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Published byGotthilf Kraus Modified over 6 years ago
Genoa, 25/02/09 Electron scattering in CLAS (selected) review M. Guidal, IPN Orsay
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
c Symmetry Lattice QCD Constituent Quarks p N Large Nc 3 8 pQCD
Many thanks, for the slides, to:
M. Aghasyan (SIDIS), H. Avakyan (SIDIS), V. Burkert (FFs), E. Christy (DIS), W. Gohn (SIDIS), K. Hafidi (Nuclear), N. Guler (DIS), S. Kuhn (DIS). [N*,Spin08,ECT workshop,CLAS Coll.meetings,…]
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
Ground state and Transition Form Factors ,
N,N* N=p,n GE ,GM GE ,GM ,GC (or E1+ ,M1+ ,S1+) N*=D(1232) P11(1440) D13(1520) S11(1535) pN pN,ppN GE ,GM (or A1/2 ,S1/2) pN,ppN GE ,GM ,GC (or A1/2 ,A3/2 ,S1/2) hN,pN GE ,GM (or A1/2 ,S1/2) [Electric/Magnetic/Coulomb,Multipoles, Helicity amplitudes,…]
Neutron Magnetic Form Factor
CLAS Hall B Real time in-situ calibration of the neutron detection efficiency in the CLAS e.m. calorimeter EC measured online through ep→eπ+(n). Results of the neutron magnetic form factors from Q2 = 1- 5 GeV2 . No large deviation observed from dipole form. J. Lachniet et al. (CLAS) arXiv: (PRL)
NΔ Multipole Ratios REM, RSM
There is no sign for asymptotic pQCD behavior in REM (->+1) or RSM (->Cte). REM < 0 at low Q2 favors oblate shape of Δ(1232) and prolate shape of the proton. Dynamical models attribute the deformation to contributions of the pion cloud at low Q2.
P11(1440) amplitudes from Nπ and Nππ
Nππ (preliminary) PDG First observed zero crossing of a nucleon form factor!
Fits to diff. cross sections & structure functions
DR UIM DR w/o P11 DR UIM Q2=2.05GeV2 Q2=3.48GeV2
Transition amplitudes for D13(1520)
M. Dugger et al., PRC , 2007 Nππ (preliminary) A3/2 A1/2
Transition amplitudes for D13(1520)
Ahel = A21/2 – A23/2 A21/2 + A23/2 S1/2 CQM predictions: A1/2 dominance with increasing Q2. Ahel pπ+π- (prel.) nπ+ nπ+ pπ0 pπ0
Transition amplitudes for S11(1535)
This state has traditionally been studied in the S11(1535)→pη channel, which is the prominent decay. For the study of S1/2 Nπ channel is important. S1/2 difficult to extract in pη channel. A1/2 from nπ+ consistent with ph within uncertainties of b.r. 13
CLAS Form Factors M. Vanderhaeghen, L. Tiator p->D+ p->S11(1535)
Transverse Charge Densities
CLAS Transverse Charge Densities The charge distribution of the p-Roper+ transition shows a dense positive core of 0.5 fm radius, and a negative outer shell up to a radius of 1 fm. M. Vanderhaeghen, L. Tiator p->D+ p->S11(1535) p->D13(1535)
Conclusions NΔ(1232) amplitudes are well determined at Q2 up to 6 GeV2. No sign of transition to asymptotic QCD behavior Roper P11(1440) amplitudes determined up to 4.5 GeV2 using two different analysis approaches (DR, UIM), and two channels Sign change of A1/2 seen in Nπ and Nππ S11(1535) amplitudes measured in nπ+ channel, for the first time Hard A 1/2 form factor confirmed First measurement of S1/2. D13(1520) in nπ+ and pπ+π- Helicity switch from A3/2 dominance to A1/2 dominance at Q2>0.6 GeV2
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
Need proton and neutron targets to pin down u/d PDFs from DIS
At Leading order x[4/9u(x) + 1/9d(x)] x[4/9d(x) + 1/9u(x)] At large x proton dominated by u(x) and neutron by d(x) due to charge weighting. PDF’s least well known at large x Also, proton + neutron data provides way to separate valence cleanly (Gluon comparable in size to dv at x~0.3) u(x) d(x) 18
Deuterium + proton data does not allow clean determination of neutron for x 1 due to nuclear corrections 19
CLAS with the RTPC and one electron event.
to CLAS n p To BoNuS RTPC φ, z from pads r from time beam Helium/DME at 80/20 ratio dE/dx from charge along track (particle ID)
Spectator Tagging E = GeV e p n <Q2> = 1.19 (GeV/c)2 * 21
Structure function ratio
PRELIMINARY Good agreement with previous data in smaller x region. Full acceptance correction method forthcoming.
