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Published byAbner Patrick Modified over 6 years ago
Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents
Show Slide #1: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents Title: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents References: FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN MANUAL FY, The Army Management Structure GFEBS Performance Support Website (PSW) SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours / Methods 05 hrs / 00 mins Large Group Instruction 03 hrs / 00 mins Practical Exercises 08 hrs / 00 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Method of Instruction. Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction 8 hrs 00 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction Facilitator Material: Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and a summary sheet containing the noted references. Learners Material: Learners should possess course handouts, access to all systems for exercises, summary sheet containing the above noted references portable laptop, and standard classroom supplies. Note: "All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the local Command Motivator: In today’s Army, we define ourselves as being the best trained, equipped and the best led Army that the United States has ever known. So to keep this image we as Financial Leaders and Managers have to become the best at financially supporting our Soldiers and being stewards of taxpayer dollars. Knowing this we have embraced Standard Financial Information System (SFIS) and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) in that it provides our Army decision makers with accurate, reliable, timely business and financial information to keep our War Fighters within their fiscal responsibilities. 1
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Create Funds Pre-Commitment Document Create Funds Commitment and Obligation Document Process Vendor Invoice Show Slide #2: Terminal Learning Objectives Facilitator Note: Read/State TLO Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will have an understanding and know the importance of vendor master data. You will be able to create, display, and change information pertaining to the vendor(s). TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: - Create Funds Pre-Commitment Document - Create Funds Commitment and Obligation Document - Process Vendor Invoice - Define Vendor Master Data Display Learning Domain - Level: Cognitive / Applying Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Consideration: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Evaluation: This lesson will test your ability to properly log into GFEBS, research given references, and properly make inputs into the training environment. Instructional Lead-In: Today, it is essential that all Soldiers (CVS Clerks assigned to specific roles) are able to log into GFEBS, research regulations and specific links to accurately input pre-commitment documents. This class will prepare you to successfully accomplish the tasks listed. 2. TRAINING AIDS This lesson is taught in a large group classroom setting with personal computer systems, Panasonic projection televisions, Mr. Podium MP42 Lectern, indoor speakers, Touch panel TPS-3100I Crestron, Ceiling mountable projector, and internet access. 2
Agenda End to end process (high level) description Concrete Experience
Definition Roles / Responsibilities Pre-commitment / Commitment – FMY1 Hands-on training (Exercise Scenarios) Create Funds Commitment / Obligations – FMZ1 Invoicing via FB60 (create/attach/block/view) Show Slide #3: Agenda Learning Step / Activity 1. Create Funds Pre-Commitment Documents Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hr. / 30 mins. (1hr PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator Note: Read the agenda of Commitment Processor that will be covered in this lesson. At this time refer students to the handout which includes the key terms, summary sheet, and data sheets. Emphasize the importance of these handouts as a useful tool throughout this lesson. 3
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) 4 Non-PPA Process FMY1 Pre-Commit FB02 /03
Block/ View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #4: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Note: The transaction codes that will be covered during this lesson are listed above in the perspective areas that will be taught. We will cover the Miscellaneous Pay Non PPA process. Although the FMY1 Process (Pre-Commitment) is listed, this T-Code is being phased out. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 4
Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (What is it?)
A valid obligation that is NOT subject to the Prompt Payment Act Attributes- payments for recurring / non-contractual purchases MWR functions (non-GPC card) 4th of July festivities, etc. Special Authoritative arrangement- Military acts and executive orders: Funeral detail, Color Guard, etc. DOJ legal fees Show Slide #5: Miscellaneous Pay-Non-PPA Facilitator’s Note: Restate the Definition. Facilitator’s Note: A valid obligation of the Army containing one or more of the following attributes: - Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases Ex. Payments for morale, welfare, and recreation functions when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible - Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than formal contracting agreement Ex. Military services directives that are based on acts and executive orders - Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions Ex. Fees paid by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or per instruction from the DOJ Legal Fees 5
Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Expense Types)
Payments to: Federal / Non-Federal entities Federal- Government Employees / Green suitors Authorized when: Reimbursement for legitimate ‘official’ Duties Non-Federal- State and local Government Non-profit orgs., private schools, individuals outside Government Show Slide #6: Miscellaneous Pay-Non-PPA (Expense Types) Note: Primarily authorized when government employee/military member (active, reserve, and National Guard) need to be reimbursed for legitimate expenses incurred as part of their official duties (Observer/Controller, Quality Assurance, etc.) Payments to Non-Federal Entities State and local government, business, non-profit organizations, private schools, not-for-profit hospitals, and government owned corporations Includes payments to individuals outside the government 6
Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Roles)
FMY1- Commitment Processor FMZ1- Purchase Order Processor FB60- Site Invoice Processor Miscellaneous Pay Approver Show Slide #7: Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Roles) Note: The Miscellaneous Pay Approver is a restricted role that requires users to have completed and submitted an updated version of Form 577 to EDA prior to being approved for the role in GRC. Note: The Miscellaneous Pay Approver role is now available for selection in GRC for Wave 8a organizations. GRC Approvers should immediately begin identifying users and creating GRC requests for users who require the Miscellaneous Pay Approver role. Note: The Commitment Processor is the equivalent to a PR Processor. 7
Why Create Funds Pre-Commitment?
