objectives Content Village
Supporting eContent programme participants Multiplying eContent programme results Fostering dynamic interaction with all relevant programme actors Stimulating the European Content Industry through programme information and results dissemination

10 Target Groups Content Village
European Commission Programme participants Content Village Public authorities Public sector institutions Venture capitalists Appropriate industries and associations General public

11 Dissemination Elements
Results Showcase Content Village Results Referencing Results Award / Thematic VR Exhibition 300+ links to Content Village 1600 Registered users Results Sharing Results Public Events Presentation Technological Platform


13 eContent National Contact Points
Informing, awareness raising Advising, assisting and training Signposting Informing, awareness raising Circulate documentation Enhance content production Organize promotional activities Raise awareness for Community objectives Raise awareness for other programs Advising, assisting and training Explain scope and modalities of eContent instruments Advise on administrative procedures & contractual issues Assist in partner search activities Increase participation by assisting organisations Organise training sessions Advise potential consortia Assist EC with regional or national input Signposting Improve access to PSI Give feedback to the Commission Signpost to other EC network services Inform the Commission about planned activities and events Characteristics of the NCPs Good knowledge of the EC & of domain Competent to provide assistance services Skills in project management & financing Experience of reaching the target audiences with a good knowledge of the national landscape Adequate human resources & equipment Able to act as independent organisation(s) Suitable to join an international system Able to co-ordinate different actors A minimum: reachable by phone, fax & during working hours, with a website NCP Czech Republic Eva Hillerova and Katarina Klusackova Technology Centre Rozvojova Praha 6



16 Content Village Office

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