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Presentation on theme: "Pg. 112 – 121 ONLY WRITE THE BLACK!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pg. 112 – 121 ONLY WRITE THE BLACK!
Ch. 4 Sec. 1-2 Pg. 112 – 121 ONLY WRITE THE BLACK!

2 Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg. 112-121 13 Colonies Southern Colonies
Farming/Plantation lifestyle. Indentured Servants – people who had to work for 4-7 years to pay off their debt when traveling to America. Slave Codes – laws to control slaves. Could not hold meetings, carry weapons, etc. North Colonies Fishing, Merchants, Shipbuilding, Skilled Craftspeople Religious groups play big role in society. Pilgrims, Puritans, etc. Public and Higher Education become common culture.

3 Great Britain will win this war.
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg French and Indian War Tensions reach a breaking point between colonists and Native Americans. France and Great Britain had been battling for control of North America. This battle continued into trades with Native Americans. Great Britain + American Colonists vs. Native Americans + French Natives trusted the French more than the British. Great Britain will win this war. Beginning of issues between Colonists and Great Britain

4 Great Britain Raises Taxes
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg Great Britain Raises Taxes Britain had to pay for their wars. It was expensive to fight in American and defend the colonies. Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act Boston Tea Party – Colonist snuck onto ships and dumped all the tea overboard. Intolerable Acts & Quartering Acts Colonist were extremely angry!

5 First Continental Congress
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg First Continental Congress Colonists have finally been pushed past their breaking point. Representatives from every colony (except Georgia) met to discuss their anger with G.B. Half thought violence was the only answer, others thought we could still find a compromise. Declaration of Rights List of 10 resolutions that was sent to King George III Colonists did not want to separate from G.B. Patriots – colonists who chose to fight against G.B.

6 Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg. 112-121 Beginning of the War Paul Revere
Colonists feared G.B. would make a military advancement. Paul Revere was a lookout, he was responsible for alerting Colonists of G.B.’s advancing army. Minutemen – local militia fighters, could be ready to fight in a minute. Lexington & Concord Minutemen vs. British troops. G.B. wanted to seize military weapons. First shots of the war.

7 Second Continental Congress
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg Second Continental Congress Continental Army is established George Washington is named commander of the army. Thomas Paine Author of Common Sense Argued that citizens should make laws, not kings or queens.

8 Declaration of Independence (July 4th, 1776)
Ch. 4 sec. 1-2 Pg Declaration of Independence (July 4th, 1776) Declared the colonies independence from G.B. Thomas Jefferson – Main author of the declaration. “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Women, African Americans, and Native Americans were left out of declaration. Loyalist – colonists who chose to side with G.B. Many fled the colonies.

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