Basic Car- MSRP $22,000 My Wish List Custom Tinting Show Slide #8: Create funds pre-commitment Concrete Experience Facilitator’s Note: During the next three slides you will explain to the students the importance of pre-committing / committing funds. We will use a car for an example. At this time you want to only show the title of the slide. Ask the students if they were to purchase a car today based on their salary, “What car would they purchase?” Press the “page down” key or click the mouse. Next, you want to ask the students if they would keep the base model or add additional options. Ask three or four of the students, “What would they add to their car?” Press the “page down” key or click the mouse, until all the additional options are shown. At the end of the graphics, inform the students that they will have to sign the contract to receive the goods (car). HP (2.5L vs. 3.5L) Satellite Radio Am I signing here?? 8
Create Funds Pre-Commitment Considerations
Regular upkeep / Maintenance Car Insurance Companies $ $$ $$$ DON’T Forget…Property Tax (Annual) Show Slide #9: Create funds pre-commitment Considerations Facilitator’s Note: Ask the students if they have considered the additional cost that are associated with owning a vehicle. Have a few of the students name some of the additional considerations. The slide title should be displayed. Press the “page down” key or click the mouse to show some of the main considerations with owning a vehicle. Car Insurance – It is mandatory to have insurance on your vehicle prior to driving it off the car lot. Regular upkeep/ Maintenance – fuel, unexpected occurrences, detailing the car. Property Tax (Annual) Facilitator Note: Ask the students if they considered these expenses when we talked about the car in the previous slide? ETC..etc..etc..etc.. 9
Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.) Reality Break Down
Scenario: You are a newly assigned Soldier at Ft. Jackson, SC. We will use the base pay of a PFC / E-3, taxes based on 12.91%, State tax based on 3%, monthly car payment on a 25K = $553, and car insurance for a 21 year old male = $187. Income (credit) by month Expenditure (debit) by month Let’s not forget… $ (Monthly) = $21,664 /yr - $233 = Federal /FICA 12.91% $1,805 Incidentals “Latte” effect (fix) - $54.00 = State 3% = $1,572 - $553 = car payment = $1,518 $$ = Sales Shopping $$ = Your Fast Food Fix - $187 = Insurance Show Slide #10: Create funds pre-commitment (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Read the scenario to the students. Explain to the students that the totals used will be rounded to the nearest dollar. We will use a income (credit) by month column and an expenditure (debit) month column. The base pay for a PFC for 2014 is $21,664, this equals monthly pay periods prior to taxes. We will start by rounding the monthly pay to $ We will cover the deductions one at a time and show how they will affect the monthly pay. First deduction is Federal taxes $233, taking your pay down to $1572. Second deduction is state tax for $54, taking your pay to $1518. **Inform the students that the government will always get their money first. The taxes are based on an individual’s status and number of dependents. Third deduction is the $533 for the car payment, leaving you a balance of $965. Fourth deduction is $187 for car insurance, leaving the Soldier with a grand total of $778. Do not move on to the next topic, discuss with the Soldiers the remaining amount the $778. Select a Soldier to write the $778 amount on the white board. Ask the Soldiers what additional purchases they think they will have for the month? Deduct some of the suggestions from the $778. Make sure to include gas and maintenance we showed in the previous slide. Click on the mouse or select the page down key. Incidentals and “Latte Effect” will display on the screen. Incidentals - Occurring by chance or without intention. The latte effect, also known as the "Latte Factor" -- a phrase trademarked by financial author David Bach -- describes the small things consumers buy on a daily basis, such as coffee, cigarettes and fast food that slowly but steadily drain their bank accounts. Bach's philosophy was that this money spent on indulgences could instead be invested and saved for retirement or other goals Press the page down key to complete the discussion of this slide. S-Bucks (Starbucks), KK (Krispy Kreme), Dunkin’ doughnuts. If the Soldiers have not mentioned the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), GI Bill, or an emergency that could occur, mention this to the Soldiers. = $965 = $778 $$ = Weekend getaways $$ = S-Bucks / KK / Dunkin’ $$ = Hygiene / Impulse buys $$ = Energy Drinks / Sodas 10
Create Funds Pre-commitment Document
By The Numbers Transaction Code: FMY1 Role: Commitment Processor Show Slide #11: Create funds pre-commitment document user procedure (FMY1) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. A commitment is an administrative reservation of funds based upon firm procurement requests, orders, directives, and equivalent instruments. Or, requests which authorize the creation of an obligation without further recourse to the official responsible for certifying the availability of funds. Purpose: Use this procedure to enter a funds pre-commitment document. Specifically for bulk commitments. This, also, can be used when you need to reserve budget for an anticipated acquisition to ensure funding is available when needed. In GFEBS, a funds pre-commitment document is a method to record a line of accounting (LOA), which will be cited by incoming obligation interfaces, such as Access Online (AXOL) and Funds Control Module (FCM) 11
Create Funds Pre-Commitment
Start 1a. Doc Type: Always select M1 (FCM Commitments) for Non-PPA purchases 1a 1. Doc Type: Select the dropdown to view choices 4. On the menu bar, click “Fast Data Entry” 4 Show Slide #12: FMY1 – Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: The instructor will click through the slide or utilize the page down key on the keyboard to cover the following slide. The students will input the information from the slide into the Training Client. The students will need the Purchase Request and Commitment Form (DA FORM -3953). Start: Type in FMY1 in the menu field. The Soldiers may have to click on the <l next to the Menu tab to open the field. Step 1: Select the drop-down to choose the correct document type for Non PPA. Step 1a: Always select M1 (FCM Commitments) for Non-PPA (prompt payment act) purchases. Step 2: Doc date / Post date / Company code should default in Step 3: Currency $$ in which the vendor wishes to be paid. Step 4: Press “Fast Data Entry”. 1 3 1b 2 2. Doc date / Post date / Company code should default in 1b. Green check to advance 3. Currency $$ in which the vendor request. USD 12
Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.)
1. Overall amount of the item / service being procured 2. Enter the Fund. Use current FY 2 1 3. Scroll Right Show Slide # 13: Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: The instructor will click through the slide or utilize the page down key on the keyboard to cover the following slide. The students will input the information from the slide into the Training Client. Step 1: Overall amount of the item / Service procured. Step 2: Step 7: Enter the fund. Step 3: Scroll to the right Step 4: Enter the GL accounting code Step 5: Enter the Cost Center Step 6: On the menu bar, click ‘Check’ **Information: Move the slide-bar located at the bottom of the screen to expose the next two entries. 4. Enter the General Ledger identifier 5. Enter the Cost center of the ordering Installation 5 4 13
Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.)
