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An Introduction to Canadian Identity

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1 An Introduction to Canadian Identity
Visual Art, Literature, Performing Arts, Sport and Music

2 Canadian Identity Canada is so large and its people are so diverse that it is not always easy to define Canada’s identity. There are many factors that influence the concept of national identity. Landscape features and climate Community, province, and region Language, culture, and ethnic background History Friends, leaders, politicians, and heroes Type of government Opportunities

3 Artists Reflect Canadian Identity
First Nations and Inuit They use a variety of art forms (or media) to represent various aspects of their culture and beliefs. Some are traditional, and some are modern. West Coast peoples use wood to make masks and totem poles. Inuit carve stone, antler, and bone. The Innu do beadwork and use painted patterns to decorate clothing. The Anishinabe make petroforms, boulders that are arranged on the ground. Mi’kmaq peoples paint and embroider on birchbark. Maliseet peoples are skilled porcupine quillworkers.

4 First Nations and Inuit Art


6 Inukshuk Historica Minutes
The Inukshuk is the symbol of the Canadian Arctic. It is a stone structure Inuit built to resemble a human. They were messages used for other travellers, for marking good hunting or fishing spots, and for showing where supplies of food were stored. They have become popular symbols throughout Canada.

7 New France During the 1500s and 1600s, priests were sent to Canada from France to paint primarily churches. The paintings were used to beautify the churches and to spread the message of Christianity. British North America During the 1700s, citizens would pay artists to paint pictures of their families or themselves. Military officers were trained to do topographic drawings – drawings that showed the landscape features. The army wanted to know the geographic details of the land to help it make its military plans. They are often called documentary paintings. Figure 1.4, p.6

8 Canada’s Natural Beauty
Many paintings were created just because of the sheer natural beauty of our landscape. Other times, artists captured the life of the people who lived and worked here. Frances Ann Hopkins, circa 1869 “The Voyageurs during the Fur Trade” “A Meeting of the School Trustees” Robert Harris, 1885 Historica Minute

9 New People, New Paintings
As more immigrants came to Canada during the 1800’s, new artists emerged. They painted landscape as well as people. “View of Sillery from the Plains of Abraham” by Joseph-Charles Franchère, 1895 “The Habitat’s Home” by Cornelius Krieghoff, 1870 “A Summer Morning” by William Brymner, 1888

10 Into the Twentieth Century
In the early 1900’s, Canadians’ sense of pride and devotion to their country was strong. A group of artists named “The Group of Seven” became very popular for their distinctive way of painting Canada’s landscapes. These artists became world famous. The original group was: A.Y. Jackson, Fred Varley, Lawren Harris, Barker Firley, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer and J.E.H. MacDonald. Tom Thompson joined the small circle but died before the group was formally organized.

11 “Falls, Montreal River”, 1920 JEH MacDonald
“Above Lake Superior”, 1922, L. Harris “Red Maple”, 1914, AY Jackson “The Guides Home, Algonquin”, 1914, A.Lismer

12 Modern Canadian Artists
Modern artists from the late 1900s into 2000 are painters, sculptors, architects, and other visual artists. They include: Emily Carr Maud Lewis Shawn Skier Alan Syliboy Douglas Cardinal Denise Comeau Jack Humphrey Shirley Bear Alex Colville Kenojuak Ashevak

13 Douglas Cardinal Museum of Civilization, Hull The Crowned Woman by Shawn Skeir Alan Syliboy

14 Jack Humphrey

15 Kenojuak Ashevak

16 Emily Carr Historica Minute

17 Shirley Bear Alex Colville


19 Writers Reflect Canadian Identity
Canadian literature covers all literary genres as writers tell stories, recount events, persuade, explain, report, and describe. Children’s Literature

20 Ballads Modern Storytelling
Ballads are a popular poetic form of narrative writing used to tell a story. They are often based on true events but the truth is stretched to make it more interesting. Many ballads have become songs. Writers often include their own personal experiences and beliefs into their writing. They can be politically charged, emotional, or persuasive. Reach out & Touch by Maxine Tynes Baby girl, baby boy behind me on the bus Reach out And touch the curly electric of my hair Your fingers dipped in the Brown skin magic of my neck To see if it comes off Your mama Slapping hands away Hush-up of your questions And wondering outloud why it doesn’t come off I turn and smile for you But you’re already lost In the silence and the fear that motherlove wraps you in I should have sat beside you Snugged my big warm self up close Held you while your mama juggled parcels Then you would know it’s OK The Cremation of Sam McGee

21 Musicians Reflect Canadian Identity
The identity of a nation and its culture is often expressed through the music and lyrical content that its people produce. There are many proud Canadian musicians. Some of these artists have strong Canadian content within their songs that express Canadian identity. Other musicians have music that is more generic. Genre refers to the “type” of music. There are many genres of music. How many more can you name? Rock Rap Country Pop Classical Jazz R&B

22 Canadian Musicians


24 List of Canadian musicians and bands

25 The CRTC It stands for the Canadian Radio-Television Communications Commission and was created in 1979 – before that it was called the Board of Broadcast Governors. Over the years, many Canadian singer/songwriters felt they had to leave Canada to be successful. As early as 1929, the Canadian government felt that Canadian radio stations should contain Canadian content. In 1958, the federal government passed the Broadcasting Act-which was meant to ensure that Canadian radio was “basically Canadian in content and character”. In 1968, this Act was expanded to include television and cable TV.

26 The CRTC Basically, the CRTC is designed to protect and promote Canadian culture, and to ensure that Canadians are offered information and entertainment from a Canadian point of view. This means that radio and television stations have to devote a specific amount of time each day to Canadian performers.

27 Performing Artists reflect Canadian Identity
While music tends to dominate, Canadians use many other forms of artistic expression to talk about themselves and their country. Canada is full of actors, both stage and screen, dancers, comedians, and spoken word performers.

28 Canada has produced some of the best comedic actors of the 80’s and 90’s, including :

29 As well as some serious actors :

30 However, many Canadian actors move to the United States to produce and star in movies.
Luckily there is a growing Canadian film industry here at home producing some excellent films.


32 Canada is also home to many comedians, both stand up and sketch.
Second City Toronto was one of the most popular improv / sketch troupes of its time. CODCO and Kids in the Hall were long running sketch shows on CBC. Picnicface is a new comedy troupe based in Halifax.

33 Popular current stand up comedians include
Gerry Dee Russell Peters Mary Walsh Rick Mercer

34 Although there are many others, both present and past.
Dan Ackroyd Jon Wing Bowser and Blue Sean Cullen Tom Green Howie Mandel Ron James

35 Other types of performing arts include:
Live theatre Dance Modern Ballet Jazz There are also many Canadians who work in design and directing who are not front and centre, but who have the power to imbue Canadian Identity into their work.

36 Athletes Reflect Canadian Identity
Canada is known worldwide for its hockey players. Canada is home to some of the greatest hockey players ever and we export players all over the world, spreading what it means to be Canadian. Besides hockey, Canada is known in other sports as well.


38 Canada has become a growing force in baseball as well.

39 And basketball.

40 At one point, Canada had the world’s fastest man.

41 Canadians have done particularly well at both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

42 There are many Canadians playing and coaching in many sports all around the world.
The Canadian work ethic has travelled the globe and has an influence worldwide.

43 Canada may be a small country, but our influence and impact spread all over the world.
Canadian Identity is broad, but when Canadians travel the world, people know who they are.

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