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The Progressive Era, 1880-1920.

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1 The Progressive Era,

2 Do now (insert date): What does the word “progressive” mean to you? What is something that you can think of that would be considered progressive?

3 9 weeks Exam Oct. 2nd/3rd over Unit 1 and 2
Announcements: 9 weeks Exam Oct. 2nd/3rd over Unit 1 and 2 Fall Break Re-take Packet/Fix Essay Wednesday Visitor/Do Now written on board Friday Absence-Sub list

4 Origins of Progressivism (Write AT Least 3)
Capitalism & individualism Urbanization & Industrialization Labor conflicts Immigration Environmental exploitation Social “problems”

5 Characteristics of the PROGRESSIVE ERA (1890-1920) Write At LEAST 3
Period of social activism/political reform Women’s Suffrage (1920) Prohibition ( ) Ending Corruption (like Political Machines) Active government

6 Popular Beliefs of the Era
Social Darwinism Used Darwin’s theory to explain business “Survival of the Fittest” Laissez-faire Big business owners supported the idea that the government should not interfere with big business Social Gospel To honor God, people must help others and reform society In the 1880s, many middle-class Protestant Christians embraced the Social Gospel movement

7 Watch Dave Chappelle Skit
1) What critiques is Chappelle making of McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants? 2) What does skit say about job opportunities in America? 3) Why do others in Calvin’s community give him such a hard time about his job?

8 Booker T. Washington On September 18, 1895, at the Atlanta Exposition, Booker T. Washington rises to national fame when he delivers what came to be known as his “Atlanta Compromise” speech, in which he asked white people for help not equality.

9 Atlanta Compromise Compromise between African American leaders and Southern white leaders in 1895 Southern African Americans would obey the white political rule Southern whites agreed to let African Americans receive a basic education and due process law. The Compromise was largely supported by Booker T. Washington who wanted African Americans to have access to labor jobs Criticized by W.E.B. Dubois

10 W.E.B. Dubois Launched an open attack on “Atlanta Compromise”, accusing Booker T Washington of limiting the African Americans to basic labor. Believed that the talented 10th of blacks should lead the way. Talented Tenth: The phrase used in Dubois’ essay to describe the likelihood of 1/10 African Americans becoming successful.

11 Booker T Washington vs. WEB DUBOIS THINKING MAP
Create a thinking map Comparing Washington to Dubois. Come up with at least 9 bubbles.

12 Protecting Working Children
As the number of child workers rose, reformers worked to end child labor. Children were more prone to accidents caused by fatigue. Nearly every state limited or banned child labor by 1918

13 Labor Unions Gain Strength In Progressive era:
Collective bargaining- when labor unions negotiate with employers for better wages and/or working conditions. Closed shops- companies could only hire union members Open shops- companies were not restricted regarding who they hired Blacklisting- union or strike organizers (considered troublemakers) would be fired, and placed on a do-not-hire list

14 Observe Reflect Question

15 Haymarket Affair, 1886 Shows the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration in Haymarket Square in Chicago. It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers by the police, the previous day. An unknown person threw a bomb at the police during the protest, the blast killed seven police officers Result: Anti-Labor feelings sweep the nation and membership in the Knights of Labor Union fell drastically!

16 Pullman Strike Nationwide railroad strike
The strike shut down Pullman Factories The strike was eventually broken up by 12,000 U.S Army troops President Grover Cleveland ordered the troops be sent in on the basis that the strike interfered with the delivery of U.S. Mail. 13 strikers were killed and 57 were wounded. An estimated $80 million worth of property was damaged

17 Exit Ticket Progressive era: Answer Using 3-4 Complete sentences**
What was the Progressive Era known for? Explain/Give Examples What were labor unions and why were they formed? Based on what we’ve learned today, do you think that engaging in a strike would be more beneficial or more harmful to workers? Give an example to support your answer. Why did W.E.B Dubois and Booker T. Washington disagree about how African Americans should be treated in the Progressive Era? Explain/Give Examples

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