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T-1530 Management of Change

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1 T-1530 Management of Change
This work has been produced by DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd This induction package has been designed for usage on DGL’s intranet

2 Before you get started It is important that you complete all sections in this learning tool as it has been designed so that You can abide by the procedures of our organisation. You can apply what you have learnt in this package in your day to day activities Fleet management is covered by this package. Should this package need to be printed, care and attention needs to be taken to remove sections and supply referenced polices forms and procedures. . You may have already acquired knowledge in the area identified in this package as you may have completed some specialized training. Or you may have been working within the industry for some time. Should you identify any improvement opportunities in the information contained in this package or have difficulties completing the package please contact National Training and Compliance Manager DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd PO BOX 1594 EAGLE FARM QLD 4009 Ph Fax

3 What is Management of Change ?
Change management is a structured approach to shifting/transitioning or modifying processes, procedures from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organisational process aimed at empowering employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment. Great definition but what does it actually mean? Well simply put anyone within DGL can request a MoC. Once a request is made the procedure swings into action and the process of an assessment and consideration. The assessment must consider potential consequences (hazards and risks) resulting from the change or from not implementing the change. Finally :- Change is verified as implemented and/or effective . . Next slide shows a simplified version of P-290 as a flow diagram .

4 Simple Flow Diagram

5 Section A-description of change
Section A: the section where a MoC in initiated Very simple only requires name of person initiating MoC . Describe what change is, mark out a description closest to change sign off and correctly date. Very straight forward. Section A Description of Change – Person proposing change or Person to whom change is reported to complete. Site Manager: Fred Nerkulestine. V-300 Dandenong Storing of new customer product. Absolutely Ordinary ™. (If required, attach additional information regarding the proposed change to this notice) □ New plant / structure / equipment □ New personnel (e.g. employee or contractor) □ New procedure / form / checklist □ New process (or system of work) □ New performance standard □ New risk control measure □ New legislation / licence / approval / permit □ Alteration of existing plant / structure / equipment □ Modified duties or responsibilities (or change of role)  Change to storage location/conditions for existing product/substance □ Amendment to existing procedure / form / checklist □ Change to existing performance standard □ Change to existing risk control measure □ Amendment to existing legislation / licence / approval / permit Proposed by: Fred Nerkulestine Title: Dandenong Manager Signature: Date: dd/mm/yyyy

6 Section B: Person to whom change is reported or HSEQ Unit to complete
Management of Change Register initiated and MoC number recorded on F-240 Form. An assessment and review of the change is conducted as per Section B. Planning for the assessment may include how, what, who and by when. Reference to regulations, standards and expert opinion should be made were relevant. Section B Review – Person to whom change is reported or HSEQ Unit to complete. Is the Change acceptable? Yes (  ) No ( ) Comments:   The product according to MSDS is neither Hazardous nor a Dangerous Good, however if product is exposed to heat above 80°C, the solid will melt ruining the product. Care to store at temperatures do not expose product to high temperatures (> 40c) Reviewed by: A. McQueen-Thomson Title: HSEQ Coordinator Signature: Date: dd/mm/yyyy

7 Section C : Elected OHS Representative Consultation
This section again is a matter of having HSR involved, HSR’s input is crucial so that all are involved with growing the business. In this instance there is no HSR, so consultation could just as easily be done through a toolbox meeting. Section C Elected OHS Representative Consultation – OHS Representative to complete Is the Change acceptable? Yes ( ) No ( ) Comments: No OHS Representative on site at this time. Name: Title: Signature: Date:

8 Section D Approval – Manager/ Supervisor or HSEQ Unit
Either the Site Manager or HESQ Unit to approve of change, if uncertain HESQ to confirm change is acceptable Section D Approval – Manager/ Supervisor or HSEQ Unit to complete. Is the Change acceptable? Yes (  ) No ( ) Comments: Approved by: Fred Nerkulestine Title: Dandenong Manager Signature: Date: dd/mm/yyyy

9 Section E Document Review and Update
HESQ has the responsibility of ensuring that all changes are updated into SMS documents. Section E Document Review and Update – HSEQ Unit to complete. List all SMS documents requiring review for updates and indicate the date updates completed:  P-440  Title: HESQ Coordinator Signature: Date: dd/mm/yyyy

10 Section F Verification
HESQ is to list SMS documents and identify when these updates have been completed. Section E Document Review and Update – HSEQ Unit to complete. List all SMS documents requiring review for updates and indicate the date updates completed: P-440 Title: HESQ Coordinator Signature: Date: dd/mm/yyyy

11 Conclusion Management of Change (MoC) is an extremely important control for the operation of the Safety Management System (SMS). The SMS requires all to use the Management of Change where it is necessary. The purpose of MoC is to ensure that unexplained changes do not suddenly and inexplicably appear. SMS is designed to be flexible and change can be introduced by employees, supervisors where necessary or as suggested. All change though needs to go through an assessment to ensure that it is both safe and effective.

12 Test your knowledge Through the following slides you will be asked an number of questions to show that you have understood the content of this learning tool Please record your answer on the training form F-260. You will be required to submit the answers to the DGL HSEQ unit 11/14/2018

13 Question 1 Who is responsible for starting a MoC?
Anybody who wishes to. HESQ Unit Only. Manager /Supervisor, HSR or HESQ Unit Fred Nerkulestine

14 Question 2 What must be completed for Section B?
Timesheet and Goods Inwards & Receipt Form Dangerous Goods Conformance Register. Operational Incident Form. Risk Assessment and Risk Matrix Forms

15 Question 3 What other requirements must be taken into consideration in Section B? .

16 Question 4 Who must be consulted about change?
Operations Office staff. Leading Hand for site. National manager for HSEQ. Elected HSR.

17 Question 5 What must be avoided when backing under a trailer?
Not being square to and at a different height to trailer. Backing up too slowly. Using a forklift to move trailer. No idea.

18 Question 6 When ignition switch has been turn to on position, what must you wait for before starting engine? Wait for engine to warm up.. For Brake system air to build up. For computer to do its system check Ask a DGL employee.

19 Question 7 What must an operator do before using a tug?
Nothing at all. Prestart inspection for obvious defects. Get correct paper work. grab a cup of coffee.

20 Question 8 What is recommended Gear for moving from stationary state?
5th gear. Low range 6th . 3rd gear. 1st gear.

21 Question 9 What must an operator do when operating a Tug?
Do not speed around site. Drink a cup of coffee. Ride the Clutch. Smoke.

22 Question 10 When decoupling what should you do with airbags?
Release enough air to slightly lower turntable. Nothing needs to be done. Raise turntable airbag pressure. Release all air and drive out.

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