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for Mathematics Learning

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1 for Mathematics Learning
1 PARTNERS for Mathematics Learning Grade Five Module 4 Partners for Mathematics Learning

2 Big Ideas in Geometry  Shapes or groups of shapes can be
2 Big Ideas in Geometry  Shapes or groups of shapes can be classified by their properties  Two-dimensional shapes are combined to make three-dimensional shapes  Area, perimeter, and volumes are examples of measurable attributes in geometry Partners for Mathematics Learning

3  Shapes can be described in terms of their
3 Big Ideas in Geometry  Shapes can be described in terms of their location and viewed from different perspectives; geometric figures can be moved in a plane without changing their size or shape  Coordinate systems can be used to describe locations precisely Partners for Mathematics Learning

4 Shapes & Properties Attributes Classifying Developing Refining
4 Shapes & Properties Refining Concepts Exploring Attributes of Shapes Classifying Shapes Developing Vocabulary Partners for Mathematics Learning

5 V an H iele L evels of G eometric T hought
5 V an H iele L evels of G eometric T hought Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Visualization (Recognition) Description/Analysis Abstract/Relational Formal Deduction (high school geometry)  Level 4 Rigor (college level geometry) Partners for Mathematics Learning

6 Shapes and Properties  Look at this shape
6 Shapes and Properties  Look at this shape  What are some of its properties? Partners for Mathematics Learning

7 Shapes and Properties  Find these properties in your environment:
7 Shapes and Properties  Find these properties in your environment:  Parallel lines  Right angles  Shapes with “dents” (concave)  Solids like a cylinder  Solids like a pyramid  Shapes with rotational symmetry Partners for Mathematics Learning

8 What is a Polygon?  All of these are Polygons
8 What is a Polygon?  All of these are Polygons  None of these are Polygons Partners for Mathematics Learning

9 What is a Polygon?  Which of these is a Polygon?
9 What is a Polygon?  Which of these is a Polygon?  What attributes does a polygon have that makes it a polygon? Partners for Mathematics Learning

10  Create a polygon to fit each description
10 Constructing Polygons  Create a polygon to fit each description  4 sides and 4 right angles  3 sides and 1 right angle  5 sides  12 sides  4 sides with exactly 2 sides parallel  4 sides with 2 pairs of sides perpendicular  3 sides with 2 sides perpendicular

11 Regular and Irregular Polygons
11 Regular and Irregular Polygons  These are regular polygons  These are irregular polygons Partners for Mathematics Learning

12 Triangles  Sort the triangles into three groups so that
12 Triangles  Sort the triangles into three groups so that no two triangles belong in more than one group  Write a description of each group  Now sort the triangles again into three different groups so that no triangle belongs in two groups  Write a description of each of these groups Partners for Mathematics Learning

13 Triangles  Fill in the chart below with a sketch of a
13 Triangles  Fill in the chart below with a sketch of a triangle that fits both labels  Are any impossible ones? Partners for Mathematics Learning

14 Quadrilaterals  Find all the quadrilaterals Sort them into groups
14 Quadrilaterals Find all the quadrilaterals Sort them into groups Are there overlaps? Draw a Venn diagram to sort the shapes Can you find a different way to sort them? Partners for Mathematics Learning

15 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals
\ 15 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals  Draw the diagonals in each quadrilateral  What properties can you identify in the diagonals? Partners for Mathematics Learning

16 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals
16 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals Properties of Diagonals Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square Trapezoid Kite form congruent triangles bisecteach other are Are perpendicular Bisect opposite angles Partners for Mathematics Learning

17 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals
17 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals Properties of Diagonals Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square Trapezoid Kite form congruent triangles 2opposite pairs yes 1pair 2pairs (adjacent) bisecteach other are Are perpendicular Bisect opposite angles Partners for Mathematics Learning

18 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals
18 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals  How many diagonals in these quadrilaterals? Partners for Mathematics Learning

19 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals
19 Diagonals in Quadrilaterals  Concave quadrilaterals do have 2 diagonals.  What is different? Partners for Mathematics Learning

20 Quadrilaterals  Look at this set of parallelograms.
20 Quadrilaterals  Look at this set of parallelograms.  What are its properties of sides? angles? symmetry? diagonals? Partners for Mathematics Learning

21 Quadrilaterals  Classify the quadrilaterals by labeling the
21 Quadrilaterals  Classify the quadrilaterals by labeling the parts of this Venn diagram: Partners for Mathematics Learning

