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Design of a Computer Controlled Test System for Automated Characterization of MEMS and QCM Gas Sensors University of Southern Maine Electrical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Design of a Computer Controlled Test System for Automated Characterization of MEMS and QCM Gas Sensors University of Southern Maine Electrical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of a Computer Controlled Test System for Automated Characterization of MEMS and QCM Gas Sensors University of Southern Maine Electrical Engineering Department Authors: Robert MacKinnon and Joshua Ward Advisor: Prof. Mustafa Guvench Abstract: Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Resonator (MEMR) based gas sensors are being developed at the Microelectronics Research Labs of Electrical Engineering Dept. at USM. This project involves design and development of a computer-controlled test system to measure and characterize response of these devices to various gas mixtures and concentrations. MEMR resonance frequency is determined by the inverse of the product of its vibrating mass and its spring constant. Therefore, just like Quartz-Crystal-Microbalance (QCM) sensors, a Silicon MEMR device coated with a thin film of a polymer with gas absorption properties, responds to the presence and concentration of the gas to be sensed with a decrease in its resonance frequency. The system we have developed employs LabView as GUI software platform for interfacing, communication, data acquisition and control between a personal computer and the measurement setup via a GPIB bus and the USB ports. The LabView program developed communicates through a data acquisition unit, “Personal DAQ 3001” from IOTech, to achieve control in synchronization with the measurement, monitoring and recording of sensor response. Mass flow controllers (“MFC”s) are used to control the flow of the gases during the tests. The LabView program written measures and monitors the frequencies of both MEMR and the quartz crystal gas sensors, monitors and controls temperature of the MEMR device under test as it steps the concentration or composition of the gases via three MFCs. Finally, the program saves all the data being generated for later data processing and correlation to determine the response of the sensors under test to the gases used in the experiment. This project was done to satisfy the senior design requirements of the authors in Engineering. It was funded by grants from NASA/Maine Space Grant Consortium and USM Faculty Senate. . MEMS Resonator chip MEMS Resonator, wire bonded to a 44-pin J-LDCC package Frequency Response of MEMS Resonator Magnitude(yellow) & Phase(blue) Computer Controlled Test System Controlled Test Environment Computer running LabView software GPIB Bus MEMR Gas into Test Chamber Gas HP 4194A Impedance/Gain Spectrum Analyzer Carrier Gas Gas Flows MFCs USB Bus Quartz crystal Monitor Analog Control Voltages to MFCs Analog Voltages from MFCs to Monitor Flow Rates Frequency from MEMR and QCM Bubbler Thermocouple GUI Window displayed by the LabView control program for MEMS Gas Sensor characterization Schematic diagram of the test system for MEMS Gas Sensor characterization

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