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Trade Balance by Alan V. Deardorff University of Michigan 2018

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1 Trade Balance by Alan V. Deardorff University of Michigan 2018
PubPol/Econ 541 Trade Balance by Alan V. Deardorff University of Michigan 2018

2 Trade Balance Dollar Index Broad.xlsx
Trade Balance

3 Trade Balance Dollar Index Broad.xlsx
Trade Balance

4 What Does the Trade Balance Mean?
From National Income Accounting (I’ll do this first without government) Recall GDP = Output = Income = Y Output: Y = C + I + (X − M) Income: Y = C + S Therefore X − M = S − I Where C = Consumption I = Investment X = Exports M = Imports S = Savings Trade Balance

5 What Does the Trade Balance Mean?
From National Income Accounting (Now with government) Even more simply Y = C + I + G + (X − M) implies X − M = Y − (C + I + G) Trade Balance

6 What Does the Trade Balance Mean?
From National Income Accounting (X − M) = Y − (C + I + G) So a trade deficit (X − M) < 0 means that we are spending (C + I + G) more than our income Y Trade Surplus Income Expenditure Trade Balance

7 What Does the Trade Balance Mean?
From National Income Accounting Thus, since X − M = S − I Trade surplus  savings > investment Trade deficit  savings < investment If we are not saving enough to finance investment, how do we pay for it? By borrowing from abroad, or By selling assets Trade Balance

8 International Transactions: Data
US Export and Import Shares Since 1962 (Shaded strips are recessions) National Data / Charts I haven’t been able to find this more recently. Source: Survey of Current Business February 2013 Trade Balance

9 International Transactions: Data
Grey shaded strips are recessions. Note that deficits tend to: Rise in booms Fall in recessions From OECD via FRED As of Jan 2018, FRED has this only through 2013. Trade Balance

10 Implications of the US Trade Deficit
Ratio, Savings to Gross National Income Who, in the US, is doing this? Partly it has been the US government, running a deficit due to Tax cuts War Stimulus Percent National Data / Charts But it is also due to falling private saving Trade Balance

11 International Transactions: Data
From Survey of Current Business BEA data graphs.xls Became negative about 1986 Trade Balance

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