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Example’s Venturing Training Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Example’s Venturing Training Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Example’s Venturing Training Conference
Date Location

2 Flag Ceremony CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

3 Introductions Conference Director: <name, position, etc>
Faculty Members: <insert> Other staff: <cook, tent manager, etc.> Council check-in (call out the name of each council) CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

4 Conference Objectives

5 Orientation Rooms: Trek 1: room 111 Trek 2: room 114
Food: kitchen behind main room Restrooms: front entryway Female sleeping: gym Male sleeping: main room Etc. CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

6 Schedule 8 am- flag/opening 8:30am- class session I begins 10am- break
10:30am- class session II begins 12pm- lunch 1pm- group photo 1:30pm- youth/advisor breakout sessions 3pm- court of honor, dismissal CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

7 Reminders Keep your nametag- this is your food ticket!
Pick up Peer-to-Peer recruiting tools Turn in CSVE forms Next event: <Etc.> CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

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