Double polarized inclusive electron scattering
Long. Polarized Electron qe e Pe Pt y Long. Polarized Nucleon Cross section can be expressed in terms of virtual photon asymmetries A1 and A2. A1 A2 N+ N- p e Difference in the cross sections for two cases is expressed as “double spin asymmetry”.
Q2 evolution of the GDH integral
Both Bjorken and GDH sum rules are fundamental sum rules Small Q2 GDH sum rule Experiments at Mainz, Bonn Chiral perturbation theory ChPT GDH sum rule DIS pQCD operator product expansion quark models Lattice QCD? Q2 (GeV2) 1 G1 Intermediate Q2 Extended GDH sum rule Several different models Experiments at JLAB(CLAS/Hall A/Hall C) A good test of “at what distance scale pQCD corrections and higher twist expansions will break down and physics of confinement dominate”. ? Large Q2 Bjorken Sum rule Experiments at CERN,SLAC,DESY Higher order QCD expansion EG1B has good precision data with wide Q2 coverage to answer some of these questions. Dramatic change of sign of G1 from DIS-regime to the value at the real photon point. At low Q2 , g1(x,Q2) is dominated by resonance excitations.
A1 Deuteron Δ(1232)P33 A1 PRELIMINARY N( )D13/S13 W(GeV)
Γ1 Deuteron, Comparison to world data
Γ1 Deuteron, Comparison to world data
Γ1 Deuteron, Comparison to world data
Γ1 Proton, Comparison to world data
Γ1 Proton, Comparison to world data
Γ1 Proton, Comparison to world data
CLAS – Saturation of the strong coupling
Bjorken sum: Γ1 (p-n) =∫(g1p-g1n)dx Fit to Bjorken sum: Γ1(p-n) = gA/6[1-αs(Q)/π] The saturation of s at large distances is a necessary condition for the application of the AdS5/CFT correspondence that can be used to carry out non-perturbative QCD calculations (Brodsky, de Teramond).
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
SIDIS (g*p→pX) cross section at leading twist (Ji et al.)
Unpolarized target Longitudinally pol. target Transversely pol. target e p Boer-Mulders 1998 Kotzinian-Mulders 1996 Collins-1993 structure functions = pdf × fragm × hard × soft (all universal)
Longitudinal Target SSA measurements at CLAS
p1sinf+p2sin2f CLAS PRELIMINARY W2>4 GeV2 Q2>1.1 GeV2 y<0.85 0.4<z<0.7 MX>1.4 GeV p1=-0.042±0.015 p2=-0.052±0.016 p1=0.082±0.018 p2=0.012±0.019 p1= 0.059±0.010 p2=-0.041±0.010 Large sinf for all pions and no indication of sin2f for p0 ’s suggests Sivers dominance PT<1 GeV 0.12<x<0.48 36
ALL PT-dependence 0.4<z<0.7
m02=0.25GeV2 mD2=0.2GeV2 M.Anselmino et al hep-ph/ p+ A1 suggests broader kT distributions for f1 compared to g1 p- A1 may require non-Gaussian kT-dependence for different helicities and/or flavors
ALU Results p0
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
DVCS@CLAS epa epg e’ g p 420 PbWO4 crystals : ~10x10 mm2, l=160 mm
JLab/ITEP/ Orsay/Saclay collaboration 420 PbWO4 crystals : ~10x10 mm2, l=160 mm Read-out : APDs +preamps
JLab Hall B Collaboration,
DVCS beam spin asymmetry VGG (1999) JLab Hall B Collaboration, PRL 100:162002,2008
Unpolarized Cross Section
0.09<-t<0.2 GeV2 0.2<-t<0.4 GeV2 0.4<-t<0.6 GeV2 POTENTIAL 0.6<-t<1 GeV2 1<-t<1.5 GeV2 1.5<-t<2 GeV2
r w f
Background Subtraction (normalized spectra)
1) Ross-Stodolsky B-W for r0(770), f0(980) and f2(1270) with variable skewedness parameter, 2) D++(1232) p+p- inv.mass spectrum and p+p- phase space.
