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Point of View Part 2 Personification

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1 Point of View Part 2 Personification
I.S. 172 (Powell Academy of Law) Name______________ Ms. E. Pennil Class _________ English Language Arts November 14, 2002 Point of View Part 2 Personification

2 Point of View Part 2 Personification
Aim: What is personification and how is it utilized in fables? Objective: SWBAT identify personification in fables and use this knowledge to create a first-person account of a fable from a personified animal’s perspective. New York City Standard: E5a. Respond to fiction using interpretive critical processes.

3 Something to Think About Did you know that most of your favorite movies and television shows probably use personification?

4 Do Now Writing Assignment
You have 5 minutes to answer the following questions: What is the root word in personification, today’s literary term? What do you think the word personification means?

5 Do Now Answer The root word in personification is person (human).
Definition Personification is the use of human traits to represent animals, objects, events, and ideas.

6 What are some human traits and activities
What are some human traits and activities? Where have you seen animals (real or imaginary) exhibiting these traits and taking part in these activities?

7 Where have you seen animals that exhibit human traits?
Television Cartoons Commercials Movies Stories Fables Fairy Tales Novels

8 Quick Review First Person POV
What did we learn about first person point of view narration? The narrator tells the story from his or her point of view (POV) and uses I, me, my, and we (first person pronouns).

9 Definition Fable A story with a moral that often has animals as characters Example “The Fox and the Grapes”

10 Activity Choose a partner (one of you is the recorder and the other is the reporter). Retell “The Fox and the Grapes” in five sentences from the Fox’s POV. Prepare to share your sentences with the class.

11 Personification in “The Fox and the Grapes”
Strolls instead of just walking through the park Speaks Shows disappointment

12 ELA Homework November 14, 2002 Read “The Four Oxen and the Lion”.
Choose the lion or one of the four oxen. Personify the character (lion or ox) you choose by retelling the fable from it’s first person POV. Don’t forget to reveal how the character feels.

13 Point of View Part 2 Personification
Are there any questions?

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