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Military Draft.

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1 Military Draft

2 Should the government be able to draft people into the military?

3 Background Info What happens during a draft?
Congress & the President authorize the draft Lottery based on birth dates Physical, Mental, & Moral evaluation Local & appeal boards activated & induction notices sent Draftees report for duty

4 Background Info History of the Draft Selective Training & Service Act
1948 – 1973 Draft in effect during peace & conflict The draft ended (Military converted to all-volunteer)

5 Issues Individual liberty vs. duty to society
Democracies value individual liberty and choice Democracy does not come without costs

6 Current Event Relating to Topic
Iraq war and shortage of troops. Needs 5 Ws + H

7 Pro Military Draft Draft is needed in war-time to fill shortages of troops

8 Pro Military Draft Quicker and less expensive than trying to recruit new troops

9 Pro Military Draft Always have a reserve of troops in case we need them.

10 Pro Military Draft Equal opportunity Both rich and poor are drafted

11 Against Military Draft
Takes away your freedom to choose

12 Against Military Draft
Volunteers give better service

13 Against Military Draft
The military has gone “high tech” and highly skilled professionals are needed not just anyone will do

14 Against Military Draft
An expanded reserve corps is better than a draft Could be activated more quickly Would provide trained officers & non-commissioned officers

15 Should be in correct Bibliography format
References: Should be in correct Bibliography format

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