22 22 Quadrilaterals Partners for Mathematics Learning

23 True or False?  If it is a square, it is also a rhombus
23 True or False? If it is a square, it is also a rhombus Some parallelograms are rectangles All rectangles are squares If it has exactly two lines of symmetry, then it must be a quadrilateral  No triangles have diagonals  All triangles have 3 congruent sides  All trapezoids have exactly 2 parallel sides Partners for Mathematics Learning

24 True or False?  If it is a square, it is also a rhombus. T
24 True or False? If it is a square, it is also a rhombus. T Some parallelograms are rectangles. T All rectangles are squares. F If it has exactly two lines of symmetry, then it must be a quadrilateral. F  All triangles have no diagonals. T  All triangles have 3 congruent sides. F  All trapezoids have exactly 2 parallel sides. T Partners for Mathematics Learning

25 Algebra Connection: Diagonals
25 Algebra Connection: Diagonals  How many diagonals in a triangle?  a quadrilateral?  A pentagon?  Any polygon?  How many diagonals in a polygon with n sides?  What’s the rule? Partners for Mathematics Learning

26 Angles  What are angles?  What makes conceptualizing the size of an
26 Angles D E B A F  What are angles?  What makes conceptualizing the size of an angle challenging for students? Partners for Mathematics Learning

27 Angles  “The protractor is one of the most poorly school.”
27 Angles  “The protractor is one of the most poorly understood measuring instruments in school.” John Van de Walle  Why is measuring the size of an angle so difficult for students? Partners for Mathematics Learning

28 Challenges of a Protractor
28 Challenges of a Protractor  Units (degrees) are very small  No angles are shown on protractor; only little marks around the edge  Numbers go both clockwise and counterclockwise on a typical protractor Partners for Mathematics Learning

29 Angle Size  Students need to practice telling the
29 Angle Size  Students need to practice telling the difference between a small and a large angle prior to measuring angles  What activities might provide this? Partners for Mathematics Learning

30 Reading a Protractor  How do you help students understand how
30 Reading a Protractor  How do you help students understand how to use a typical protractor?  What experiences need to come before students try to use a protractor? Partners for Mathematics Learning

31 Angle Units  Use a straightedge to draw a narrow angle  Cut it out
31 Angle Units  Use a straightedge to draw a narrow angle on your card  Cut it out  Use the wedge as a unit to measure angles, counting the number of wedges that fit into a particular angle Partners for Mathematics Learning

32 Making a Protractor  Fold the piece of waxed paper in half, creasing
32 Making a Protractor  Fold the piece of waxed paper in half, creasing the fold tightly  Fold in half again so that the folded edges match  Fold along the diagonal from the folded corner  Fold again from the folded corner to bring together the two sides that form the folded corner  Cut or tear off the edge about 4-5 inches from the vertex and unfold Partners for Mathematics Learning

33 Making a Tool for Measuring Angles
33 Making a Tool for Measuring Angles  Compare your waxed paper tool to a traditional protractor Partners for Mathematics Learning

34 Measuring Angles  Make your answer card
34 Measuring Angles  Make your answer card  Decide on the angle you want to use  Draw an angle on the index card, measuring very carefully  Plan good “incorrect” answers  Place the answer choices in appropriate locations Partners for Mathematics Learning

35 Measurement and Geometry
35 Measurement and Geometry  How does geometry overlap with measuring angles? Partners for Mathematics Learning

36  “Perhaps the biggest error in measurement
36 Measurement  “Perhaps the biggest error in measurement instruction is the failure to recognize and separate two types of objectives: first, understanding the meaning and technique of measuring a particular attribute unit and, second, learning about the standard units commonly used to measure that attribute.” John Van de Walle, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Partners for Mathematics Learning

37 Triangles  Use a straight edge to make a large
37 Triangles  Use a straight edge to make a large triangle  Place a visible dot on each vertex  Rip off each of the angles  Carefully join the angles at the dots and tape or glue them down  What do you notice? Partners for Mathematics Learning

38 Angle Sums  Measure each angle of each polygon
38 Angle Sums  Measure each angle of each polygon  Record your findings in the appropriate chart  Find the sum of the angles for each figure  Compare your results to those of your classmates  What conclusion(s) about the sum of the angles do you draw from the results? Partners for Mathematics Learning

