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Lesson Starter What is the name of the Male and female sex cell in plants? Where is the male/female sex cells produced in plants? What are the names of.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter What is the name of the Male and female sex cell in plants? Where is the male/female sex cells produced in plants? What are the names of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter What is the name of the Male and female sex cell in plants? Where is the male/female sex cells produced in plants? What are the names of the male and female parts of the plant? What is the job of the sepal? Why are the petals brightly coloured?

2 Reproduction in animals and plants Lesson 7

3 Lesson 7- Learning intention
To dissect the flower and examine the different reproductive structures

4 Flower Dissection: Method
Take a flower Carefully use the scalpel to dissect the flower Use the labelled diagram from last time to help you identify each structure Stick the parts of the flower into your notes Use the microscope to look at the pollen grains and draw what you see (on page 15)

5 Plant sex cells under the microscope
Pollen Ovule

6 Pollination and Fertilisation
Plant reproduction There are two stages of plant reproduction: Pollination and Fertilisation

7 Plant reproduction The pollen grains (MALE SEX CELL) need to move from the anther (MALE) to the stigma (FEMALE) Pollen transferred to female reproductive organ (stigma)

8 Pollination SELF-POLLINATION- the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma on the SAME plant CROSS-POLLINATION- the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma on DIFFERENT plant


10 Insect Pollination Petals are large and bright Flowers smell nice
Nectar is sweet Pollen is stick or spikey

11 Wind Pollination Petals are small and dull Flowers are unscented
Pollen is smooth and light

12 Fertilisation Fertilisation occurs after the pollen grain lands on the stigma The pollen grain grows a tube which reaches the ovule- the pollen then travels down the tube and FUSES with the ovule to form a zygote

13 Fertilisation The OVARY becomes the FRUIT and OVULES become the SEEDS
PETALS then die and drop off

14 Homework Page 17 for Thursday 26th November Describe the journey taken by a pollen grain nucleus from leaving the anther to forming the seed. You can use a diagram.

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