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Define it Name that term! Ethnic Groups Name That Country! Potpourri

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Presentation on theme: "Define it Name that term! Ethnic Groups Name That Country! Potpourri"— Presentation transcript:

1 Define it Name that term! Ethnic Groups Name That Country! Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 ethnicity

3 Identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth.

4 race

5 Identity with a group of people who share physical traits with a biological ancestor

6 sharecropping

7 A practice where a landowner rents out plots of land, along with seeds and supplies to individuals, who are to repay with a share of crops and any debt owed.

8 nationality

9 Identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country. i

10 Fascism

11 Extreme nationalism, putting the state’s control of the people before all else.

12 The mass, planned killing of an entire group to remove them from existence

13 Genocide

14 The term used to describe a geographic area that can not be successfully organized into stable states is called

15 Balkanization

16 When real estate agents convince whites to sell homes quickly for fear of colored people in neighborhood

17 Blockbusting

18 The physical separation of races in South Africa was called

19 Apartheid

20 An attitude (type of nationalism) that unifies people and enhances support for the state

21 Centripetal force

22 This ethnic group is clustered in the Southeast USA

23 African-American

24 This ethnic group is clustered in the Southwest USA

25 Hispanic or Latino Americans

26 This ethnic group is clustered on the West Coast of the USA

27 Asian- Americans

28 This ethnic group lives in a region between Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria… they want independence due to discrimination

29 Kurds

30 These two ethnic groups have fought for power in Rwanda.

31 Hutu and Tutsi

32 I was once ruled by the British, then partitioned into Muslim/Hindu regions after independence

33 India

34 Ethnic cleansing and genocide occurred here against Muslim Croats and Serbs to attempt to create homogenous regions

35 Bosnia & Herzegovina

36 My breakup into different regions in the 1990’s has led to several civil wars and genocides

37 Yugoslavia: (Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina,Kosovo, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro)

38 Conflict over me has been on-going in the SW ASIA since my creation as a Jewish ethnic state in 1948

39 Israel- (Palestinians/Arabs v. Israeli/Jews)

40 When the majority religious group changed, I fell into civil war over ethnic conflict– 1975-1983

41 Lebanon

42 This island country has seen ethnic conflict for centuries between the Sinhalese and Tamils

43 Sri Lanka

44 What is the region of Sudan that has seen ethnic cleansing and genocide in the past few years?

45 Darfur

46 Describe the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson(1896) & Brown v
Describe the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson(1896) & Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

47 Brown v Board of Education… ended segregation in schools
Plessy v Ferguson… established the doctrine of separate but equal under the law Brown v Board of Education… ended segregation in schools

48 Why did so many people migrate within Europe after WW2?

49 New boundaries drawn (Some was forced-migration back to home-country)

50 Describe cause and effect of the info on this map…

51 Cause: Effects Ethnic competition, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in many countries : Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Rwanda, Congo, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Mali, Uganda, Kenya….etc.

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