3 1 3. On the menu bar, click ‘Save’ 1. On the menu bar, click ‘Check’ 2. System generated message, No errors Show Slide #14: Create Funds Pre-Commitment (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: The instructor will click through the slide or utilize the page down key on the keyboard to cover the following slide. The students will input the information from the slide into the Training Client. Step 1: Click ‘Check’ Step 2: A system generated message will appear notifying the processor whether or not the transaction is error free. Step 3: Save the document Step 4: Another system generated message issuing a document number. Students are to write this down for future reference. 2 4 4. System generated message with document number. 14
Exercise Scenario #1 FMY1 15 Show Slide #15: Exercise Scenario #1
Facilitator Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FMY1. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 15
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1: T/F: The FMY1 simultaneously commits AND obligates the funds in question? True False Q2: When executing the transaction code FMY1, which document type is used for items not subject to the Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA)? M1 - FCM Commitments A1 - ARNG Advance pre-commitment F8 - AXOL Bulk commitment Q3: What Role is responsible for the FMY1 input into GFEBS? Purchase Order Processor Commitment Processor Pre- Purchase Processor Show Slide #16: LSA #1 Check on Learning Facilitator's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q1: T/F: The FMY1 simultaneously commits AND obligates the funds in question? a. True b. False Q2: When executing the transaction code FMY1, which document type is used for items not subject to the Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA)? a. M1 - FCM Commitments b. A1 - ARNG Advance pre-commitment c. F8 - AXOL Bulk commitment Q3: What Role is responsible for the FMY1 input into GFEBS? a. Purchase Order Processor b. Commitment Processor c. Pre- Purchase Processor 16
LSA #1 Summary 17 Show Slide #17: LSA #1 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discussed how to create funds pre-commitment document “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 17
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA)
FMY1 Pre-Commit FB02/03 Block/View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #18: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Learning Step / Activity 2. Create Funds Commitment and Obligation Document Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 01 hr. / 30 mins. (30 mins. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator’s Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Use this procedure to simultaneously commitment/obligate funds. A goods receipt in not required to use this transaction. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 18
Process Funds Commitment and Obligations Documents
Obligation Generally Defined: A promise to an external company or agency. This transaction can obligate to IATS related travel orders, PowerTrack,Misc. Pay obligations, manual accruals, etc. An act which creates legal liability on the part of the Government for the payment of appropriated funds for goods and/or services received. Legally binding Show Slide #19: Process Funds Commitment and Obligations Documents Facilitator’s Note: Read the information below to the students. A funds commitment document is used to create an obligation in GFEBS manually for miscellaneous payments that are not subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA). It is important to execute the FMZ1 to cancel out the FMY1 (Pre-Commitment Document). Accounting is a system of bookkeeping, because every entry to an account requires a corresponding and opposite entry to a different account. For instance, recording earnings of $100 would require making two entries: a debit entry of $100 to an account called "Cash" and a credit entry to an account called "Income.“ This transaction can obligate to IATS related travel orders, PowerTrack, Misc. Pay obligations, manual accruals, etc. 19
Process Funds Commitment and Obligations Documents (Cont.)
By The Numbers Transaction Code: FMZ1 Role: Purchase Order Processor Show Slide #20: Process Funds Commitment and Obligations Documents (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Read the information below to the students. A funds commitment document is used to create an obligation in GFEBS manually for miscellaneous payments that are not subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA). It is important to execute the FMZ1 to cancel out the FMY1 (Pre-Commitment Document). Accounting is a system of bookkeeping, because every entry to an account requires a corresponding and opposite entry to a different account. For instance, recording earnings of $100 would require making two entries: a debit entry of $100 to an account called "Cash" and a credit entry to an account called "Income." 20
Create Funds Commitment Document
1. Under ‘Doc-Type’ click dropdown, 1a. select F9, 1b. Green Check-it. Start 1 Show Slide #21: FMZ1 – Create Funds Commitment Document Facilitator’s Note: You will now have the students log into the GFEBS TED to create a funds pre-commitment document. The purpose of this is to allow you to practice manually entering a funds pre-commitment document in GFEBs, specifically for Access Online (AXOL). This procedure should be performed when you need to establish a LOA to which purchases will be charged. The transaction code used for this is FMZ1, Create Funds Pre-Commitment Document. Start: Type in FMZ1 in the menu field. The Soldiers may have to click on the <l next to the Menu tab to open the field. Step 1: Select the drop-down to choose the correct document type for Non PPA. Step 1a: Select the “F9” Miscellaneous obligation from the list, click on the green check mark. Step 2: Document / Posting date- and Company Code should default in. If not, input current dates and ‘ARMY’ is always the company code. Step 3: On the menu bar, click the ‘Fast Data Entry’ in order to generate the line item view. 1a 1b 2 2. Document / Posting Date and Company code should default in
Create Funds Commitment Document (Cont.)
2. On the menu bar, click ‘Fast Data Entry’ 2 1. Under ‘Currency Rate’ select the value in which the vendor wishes to be paid. 1 Show Slide #22: FMZ1 – Create Funds Commitment Document (Cont.) Facilitator Note: The instructor will click through the slide or utilize the page down key on your keyboard to cover the following slide. The students will input the information from the slide into the Training Client. Step 1: Enter a brief description of the item being procured. Step 2: Select the “header data” tab on the menu bar. Step 3: For the Reference Number, enter the Standard Document Number (SDN). For Misc Obligations, Always: MOD/Seq.#/Date (MMDDYYYY). Step 4: Click on the green check mark in the lower left corner of the screen. 3. Under ‘Doc. text’ Enter a brief description of the item being procured 3 4. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Overall Amount’ 5. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Text’ 6. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Fund’ *Current FY* 22 4 5 6
Create Funds Commitment Document (Cont.)
