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Smarter Balanced Assessments

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1 Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15
Webinar #4 January 13, 2015

2 Today’s Topics Introduction Interim Assessments Summative Assessments

3 A Balanced Assessment System
The Smarter Balanced Assessment System includes three components: The Digital Library includes hundreds of resources to help teachers improve classroom-based assessment practices. This summer, teachers previewed the Digital Library and provided feedback on the resources and the interface. It is now available to educators. Interim assessments that allow schools to check in on student progress and help teachers plan and improve instruction. These will be available beginning winter Summative assessments administered at the end of the school year. The summative assessments will be available in spring 2015. Let’s take a closer look at each of these components…

4 Today’s News On Thursday, January 8, 2015, the State Board of Education approved the Smarter Balanced achievement levels (aka ‘cut scores’) The State Board also approved (with very few changes) the draft position statement on high school assessments found on pages of the board packet ( an/EntireBoardPacket3.pdf).

5 Training Training Webinars Technical Requirements
Tuesday, February 3, 3:00 pm PDT Thursday, February 5, 10:00 am PDT TIDE (Test Information Distribution Engine) Friday, February 27, 3:00 pm PDT Thursday, February 19, 10:00 am PDT – preceding TDS Webinar Test Delivery System (TDS) Thursday, February 19, 11:00 am PDT – following TIDE Webinar Thursday, February 26, 1:00 pm PDT Online Reporting System (ORS) Tuesday, February 24, 3:00 pm PDT Thursday, February 26, 10:00 am PDT Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) TBD

6 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
OSPI currently reviewing options some districts may want to utilize by allowing students to use their own (technology) devices. Intended for districts that have already implemented BYOD and have sufficient district capacity to ensure equity of access. OSPI is in the final stages of developing the policy.

7 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices
11/14/2018 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction

8 Digital Library Modules now available in the Digital Library:
31 math Exemplar Instructional Modules 31 ELA Exemplar Instructional Modules 20 Assessment Literacy Modules 10 Score Report Modules

9 11/14/2018 Interim Assessments

10 Interim Assessment Components
August 7, 2014 Interim Assessment Components Interim Assessment Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Two different assessment types provides flexibility for use More details (e.g., content of IABs, what is reported for) in following slides, but want participants familiar with the terms.

11 Interim Assessments Timeline
Interim Assessments were available Jan 6th Jan 6th – Comprehensive Interim (ICA) Jan 27th – Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) will be available January 19 (MLK Holiday) Students can test now. Hand scored items will be held for scoring until THSS is available. Overall score will be generated after hand scoring is complete.

12 Interim Test Login (draft)

13 Interim Assessments Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) for ELA
The non-PT ELA blocks have 7-10 questions. Each ELA block is different for hand-scored items: Listening, Research and Edit/Revise blocks will have no hand-scored items Brief Write block will be all hand scored Reading Lit and Reading Info blocks will have at least 1, maybe 2 hand-scored items per block All PT blocks have three questions and a full write. Two Research items and a Full Write will be hand-scored. One Research item will be machine scored.

14 Interim Assessments Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) for Math
All the non-PT blocks have between 13 and 16 items. All the non-PT block items are automatically scored. None of the items on the non-PT blocks will be hand scored. The PT block has 6 questions per PT. 2-3 questions per PT block are automatically scored. Only 3-4 questions per PT block will need to be hand scored.

15 Operational Tasks from Interim through Summative
November 14, 2018

16 Where We’re Going What Happens Up Front Assessing Students
Staff accounts Student Data Assessing Students Administering assessment Hand-scoring Retrieving Data Looking Ahead

17 Staff accounts District uploads staff to TIDE
“School Coordinator” = Principal or School Test Coordinator Rosters students to teachers for reports Can see results for all students in school “School Test Administrator” = Proctor/Teacher Administers tests Can see results for rostered students Staff sign in to create accounts from MAAC Click link; finalize account 30 Days (but let’s say 3 days) to create account Resources: TIDE training module and manual Undergoing update to reflect dropping “Teacher (TE)” read-only role, but instructions on adding/uploading still generally true Comprehensive list of roles and responsibilities/privileges/actions/duties posting to portal soon We’ll be working with AIR to extract all TEs already added and reassign as TAs

18 (add single users) On the screenshots throughout, the white/highlighted tabs are active

19 (upload users)

20 Student Records Student records in TIDE reflect CEDARS on about 12/15
Next update: extracted 1/14, sent 1/15 Nightly uploads begin after 1/15 (send Monday night through Friday night) Will reflect CEDARS data as submitted that day Add/Append – no ‘delete’ to keep vast swatches of students being ‘exited’ or dropped Info on non-enrolled students If not actively enrolled this year, must do a ‘Bulk SSID Upload’ or ‘Screen Entry’ in CEDARS once ready WILL associate students to a site in TIDE; WON’T enroll the student Current Student Records -can review/export but export is limited to 5000 records -working to supplement that in WAMS (similar to how the WELPA list works) Non-enrolled students: Finalizing specs – adding school and grade info to SSID request (screen entry or bulk upload). We’ll keep the field apprised when it’s ready. Don’t take action in CEDARS until we have confirmed functionality

