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Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros

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1 Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros
A Major Threat to Hawaii’s Coconut and Palm Trees Aubrey Moore UG Arnold H. Hara University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources 875 Komohana St. Hilo, Hawaii

2 Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB)
Native range: Southeastern Asia *CRB was introduced throughout the Pacific primarily as a result of the increased sea traffic during World War II. *Most recently, CRB was discovered in Guam on Sep 2007. *Primary damage is adults boring from the petioles of fronds into the crown cutting through developing leaves feeding on the exuded sap. *The beetle breeds in dead standing coconut palms killed by pest /disease/ lightning, decaying organic materials like compost and sawdust heaps. (Bedford, 1980). *Eggs hatch in 8-12 days and larvae feed on decaying coconut/palm debris for days. *Prepupal and Pupal stage is days and the adult remains in the pupal cell for days. *Adults live for 4-9 months and each female lays eggs. (M. Schmaedick 2005 Am. Samoa) egg 1st instar 3rd instar Female shorter horn than male Female w/fuzzy Orange rear. pupa

3 Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB) damage symptoms
*Primary damage is adults boring from the petioles of fronds into the crown cutting through developing unopen fronds feeding on the exuded sap. Active adult boring hole thru petiole *V-shape cut on open fronds. *Similar to mechanical pruning damage to unopened fronds Active adult boring hole in Petiole “wet look” Coconut fibers from adult boring

4 Damage to Foxtail palm emerging frond
Boring with exposed coconut fiber

5 Area of attack by adult beetle
Older adult boring hole Old boring thru trunk Adult boring hole thru frond petiole

6 Symptoms of CRB Attack: V-cut with associated lateral boring thru fronds

7 Boring damage to folded new terminal growth: Damage is semi-circular

8 Major Breeding Site in Coconut Trimming Debris, Asan, Guam

9 Major Breeding Site with all CRB stages, Asan, Guam

10 Asan Beach Guam Dead Coconut Tree with CRB Adults and grubs found
in rotting coconut trunk terminal O9/13

11 Most Efficient CRB Trap in Guam
Uv LED light 50 gal steel barrel filled with rotting coconut debris, live CRB, grubs & aggregation pheromone. Ultraviolet LED light over trap. Chicken wire allows CRB to enter but cannot fly out. (Moore & Quitugua, per. com. 09/13) Pheromone w/CRB

12 Hooded Vane Trap Trap with chicken wire instead of vane Uv LED light plus pheromone Increase trap Efficiency (Moore & Quitugua Pers. Com. 09/13) Trap w/ CRB pheromone Increase efficacy of traps by rotting coconut stumps placed beneath trap with CRB pheromone Guam 09/13

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