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Typographic Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Typographic Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Typographic Terms

2 Typography is the study of letter forms in graphic design
Typography is the study of letter forms in graphic design. How you say something can be a supporting and expanding example of what you are trying to say. Got a Light by DesertViper

3 What is typography? Typography is the art and technique of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs.

4 The earliest writing was scratched in clay or carved in stone.

5 With the invention of moveable type by Johan Gutenberg in 1436, the modern printing press was born.

6 From this early technology, we draw a great deal of our current terminology.

7 On one new slide per term, define each terms as it relates to typography. Include an example or a picture if it aids in the explanation of the term.

8 typeface

9 serif

10 sans serif

11 uppercase

12 lowercase

13 capline

14 midline (meanline)

15 baseline

16 ascender

17 descender

18 counter and bowl

19 On the next slide, match the terms appropriately
On the next slide, match the terms appropriately. Move the dotted lines and the arrows to where they belong.

20 Alpha bet uppercase lowercase serif ascender descender sans serif
counter baseline capline meanline

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