21 Student Records Roster Students in TIDE or ORS
ORS only rosters students one by one; TIDE has roster upload function; can happen before or after admin, but must be done for TAs to get scores from ORS Rostering requires that staff be in TIDE Upload/enter Supports and Accommodations into TIDE WAMS Students Receiving Services opening soon Document Braille, Large-Print, Translations for paper materials EOC & Science DAPE Translated CDs MSP Science translated CD for paper and online (no embedded translation) NOTE: a student needing paper per IEP at an online site MUST use the ‘print on demand’ option; do not order additional booklets Rostering students is a simple association of a teacher (by ) to a student (by SSID) to a roster name

22 (review students)

23 (roster students in ORS)
Click through “ORS” on the portal and “Plan and Manage Testing” on the landing page to get here

24 (download/upload roster)
Download the template, fill it out, upload the template -teachers can have more than one roster -students can appear on more than one roster

25 Administration and Scoring
Administer Assessment Test Delivery System TA Logs into TA interface through Portal site creates a session Students log in through secure browser; TA approves students as they log in Guides and Training Modules: Test Administrator Online System Interface Module (available) Student Testing Interface Training Module (in progress, but there are practice and training tests) Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual (under review) Score Constructed Response Items Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) available 1/19 Teacher/Scorer logs into THSS through Portal Site and scores Rubrics live inside THSS Training Module: Teacher Hand Scoring System Training Module (under review) Create a test session, kids log in, proctor approves, kids work through the test Multiple choice items are scored by the machine; Teachers have to score the constructed response items. Once all Items are scored they go into ORS Kids have to be rostered to teachers for those teachers to access the data in ORS once scored.

26 Online Reporting System
Roster reports Student level data Data extracts We’ll cover ORS in detail the next time since it is both complex and using the data requires a functioning hand-scoring system (which is still under development)

27 Contacts Broken applications, Tech/Network, and password issues
AIR Help Desk: Student data in TIDE OSPI Assessment Analysts:

28 Summative Assessments
11/14/2018 Summative Assessments

29 Summative Assessments
Paper/pencil option registration Test material format Administration windows

30 Summative Assessments – Paper/Pencil
Paper/Pencil Registration An additional window is now available in case a district needs to change testing status of a grade or content area from online to paper/pencil or vice versa. Registration closes 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 14.

31 Summative Assessments – Paper/Pencil
Test booklets and answer documents will be Smarter Balanced material and not ‘Washingtonized’. No state designation; only grade and subject. Sample covers will be provided soon. All Washington booklets (HSPE, EOC, MSP) will retain formatting/design used in previous years, but will be printed b/w.

32 Summative Assessments – Administration Window
Online Testing Windows MSP Science Gr5 & 8: April 20 – June 5   SB ELA G3: March 10 – April 23  SB Math G3: March 10 – June 15   SB ELA & Math Gr4-8: March 10 – June 15 SB ELA & Math Gr11: April 6 – June 15 ELA Exit Exam Gr10: March 10 – June 15 Off Grade ELA & Math Gr10, 11, 12: March 10 – March 26

33 Summative Assessments – Administration Window
Paper/Pencil Testing Windows EOC Math Gr9-12 & Biology Gr7-12: May 11 – June 12 HSPE Reading Gr11&12: March 17  HSPE Writing D1 Gr11&12: March 18 HSPE Writing D2 Gr11&12: March 19 MSP Science Gr5 & 8: April 20 – May 19

34 Summative Assessments – Administration Window
Paper/Pencil Testing Windows SB ELA Gr3: March 10 – April 15 SB Math Gr3: March 10 – May 20 SB ELA & Math Gr4-8: March 10 – May 20 SB ELA & Math Gr11: Concludes May 30  DAPE Off Grade Gr10, 11, 12: March 10 – March 26 Off Grade ELA & Math Gr10, 11, 12: March 10 – March 26 ELA Exit Exam Gr10: Concludes May 30

35 Portal

36 WCAP Portal – Opened December 5, 2014
Please share widely with all district and school personnel OSPI’s Smarter Balanced page at as well as AIR’s WCAP portal at

37 WCAP Portal – Opened December 5, 2014

38 Portal The following resources will be available soon:
Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual (TAM) Test Administrator (TA) User Guide Updated TIDE User Guide and Training Module Online Reporting System User Guide and Training Module Student Interface Training Module Teacher Hand Scoring System User Guide and Training Module Braille Requirements User Guide

39 Practice and Training Tests
The Smarter Balanced Practice and Training tests are available now on the WCAP portal:

40 Practice and Training Test options
This is how students can take practice tests at home, for example, or how a member of the public can take a practice test Guest student Guest session Requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE Guest student Real session Requires the student to be present in TIDE and requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE This most closely mimics the operational environment Real student Real session There are a few different ways for proctors and students to practice taking tests As a guest “student” taking a test in a guest session, no TA is required. This is how parents or other members of the public can take tests at home to see what they’re like. In order to set up a “real” training session, a TA needs to log in to the training site with his/her credentials from TIDE. For this option, anyone can be a student – a teacher, principal, student, etc. They just sign in as a guest. In this last option, the TA logs in to the training site with her or her user credentials, and the student logs in using their credentials as well. The benefit to doing it this way is that it’s just like how it works for the operational tests. And students get to practice using whatever accommodations are assigned to them in TIDE (as well as anything the TA sets for the student in the TA interface at the time of testing).

41 Resources New resources from

42 February 27, 2014 Thank you!

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