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Vocabulary Ethnicity: identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth Race: identity with a group.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Ethnicity: identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth Race: identity with a group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Ethnicity: identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth Race: identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor Nationality: a group of people who share a legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country Ethnocentrism: belief that one race or ethnic group is superior to others (racism) White Flight: Emigration of whites from an area Blacks were anticipated to move to

2 Blockbusting: When real-estate agents encouraged white flight to sell properties to incoming minorities to make a profit Apartheid: physical separation of different races into different geographic areas Nation: a group with a common bond or shared experience Nation State: a country that has political boundaries that match a specific ethnic identity Centripetal force: an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state Centrifugal force: forces that tear countries apart

3 Ethnicity Key question 1: Where are ethnicities distributed?
Key Question 2: Why have ethnicities been transformed into nationalities? We can choose to deny or suppress our ethnicity. Ethnic identity can become diluted but it never disappears

4 Ethnicity vs. Nationality
Citizen of the USA your nationality is American Ethnicity – a group that shares a cultural background Pride Links experiences of ancestors and traditions (food, music) Measurable differences Income Life expectancy Infant mortality rate

5 Clustering of Ethnicities
Ethnic groups can live in a particular region of the country, or neighborhoods within a city Regional African Americans (12%)=Southeast, Hispanics (14%) = Southwest, Asian Americans (4%)= West, American Indians (1%)= Southwest Plains Pg Cities African Americans ½ compared to ¼ of Americans Ex 80% of Detroit and 7% in the other parts of Michigan Hispanics – similar in the Northern Cities but mixed where there is a large population Immigration plays a major role

6 African American Migration Patterns
Forced migration – immigration from Africa to the American colonies (233) Immigration to the North – 1st ½ of the twentieth century (234) From an agricultural economy to an industrial one Immigration from inner-city ghettos to urban neighborhoods ½ million in Chicago’s 3 mile


8 Ethnicity Vs. Race Race: anything that can be passed down from a parent; lactose intolerance is a race trait. Additionally; skin color, hair type and color, blood traits, shape of body, facial features Ethnocentrism belief that one race or ethnic group is superior to others (racism) Geographers often follow Ethnicity rather than race US census uses skin color to trace heritage (pg. 228) Develops ethnic regions Ethnicity: Why people live the way they do Ethnic Identity is determined by individual Changes with acculturation, assimilation

9 “Separate but equal” Doctrine
Plessy vs. Ferguson Constitutional, equal treatment of blacks and whites South began to segregate in multiple ways Jim Crowe Laws

10 “White Flight” 1950s and 60s segregation laws were eliminated and “separate but equal” was ruled unconstitutional Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas Rather than integrate, whites fled Overwhelming black populations in cities experienced massive emigration Caused Blockbusting

11 Apartheid System South Africa – physical separation of different races into different geographical areas (repealed in 1990) 4 categories; Black, White, Mix, Asian Live, school, work, shop, own land Paid lower wages for similar work, could not vote or run for elections Tried to establish new homelands (237) Nelson Mandela – anti-apartheid leader

12 Nationalities & ethnicities
Similar in the fact membership is defined through shared cultural values Cultural values of ethnicities = religion, language, and material culture Cultural values of Nationalities = voting, place of birth, obtaining a passport, performing civic duties, state symbols, shared attitudes Ex: Quebec is different in language, religion, and other cultural traditions. Form a different ethnicity or nationality? If nationality, the Quebec govt. would have a stronger justification to form an independent country

13 Nation-States Ethnic groups that have become nationalities because of desire for self-rule Adapted from city-states from the Greeks Europe (France), Expansion into Africa & Asia, Germany and WWII Ethnic group matches political boundaries Japan, Iceland, Denmark Stateless nations – Ethnic groups with no state (Kurds)

14 Nationalism Nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nationality.
Their nation above all others, mass media Flags and symbols, common culture, shared attitudes, shared emotions Centripetal Forces – Force that brings people together Patriotic symbols, currency, common enemy Forward Capitals – movement of capital to unite a country (Brazil) Centrifugal force – Forces that tear a country apart Different culture (customs, languages, religions, ethnicities)

15 Multiethnic State A state that has more than one ethnicity
Multinational state – 2 ethnic groups that agree to coexist peacefully Former Soviet Union was the largest, 15 Russia is currently it, 39 nationalities

16 Vocabulary Irredentism: when a country attempts to incite a separatist movement in another country Ethnic Cleansing: an attempt by a more powerful group to forcibly eliminate another ethnic group by either migration or genocide Genocide: Systematic murder of a specific ethnic group Balkanization: the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities

17 Vocabulary Sovereignty: ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states Supranationalism: the process where a sovereign country unites with others for a common purpose Devolution: The process where a state or region desires more autonomy Self-Determination: The belief that different ethnic groups should govern themselves

18 Key Issues # 3 and 4 Why do ethnicities clash?
Ethnic competition to dominate nationality Dividing ethnicities among more than one state What is Ethnic cleansing?

19 Africa Background Different ethnic groups fight to dominate a nation-state Divisions are impossible and unwanted Africa is historically divided into tribes Europeans often grouped different tribes into a single colony


21 European Influence African nation-states developed from these colonies
No identification with these artificial boundaries Numerous ethnic groups in a single country Leads to widespread conflict within Africa

22 Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality
Sub-Saharan Africa Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia Ethiopia and Eritrea Ethiopia gained it after WWII Banned language and became involved in affairs Rebelled – 30 years of war Sudan Black Christians and animist rebels vs. Muslim Emplacing strict Muslim rules on all society Darfur

23 Dividing Ethnicities Among more than One State
Newly independent countries are often created to separate two ethnicities India = Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan Forced Migration Ethnic disputes (boundary lines)

24 Ethnic Cleansing Rid an area of an entire ethnicity so that the surviving ethnic group can be the sole inhabitance Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Kosovo Balkan Peninsula Balkanization Threat to peace throughout the world, not just in one area Lead to WWI

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