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Open researcher and contributor ID

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1 Open researcher and contributor ID
ORCiD Open researcher and contributor ID

2 What is ORCiD? ORCiD is a global registry of researchers and their research – over 3.7m worldwide as of August 2017 Provides each researcher with a unique 16-digit identifier Researchers can then link all their research (publications, grants, etc.) to this ID

3 Why is it useful and important?
An ORCID iD reliably connects you with your works, awards, and affiliations. Use it whenever prompted (or required to do so), for example, when submitting a manuscript or applying for a grant. Helps to avoid mistaken identity and the confusion of names (esp. for those with common names; who have changed names; whose names have been translated differently etc.) Helps you to get full credit for your work – and that no-one else is credited for your work Portable and life-long: your ID remains the same no matter how many times you move institutions

4 More reasons… You own and control your record, managing what information is connected and how it is shared. It is connected to more and more of the systems you already use: major manuscript submission systems have embedded ORCID iDs and over 1,600 journals are now requiring some or all authors to use an iD. The main CRIS systems also use ORCID, as do many other systems - research profiles, funding, repositories, and more. Facilitates the ‘discoverability’ of your research: an ORCiD ID embedded into your manuscript or funding application, for example, will enable interested parties (e.g.funders/ readers/potential collaborators) to very quickly see what else you have done E.g. if you become a visiting professor, or bring over a visiting professor, you can access all their information quickly Project collaborator info can be quickly enbedded into host institutions etc. IT SAVES YOU TIME! “Enter once, reuse often” – the connections to so many data management systems means you can ‘pre-populate’ – e.g. PURE, grant applications etc.

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