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Visual Literacy Activity

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1 Visual Literacy Activity
A Raisin in the Sun Visual Literacy Activity

2 So we’re working on visual literacy, right
So we’re working on visual literacy, right? Today I want you (and a partner or group of three) to come up with some ideas that connects a visual image to the play. The Set Up

3 1) Think of a central theme or message from Raisin in the Sun 2) Search the internet for some sort of visual image (painting, different type of work of art, photograph, graphic, etc…) that somehow represents your theme or message. The Activity

4 3) Write a paragraph explaining how your image connects to the story
3) Write a paragraph explaining how your image connects to the story. Use specific references to support. Copy and paste the image onto your page. 4) Share this image/paragraph with me on Google Make sure everybody’s name is on the doc. 5) Be prepared to present this to the class The Activity

5 I do NOT want you to be literal or straightforward with your image and its connection. A photo of some person dreaming is not sufficient for this activity. Don’t just choose the first image that comes up on your internet search. I’m looking for creativity and unique ways of thinking and expression here. Tips & Expectations

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