6 5 6. On the menu bar, click ‘Save’ 5. On the menu bar, click ‘Check’ 1. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Functional Area’ 4. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Vendor’ 2. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘G/L Account’ 3. Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Cost Center’ Show Slide #23: FMZ1 – Create Funds Commitment Document (Cont.) Facilitator Note: The instructor will click through the slide or utilize the page down key on your keyboard to cover the following slide. The students will input the information from the slide into the Training Client. Step 1: Input the ‘Functional Area’ Step 2: Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘G/L Account’ Step 3: Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Cost Center’ Step 4: Under ‘Line Items’ Line 1, Input ‘Vendor’ Step 5: On the menu bar- Click Check. This does NOT check for misspelled words or correct phone numbers. Step 5a: System generated message states: ‘Checks Complete- G2G’ In the event a red-flag is present, double-click the message (lower left) and follow the prompt. Step 6: On the menu bar- Click Save Step 6a: System generated message states: Document 582 has been successfully posted. 1 2 3 4 5a 5a. System generated message states: ‘Checks Complete- G2G’ 23 6a 6a. System generated message states: ‘Doc. 582 Created / Posted’
Exercise Scenario #2 FMZ1 24
Show Slide #24: Exercise Scenario #2 for FMZ1 Facilitator’s Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FMY1. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 24
LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: T/F: A commitment / obligation are simultaneously created during the FMZ1 Transaction? True False Q2: When Selecting “Doc Type”, which F identifier relates to “Obligation for Miscellaneous Payments and MODS”? a. F2 FAS Obligation F6 POWERTRACK obligation F9 Miscellaneous obligation Q3: By clicking the “check” button on the menu bar, this action: Generates a new document number Checks the Validity of the EDIPI / DoD ID Number user Checks the document for completeness and accuracy Show Slide #25: LSA #2 Check on learning Facilitator's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q1: T/F: A commitment / obligation are simultaneously created during the FMZ1 Transaction? a. True b. False Q2: When Selecting “Doc Type”, which F identifier relates to “Obligation for Miscellaneous Payments and MODS”? a. F2 FAS Obligation b. F6 POWERTRACK obligation c. F9 Miscellaneous obligation Q3: By clicking the “check” button on the menu bar, this action: a. Generates a new document number b. Checks the Validity of the EDIPI / DoD ID Number user c. Checks the document for completeness and accuracy 25
LSA #2 Summary 26 Show Slide #26: LSA #2 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discussed how to create funds commitment and obligation document “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 26
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA)
FMY1 Pre-Commit FB02/03 Block/View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #27: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Learning Step / Activity 3. Process Vendor Invoice Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 02 hrs. / 00 min. (1hr / 30 mins. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator’s Note: Remind the students that it is now time to create and post the vendor invoice so that they may be paid. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 27
Enter Vendor Invoice 28
Show Slide 28: Enter Vendor Invoice for a Non-prompt payment act b. Concrete Experience (05 minutes) The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Discuss the videos to help the students understand the importance receiving goods, accepting goods, and processing documents for payments. Facilitator Notes: The cell phone has evolved throughout the years. You have a choice now to purchase a contract, no contract, locked, or unlocked cell phone. This clip will show one person’s opinion about a particular no contract cell phone. **Play the video and gather some of the student’s opinions, after watching the video. *** Instructor Notes: No contract cell phones are an example of a service not subject to the prompt payment act. Prompt Payment rules does not apply. There are no late interest penalties for payments. Early payments are not mandatory. There is not a guidance on when to make payments. Your payments are based on your (the customer needs). For example, $25 per month could get you UNLIMITED TALK, TEXT, AND DATA. c. Publish and Process (10 Minutes) During this phase of the Army Learning Model the instructor will solicit responses of the student’s reaction to the concrete experience. The students will reflect on their experience and knowledge of the topic and they will begin a reconciliation of where they are and, if successful, where they will be at lesson end. The critical portion of this part of the ALM process is to force the students to reflect. As the instructor you can achieve this by asking a series of thought influencing questions, for example: Instructor Note: What is the importance of inspecting the items that are being delivered? Give examples of different ways goods or services can be accepted. Example: Purchasing food, gas, or shoes etc. Starting a new cell phone contract. Purchasing a car. Have you ever ordered a package, arrived home and your package is placed on your step, porch, or by the mail box? If so, “Did you accept these goods?” What could happen if the package was stolen? Are you responsible? Having the students think critically is the ultimate goal of publish and process. Force the students to explain their answers; meaning, how and why did they arrive at the solution to the questions. You should also be looking for responses that will help the student’s transition from publish and process to generalize new information. During this process, remind the students of lesson objectives as they transition from publish and process into generalize new information. 28
Input Vendor Invoice Role
The Site Invoice Processor responsibilities include the following: Receiving and entering miscellaneous payment invoices that have to be processed manually. Entering credit memos. Posting vendor down payments; Releasing invoices that are blocked for payment in GFEBS. Show Slide 29 User Role: Site Invoice Processor Facilitator’s Note: Select a student(s) to read the slide. Inform the students that they will see the five key areas when they log into the training environment and walkthrough the transaction with the instructor. 29
Non-PPA Vendor Invoice (What is it?)