sL (g*Lp prL0) ep epr 0 EPJA39 (2009) VGG GPD model GK GPD model
sL (g*Lp prL0) Regge/Laget
ds/dt (g*p pr0) Large tmin ! (1.6 GeV2) Fit by ebt
p+p0 invariant mass =√( p p+ + p p0)2
N p+p0 Counts/20 MeV 100% e1-dvcs statistics p+p0 invariant mass =√( p p+ + p p0)2
Form factors Nucleon ground state Nucleon resonances Inclusive scattering unpolarized polarized Semi-inclusive scattering AUL, ALL, ALU for p SIDIS Deep exclusive scattering DVCS Vector meson Nuclear targets Color tranparency
N ∆ electroproduction experiments after 1999
Reaction Observable W Q2 Author, Conference, Publication LAB p(e,e’p)π0 σ0 σTT σLT σLTP 1.221 0.060 S. Stave, EPJA, 30, 471 (2006) MAMI 1.232 0.121 H. Schmieden, EPJA, 28, 91 (2006) Th. Pospischil, PRL 86, 2959 (2001) 0.127 C. Mertz, PRL 86, 2963 (2001) C. Kunz, PLB 564, 21 (2003) N. Sparveris, PRL 94, (2005) BATES 0.200 N. Sparveris, SOH Workshop (2006) N. Sparveris, nucl-ex/611033 ALT ALTP P. Bartsch, PRL 88, (2002) D. Elsner, EPJA, 27, 91 (2006) p(e,e’π+)n C. Smith, SOH Workshop (2006) JLAB / CLAS σ0 σTT σLT K. Joo, PRL 88, (2001) σLTP 0.40,0.65 K. Joo, PRC 68, (2003) K. Joo, PRC 70, (2004) K. Joo, PRC 72, (2005) H. Egiyan, PRC 73, (2006) 16 response functions 1.0 J. Kelly, PRL 95, (2005) JLAB / Hall A M. Ungaro, PRL 97, (2006) 2.8, 4.0 V. Frolov, PRL 82 , 45 (1999) JLAB / Hall C
2nd and 3rd nucleon resonance regions
(PDG 2006) State ηNπ ηNη ηNππ P11(1440) D13(1520) 0.0023 S11(1535) < 0.1 D33(1700) P13(1720) 0.04 > 0.7 Analysis tools: Unitary isobar model (UIM), starting from MAID. Dispersion relations (DR), for 1-pion analysis. Isobar model (JM06) for 2-pion analysis with leading contributions as observed in the data. Fit to 9 independent one-dimensional projections of 5-dim. cross sections.
UIM & DR Fit at low & high Q2
# data points > 50,000 , Ee = 1.515, 1.645, 5.75 GeV Observable Number of Data points dσ/dΩ(π0) 0.40 0.65 3 530 3 818 dσ/dΩ(π+) 2 308 1 716 33 000 Ae(π0) 956 805 Ae(π+) 918 812 3 300 dσ/dΩ(η) 0.375 0.750 172 412 Low Q2 results: I. Aznauryan et al., PRC71, , 2005; PRC 72, , 2005; High Q2 results on Roper: I. Aznauryan et al., arXiv: [nucl-ex].
Fits to diff. cross sections & structure functions
DR UIM DR w/o P11 DR UIM Q2=2.05GeV2 Q2=3.48GeV2
Legendre moments for σT + εσL
Q2 = 2.05 GeV2 ~ const. ~cosθ ~(1 + bcos2θ) DR UIM DR w/o P11(1440)
Multipole amplitudes for γ*p→ π+n
Q2 =0 Q2 =2.05 GeV2 At Q2= , resonance behavior is seen in these amplitudes more clearly than at Q2 =0 DR and UIM give close results for real parts of multipole amplitudes Im Re_UIM Re_DR
Γ3 and Γ5 Proton
Comparison with Theory
Quenched Lattice QCD - E1+/M1+: Good agreement within large errors. - S1+/M1+: Undershoots data at low Q2. - Linear chiral extrapolations may be naïve and/or dynamical quarks required Dynamical Models - Pion cloud model allows reasonable description of quadrupole ratios over large Q2 range. What are we learning from E/M, S/M? Shape of pion cloud? Deformation of N, △ quark core? LQCD consistent with observed rise in magnitude with Q2 of RSM Need to isolate the first term (within model) or go to high Q2 to study quark core.
N-Δ(1232) Quadrupole Transition
SU(6): E1+=S1+=0 The Delta excitation has been studied experimentally for 3 decades, and the dominant magnetic dipole transition is well established, mediated by a simple spin flip. Electric or scalar quadrupole transitions, which are identical 0 in a symmetry SU(6) model, would indicate a deformation of the Delta and the nucleon. Dynamically, such contributions may arise through interaction with the pion cloud, or through the one gluon exchange. helicity conservation requires that the E/M asymptotically approaches +1. Qualitatively one expects such a behavior. The sign of the this ratio is related to the shape of the deformation of the Delta in such a way. 64
y z x x M.G., Polyakov, Radyushkin, Vanderhaeghen (2005) b (fm)
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