39 Angle Sums  The sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180 °
39 Angle Sums  The sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180 ° Partners for Mathematics Learning

40 Angle Sums  The sum of the angle measures of any
40 Angle Sums  The sum of the angle measures of any quadrilateral is 360 °  Any quadrilateral can be divided into two triangles, each with an angle sum or 180 ° Partners for Mathematics Learning

41 Angle Sums  Divide a pentagon into triangles
41 Angle Sums  Divide a pentagon into triangles  Use only diagonal lines and do not cross any lines  How many triangles did you make?  How does that impact the sum of the angles of the pentagon?  Do the same with a hexagon  What is the pattern? Partners for Mathematics Learning

42 Describe the Polygon  Create a “Wanted” poster for one of the
42 Describe the Polygon  Create a “Wanted” poster for one of the “culprits” below:  A right scalene triangle  A rhombus  A trapezoid  An obtuse isosceles triangle  A regular pentagon Partners for Mathematics Learning

43 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes
43 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes  A pentomino is made from 5 congruent squares, with squares touching only by a whole side (“edge to edge construction”)  Make as many different pentomino shapes as you can. How many can you make? OK Not OK Partners for Mathematics Learning

44 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes
44 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes  Are these pentominoes different or congruent? Partners for Mathematics Learning

45 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes
45 Creating Nets for 3-D Shapes  Which of the pentomino pieces can be folded into a topless box?  What rectangles can be created from the pentomino pieces that can be folded into a topless box? Partners for Mathematics Learning

46 Area and Perimeter  What is the relationship
46 Area and Perimeter  What is the relationship between the area of the T-shaped net and the surface area of the topless box it creates?  Are the perimeter of the net and the sum of the lengths of the edges of the 3-D topless box also equivalent? Partners for Mathematics Learning

47 Volume: Rectangular Prisms
47 Volume: Rectangular Prisms  Use centimeter cubes to create rectangular prisms  How many different prisms can you make with these cubes: 24 32 36  Record the dimensions of each prism that you make and the total number of cubes used Partners for Mathematics Learning

48 Connections  Which of the process standards did we
48 Connections  Which of the process standards did we use?  Problem Solving  Reasoning and Proof  Communication  Connections  Representation  In Grade 5 what are strong connections between geometry and measurement? Partners for Mathematics Learning

49 DPI Mathematics Staff Everly Broadway, Chief Consultant
Renee Cunningham Kitty Rutherford Robin Barbour Mary H. Russell Carmella Fair Johannah Maynor Amy Smith Partners for Mathematics Learning is a Mathematics-Science Partnership Project funded by the NC Department of Public Instruction. Permission is granted for the use of these materials in professional development in North Carolina Partners school districts. Partners for Mathematics Learning

50 PML Dissemination Consultants
Susan Allman Julia Cazin Ruafika Cobb Anna Corbett Gail Cotton Jeanette Cox Leanne Daughtry Lisa Davis Ryan Dougherty Shakila Faqih Patricia Essick Donna Godley Cara Gordon Tery Gunter Barbara Hardy Kathy Harris Julie Kolb Renee Matney Tina McSwain Marilyn Michue Amanda Northrup Kayonna Pitchford Ron Powell Susan Riddle Judith Rucker Shana Runge Yolanda Sawyer Penny Shockley Pat Sickles Nancy Teague Michelle Tucker Kaneka Turner Bob Vorbroker Jan Wessell Daniel Wicks Carol Williams Stacy Wozny Partners for Mathematics Learning

51 2009 Writers Partners Staff Kathy Harris Freda Ballard, Webmaster
Rendy King Tery Gunter Judy Rucker Penny Shockley Nancy Teague Jan Wessell Stacy Wozny Amanda Baucom Julie Kolb Partners Staff Freda Ballard, Webmaster Anita Bowman, Outside Evaluator Ana Floyd, Reviewer Meghan Griffith, Administrative Assistant Tim Hendrix, Co-PI and Higher Ed Ben Klein , Higher Education Katie Mawhinney, Co-PI and Higher Ed Wendy Rich, Reviewer Catherine Stein, Higher Education Please give appropriate credit to the Partners for Mathematics Learning project when using the materials. Jeane Joyner, Co-PI and Project Director Partners for Mathematics Learning

52 for Mathematics Learning
52 PARTNERS for Mathematics Learning Grade Five Module 4 Geometry Partners for Mathematics Learning

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