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Head Anatomy Medical ppt

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1 Head Anatomy Medical ppt

2 Bone Anatomy Cranial Vault Frontal 2 Sphenoid Bones 2 Parietal Bones
2 Temporal Bones Occiput Inion

3 Bone Antomy Sutures Coronal Suture Lamboid Suture Frontogomatic Suture

4 Bone Anatomy General Facial Bones Mandible Maxilla 2 Nasal Palatine
2 Lacrimal 2 Zygomatic Bones 2 Zygomatice Arches 2 ethomoid Supraorbital Ridge Infraorbital Ridge

5 Brain Anatomy Regions of Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon
Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere Hemisphere Lobes Cerebellum Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain Stem Medulla Pons Midbrain

6 Brain Anatomy Regions of Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon
Right Hemisphere Left Hemisphere Hemisphere Lobes Cerebellum Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain Stem Medulla Pons Midbrain

7 Brain Anatomy Meninges Dura Mater Arachnoid Mater Pia Mater
Subarachnoid Space

8 Brain Anatomy Cerebral Spinal Fluid Blood Circulation to Brain
Suspends CNS in fluid Blood Circulation to Brain Vertebral arteries Carotid arteries

9 Cranial Nerves

10 CN I: Olfactory have athlete smell and identify orange counterirritant
lip balm “bandaid” other

11 CNII: Optic Visual Fields Read Close: pocket Snellen chart, book
Far: scoreboard, jersey, billboard

12 CNIII: Occulomotor P.E.A.R.L. Motor
Closed eyes, then open & shine penlight compare bilaterally repeat Anisocoria known/congenital? Motor Up, down and medial tracking Ptosis – inability to maintain upper eyelid position

13 CNIV: Trochlear Down and lateral tracking

14 CNV: Trigemenial Sensory Facial sensation Motor Clench teeth

15 CN VI: Abducens Lateral tracking

16 CN VII: Facial Muscles of expression
Clench eyes, teeth, smile, frown, puff cheeks

17 CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear
Balance Romberg’s eyes closed, feet together, arms at side.. Tilt head back: sway or step is positive Heel to toe walk Heel to knee touch Finger to nose Hearing Ticking watch Whisper in ear Weber Test Rinne Test

18 CN IX: Glossopharangeal
Gag reflex Taste Ability to swallow

19 CN X: Vagus Gag reflex ahhhh

20 CN XI: Accessory Resisted shoulder shrug Neck Flexion

21 CN XII: Hypoglossal Tongue Protrusion Medical ppt

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