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FGDC and GOS Metadata: Foundations to Build the NSDI

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Presentation on theme: "FGDC and GOS Metadata: Foundations to Build the NSDI"— Presentation transcript:

1 FGDC and GOS Metadata: Foundations to Build the NSDI

2 Agenda GOS mission GOS Portal Metadata
Data Channels GOS Participation Metadata Harvesting Metadata Uploading Metadata Enabling Harvesting Enriched Metadata/GOS GOS Geodata Partnership Opportunities Portal News

3 GOS Goal easier, faster and less expensive access to geospatial data
Establish an online portal to geospatial data – with an interactive index to geospatial data holdings at the Federal and non-Federal levels Develop standards and models to support the exchange of framework datasets to facilitate web services, Promote partnerships among Federal, state, and local agencies for planned geospatial data collections.

4 Leading the Development of Partnerships to Build the NSDI
Aerial Imagery Elevation Structures Boundaries Surface Waters Transportation Land Cover The National Map (Integrated Content) Seamless Base Map Products Framework Focus Cities Counties Tribes Academia States Private Federal GOS Portal FGDC Coordination Standards/Policy Training Geospatial One Stop Discovery and Access Common Infrastructure Harvesting Toxic Releases Geographic Names

5 …the directory for NSDI The Government Portal For Geospatial Access Metadata Publishing Documentation and Organization Discovery and Access …the directory for NSDI

6 GOS Participation Publish via metadata: Geographic datasets Images
Geoservices Spatial solutions Reference material Events and activities Geodata Partnership Opportunities Schedule NSDI node metadata harvesting Login

7 Data Categories of Featured Metadata
Transportation Networks The Portal concept of “two clicks to data” originally implemented as “Data Categories” has been expanded to a theme community managed suite of “Channels”. Each of the original “Data Categories” has been adopted by a “Channel Steward” from a Federal agency that has historically been recognized as a manager of the types of geospatial data associated with that theme or channel. These Channel Stewards have been designated as team leads for identifying geospatial data that the community feels merits featuring as “two click to data” resources. Requirements for tools and the layout of these channels were identified by the Channel Stewards in December and January. The resulting draft requirements document was released late in this quarter for review by the Channel Stewards. After approval, work will begin on reconfiguration of the channel pages and creation of Channel Stewards’ administration tools for managing the content of each channel. Note that this conceptual expansion of the “two clicks to data” goal makes it now possible for the Portal to now feature channels that cross data categories.

8 How do I publish? Register as a publisher at
Username and password access to records published to

9 1. Start registration: Login
2. Register online

10 3. Complete user account information
4. Receive and confirm registration 5. Read and accept publisher agreement

11 6. Complete publisher registration
Publisher main menu

12 Update, Delete, Download
Publish a New Record via upload, on-line Update, Delete, Upload, History

13 Next: GOS Metadata Geospatial Data: Downloads- Live Maps, Portals, Web Services
Accessing Existing Metadata Harvesting Metadata Uploading Metadata (XML) Enriching Metadata for GOS

14 Current Publication Options
Users may contribute metadata one of three ways: Register their existing XML metadata collection for harvesting into the GOS metadata repository Upload metadata as FGDC-XML to the site Enter FGDC metadata into a form at and they are stored and indexed there

15 Harvesting Metadata An automated scheduled process for collecting new and updated metadata from a variety of metadata repositories. Z39.50 metadata clearinghouse node ArcIMS metadata service Web Accessible Folder Open Archive Initiative (OAI) metadata service Over 30 harvested, as of last week resulting in over 20,000 records Registering allows the metadata provider to specify the type of harvesting and keyword translation.

16 Harvesting Metadata How does it work?
First retrieval- all metadata records with GOS required content are retrieved Previously harvested repository- only updated metadata retrieved. Validation Requires GOS minimum metadata Uses FGDC metatags for validation Publishing All successfully validated metadata is published in

17 Harvesting Metadata GOS Required Content:
Time period Progress Maintenance Bounding Box Keywords Originator Date Title Abstract Purpose Information Derived from Registration: Contact Person or Organization Address type, Address Phone number

18 Harvesting Requirements Z39.50-
Isite Check version. New release implements Unique ID. Verify if unique ID has been implemented in each metadata Once harvested, subsequent harvests checks update date for updated metadata.

19 Publisher main menu Schedule for metadata harvest

20 Enabling Harvesting Register Harvest Site
Here one selects the metadata repository methodology and provides the repository’s url.

21 Harvesting Requirements ISO Standard Keywords
Metadata published and searchable in Insert ISO theme keyword in new metadata Use GOS cross-walk table to translate your local keyword(s) to ISO keyword. See GOS registration form.

22 Enabling Harvesting Keyword Crosswalk
In this portion of the on-line registration form, ISO category keyword synonyms are entered to allow the portal to append the appropriate ISO keyword to the harvested metadata if the metadata does not already contain the ISO keyword. 15 clearinghouses harvested Fed, state, and local clearinghouses to be harvested by Sept 04. Web folders and other repositories as discovered.

23 Current Publication Options
Users may contribute metadata one of three ways: Register their existing metadata collection to be harvested into the GOS metadata repository Upload metadata as FGDC XML to the site Enter FGDC metadata into a form at and they are stored and indexed there

24 Upload XML Metadata If you have access to a metadata editor such as ArcCatalog but do not have a Z39.50 server or ArcIMS Metadata Server you can upload a small set of FGDC metadata to

25 Current Publication Options
Users may contribute metadata one of three ways: Register their existing metadata collection to be harvested into the GOS metadata repository Upload metadata as FGDC XML to the site Enter FGDC metadata into a form at and they are stored and indexed there

26 Data Entry Form Those without an implemented metadata tool and anticipate only a few records to be published to may use the online entry form to collect an abbreviated FGDC metadata for hosting at

27 Data Partnership Discovery Through One-Stop

28 GeoData Partnership Opportunities (Planned Data Acquisitions) Federal agencies required to post data acquisitions on to encourage data partnership and fiscal responsibility 2003 Budget threshold- $1,000,000 2004 Budget threshold- $500,000 2005 Budget threshold- In “Status” field enter “Planned” Budget information is encouraged but not required.

29 GOS Portal for 2004 Now Later
Portal Statistics Standards, Tools, Resources link, lower left 40 Nodes Harvested 24,000 Portal Publications 1,200 Live Mapping Services Per day 6,000 unique users 16,000 searches Full-text search capability and results ranking Channel steward functionality implementation Implement GOS catalog with local repository (mini-GOS) for metadata loaded thru GOS forms. Map viewer enhancements. Version 2 Portal Requirements public review NOW RFP September Award before end FY The process for defining the functional requirements for Version 2 of the Geospatial One-Stop operational Portal begin on March 8th, Ten representatives of the geospatial data user community from local, state and federal government agencies were brought together to identify additional functionality and improved ways to meet the community's data discovery needs. Results of this workshop will be combined with lessons learned during the nine months since the Version 1 operational prototype Portal was released, and the original OGC-developed requirements. This Version 2 Portal requirements statement will be released for public comment through a formal Request for Comments in July-August 15th The Request for Proposal will be issued in September 2004 for an anticipated award before December 1, 2004.

30 GOS Contacts Executive Director Deputy Director Metadata Coordinator
Hank Garie Deputy Director Donna Scholz Metadata Coordinator Sharon Shin Portal-Clearinghouse (Harvest) Coordinator- Doug Nebert Channel Lead Coordinator- Bonnie Gallahan Program Office Rob Dollison Attached contacts list as separate handout.

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