Does NOT reference a Purchase Order or Contract Generated by specific documents or agreements Majority of Miscellaneous payments fall under Non-PPA Referenced to the previous ‘Funds Commitment Document’ ** Perform this procedure when you need to manually enter a Misc. pay Non PPA Invoice. Examples include: Utility payments, clothing, tuition reimbursement, Training requests, legal claims and fees, etc. Show Slide 30: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Vendor Invoice: What is it? Facilitator Note: A miscellaneous payment invoice is an invoice that does not reference a purchase order or contract. These obligations of the government are generated by a variety of obligating documents or agreements. Some miscellaneous payments are subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA); but the majority of miscellaneous payments fall in the (non-PPA) group. Those that are not subject to PPA can be processed through the Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60) transaction with reference to a Funds Commitment Document (FMZ1). 30
Vendor Invoice Pay Process
No transaction will happen without proper documentation Site invoice Processor records the Obligation into GFEBS via FB60 Site invoice Processor provides DFAS with the necessary documentation Payments are then placed on a proposal by DFAS DFAS certifier ensures Site Invoice Processor chose correct documentation path (PPA vs. Non-PPA) Lastly, DFAS Certifier validates documentation (1034 v. 577 on file) w/ disbursing office Show Slide 31: GFEBS Miscellaneous Pay Process Facilitator’s Note: A Miscellaneous Payment Invoice transaction should not be processed in GFEBS unless correct and complete supporting documentation is received. In general, the existing paper-based process relies on expenses being claimed via the following: The Site Invoice Processor records the obligation and enters the invoice into GFEBS. The Site Invoice Processor provides DFAS with the signed, certified, misc. payment document Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal (SF1034) via fax. Payments are placed on a pay proposal by the DFAS Payment Processor DFAS Certifier ensures that the Army Site Invoice Processor has properly transcribed the data from the document into GFEBS and selected the proper payment path (non-PPA vs. PPA) DFAS Certifier validates the SF1034 against the DD577 on file with the Disbursing Office (via electronic Document Access) 31
Role: Site Invoice Processor
Input Vendor Invoice (Misc. Pay Non-PPA) By The Numbers Transaction Code: FB60 Role: Site Invoice Processor Show Slide #32: Input Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. 32
Enter Vendor Invoice FB60
5 Start 1. Enter or locate the appropriate “Vendor” code 1 2. Enter the Invoice receipt date and Invoice date (Use Today’s Date) Note: 5a 2 3 5b 4 Show Slide 33: Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60) Facilitator’s Note: Ensure the transaction at the top is set to ‘INVOICE’ (under menu) For step 1: Enter the vendor code: If not sure, the processor can select the dropdown and do a search in the system using variables. For step 2: Both Invoice creation and receive days should be filled in with that exact information. Information will be located on the actual invoice. For training purposes, input todays date for both. For step 3: Reference number is the invoice number. Every invoice has this number for tracking purposes. For step 4: Posting date is self-explanatory. Use todays date. For step 5: This is step 6 on the ES (Document type). Often this field does not load initially. In order to get it to load, follow the steps in order: Click Menu, hover over Settings, click on ‘Editing Options. Under the ‘Account Editing Options’ screen, navigate to the lower left portion of the screen. Under ‘Doc type option’ click the dropdown and choose ‘Entry with Short Name’. Click the back button on the menu bar. Document type should now be there. 3. Utilize the Invoice Number as the “Reference” (this is your initials and birth date (JF1226) 5. For Doc. Type: Click Menu > Settings > Editing Options > Click 4. Posting date is the day we post this invoice. Use today
Enter Vendor Invoice FB60
