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Are we Happy Yet?.

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Presentation on theme: "Are we Happy Yet?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are we Happy Yet?


3 … So what? Are we happier now than we were then?
Has human progress made us happier? How can we measure happiness?

4 A Historical Approach “We must be happier because we use our abilities to make life easier and improve conditions for ourselves.” Problems Alternative-we are actually more miserable and cruel than ever Is there a middle ground?

5 Measuring Happiness SWB-Subjective Well Being
With an objective measure for happiness, we can measure happiness in a variety of conditions. Does money buy happiness? Does health predict happiness? Does social group predict happiness?

6 Expectations Problem: Happiness is not objective, but a subjective measure Fallacy of looking back Was your great(x10) grandfather happier than you? Media impact on happiness

7 A Biological Approach Happiness isn’t caused by anything external; it’s all brain chemicals The Human Air Conditioning Predetermined for happiness? If biology accounts for all of happiness, than history is irrelevant

8 A Meaningful Approach Happiness is dependent on the meaningful life, rather than biology. Nietzsche: “If you have a why to live, you can bear almost any how.” If happiness relies on meaning, we may now be less happy All meaning is fiction

9 Perception and Pursuit
Happiness is based on subjective feeling-unique to liberalism Traditional views had objective measures for goodness Buddhism offers an alternative

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