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Office of Faculty Affairs

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1 Office of Faculty Affairs
APT Changes for 2015 Office of Faculty Affairs

2 Agenda Gathering documents Preparing the dossier A little nomenclature
New requirements Change in procedures Preparing the dossier Change in structure Additional items A little nomenclature Candidate review materials Teaching portfolio Supplemental materials Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

3 Gathering the Documents
Transmittal Form Shows the change in document order Promotion Criteria Now include modified criteria Letter Log New column for initial contact to Evaluator Now included with the candidate review materials Publication Outlets As before Citation Counts Tenure Delay For reference in the candidate review materials Evaluation of Teaching From students and peers Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

4 And the signatures… Curriculum Vitae Personal Statement Summary Statement Reputation of Publication Outlets Optional Rejoinder to Summary Statement Optional Teaching Statement Student Evaluation Reports Peer Evaluation Reports Mentoring, Advising & Research Supervision The candidate is given the opportunity to review (and sign/date) more documents; others must be available to the candidate for review. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

5 ABOVE ALL: Please understand: Preparing a clean dossier
In a transition year WE ALL NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE Preparing a clean dossier Is a good way to help the candidate BUT PLEASE DON’T COME TO A HALT… Because of these changes aimed at helping BLUNTLY PUT: NO ONE IS GOING TO BE DENIED TENURE ON THE BASIS OF NOT ACING THESE CONDITIONS Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

6 The Dossier Nothing drastic has changed, really.
Candidates are given more chances to review parts of it. scholarship is defined more broadly. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

7 The Most Significant Change
The Teaching Portfolio, which has always been strongly advised as a way to protect the candidate, is now required. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

8 Candidate Review Materials
New order for documents (to help committees understand the case) Transmittal Information about the candidate Information about the candidate’s case Summary information about candidate’s teaching & advising External Evaluations Reference information about the case Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

9 Candidate Information
Everything in this section is signed and dated by candidate, as a way to agree with details. Curriculum Vitae Reputation of Publication Outlets Personal statement Summary statement of professional achievements Optional rejoinder from candidate Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

10 The Candidate’s Case These items remain unchanged Promotion criteria
Agreement of modified unit criteria Department APT report Optional minority report(s) Department chair’s letter College APT report Dean’s letter Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

11 Summary of Teaching Everything in this section is signed and dated by the candidate, as a way to agree with details. Optional teaching statement If the candidate has created a teaching statement for the teaching portfolio, copy it from there. Student evaluation reports Peer evaluation reports Mentoring, advising & research supervision If this is a link to a section of the CV, it will not be signed separately (the CV is already signed). If it is a separate document, it should be signed and dated. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

12 External Evaluators Credentials of external evaluators
Only a paragraph is needed Contact information is not necessary Please put these paragraphs in the same order as the bookmarked letters Responses from external evaluators A separate bookmark for each letter, and mark each one ‘U’ or ‘C’, depending on whether the evaluator was a unit choice or candidate choice Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

13 Reference Information
This section contains the nuts and bolts information about the case Candidate notification from chair and dean Letter log of evaluation requests Must now include the date of the initial requesting availability – strongly recommend using the Faculty Affairs template Sample letter requesting evaluation & sample message requesting availability Declines from evaluators Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

14 The Teaching Portfolio

15 Teaching Portfolio This is now a required part of candidate’s dossier, to protect the candidate’s teaching from possibly arbitrary evaluations and to provide useful context. Similar structure to candidate review materials Bookmarked, ideally. Bookmark panel set open, ideally. Password protected (this is required). Searchable, ideally. See sample on Faculty Affairs website Big difference: no elements are required. Again: though policy requires a dossier, it does not provide limitations on how to do it. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

16 Teaching Portfolio Recommended structure for bookmarks
Personal teaching statement (signed & dated) Course-related materials Assessments Awards and Invitations Professional Development Instructional Advancement and Innovation Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

17 Supplemental Materials
Unchanged from last year – except that everything teaching-related goes to the teaching portfolio If supplemental materials include examples of scholarship that are also available on candidate’s website (or elsewhere), include a page with the links instead of the actual articles Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

18 A few more things to bear in mind…
Every section of the dossier must be password protected and should ideally open with the bookmarks pane visible. We can work with you on both of those. It is a good idea to double-check meeting dates and vote tallies. The transmittal must match the letters and committee reports. Make sure the transmittal correctly indicates that a tenure candidate review is mandatory or non- mandatory. If in doubt, please ask us. CV must be dated before materials are sent to external evaluators, for obvious reasons. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

19 And a few more… If candidate has additions to CV, create an addendum. Please don’t include a second copy of the CV. Use the Faculty Affairs template for recording student evaluations of teaching Please make sure that supplemental materials are in the supplemental file – nothing should be included with the candidate review materials that doesn’t appear at the bottom of the transmittal form. Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

20 Once again: WE SHALL BE FLEXIBLE in a transition year.
Any questions? Contact us: Betty Wineke Office Manager 5-6820 Knows everything  Rebecca Follman Webmaster 5-0665 PDF & Web Questions Office of Faculty Affairs November 14, 2018

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