2. On the menu bar, click ‘Back’ 2 3. Notice: Doc-Type present. Click dropdown, 3a select ‘ MP (Misc. Pay FM) 1. Under the ‘Account Editing Options’ screen, navigate to the lower left portion of the screen. Under ‘Doc type option’ click the dropdown and choose ‘Entry with Short Name’ Show Slide 34: Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60) Facilitator’s Note: Click on the “Document Type” option. This code will establish if the transaction will be processed and approved manually (will not need to be approved by a second party in GFEBS - Misc. Pay Approver) or if it will initiate the GFEBS Workflow for the Miscellaneous Pay Approver to certify the transaction prior to payment. The main two types utilized for this type of transaction (FB60- Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA) are: MP-Doc Type: This option will trigger the workflow process by automatically blocking the invoice (M-Block) until it is certified by the Miscellaneous Pay Approver and ultimately paid. KR-Doc Type: This option will allow the transaction to be paid without certification in GFBES but a manually certified SF 1034 will have to be submitted to the paying office prior to payment. 3 3a 1
Enter Vendor Invoice FB60
1. In the amount section, input full amount on DA 3953 3. In the GL acct. section, input GLAC from on DA 3953 1 Show Slide 35: Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60) Facilitator’s Note: In the amount section- input the full amount of the PR&C. In the text section, input a detailed description of the goods and or services that are being procured. For step 3; The following information comes from the PR&C (accounting LOA section), General Ledger, total amount, and in order for this document to reference another, input the ‘Earmarked Funds’ number. 2. In the Text section, input good description from on DA 3953 2 3 4 4. In the amount section, input full amount from on DA 3953 5. In the Earmarked fu…section, input Doc. # from FMZ1 (scroll half-way over 5
Enter Vendor Invoice FB60
1 2 1a. GFEBS provides document data for verification purposes. * Notice the Debit / Credit transaction at the bottom balancing the transaction out. 2. On the menu bar, click ‘Post’ 1. Click “Simulate” to verify all input data. 1a 1b. System generated message states: ‘Acct. Assign. Proposed’ Show Slide 36: Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60) Facilitator’s Note: Again, on the menu bar- click the simulate button to check the document for errors. This is NOT a mandatory step. The processor can skip this and go right for the post. Upon clicking simulate, a document overview screen appears. Feel free to explain the slide and all of its information. The important take-away is the ‘debit-credit’ at the bottom. This action balances the transaction out. Upon clicking Save on the menu bar, a generated message at the bottom left of the screen will tell you whether or not the transaction went through. The document number is to be annotated for auditing purposes. 1b 2a. System generated message states: ‘Document 94 was created and posted’ Annotate 2
Exercise Scenario #3 FB60 37 Show Slide #37: Exercise Scenario #3
Facilitator’s Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FB60 (Invoice Creation) . The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 37
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) 38 Non-PPA Process FMY1 Pre-Commit FMZ1
FB02/03 Block/View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #38: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Facilitator’s Note: Remind the students that it is now time to view the vendor invoice for accuracy. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 38
Role: Site Invoice Processor
View Vendor Invoice (Cont.) (Misc. Pay Non-PPA) By The Numbers Transaction Code: FB03 Role: Site Invoice Processor * View-only capabilities can be issued to multiple roles and on a ‘Need-to-Know’ basis Show Slide #39: Input Vendor Invoice (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. 39
View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
(Misc. Pay Non-PPA) 1. Enter the FB60 generated number. If not known, select the dropdown and do a search. 1a. Company code will default in, always ARMY. 1b. Input current FY Start 2 2. Press ‘Enter’ 1 1a 1b 3. Verify information for accuracy Show Slide #40: View Vendor Invoice (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Two-character numerical key that together with the account number controls the posting at line item level. The posting key determines: Account type: 2. Debit/credit posting: 3. Layout of entry screens Facilitator’s Note: When you enter a posting, enter a posting key for each item. This key determines how the item is posted. Posting keys are defined at client level and therefore apply to all company codes. The posting key determines: 1. The data you can enter in the line item: 2. How data you post is processed: 3. How the system updates the data you enter. Posting keys are differentiated by customer, vendor and posting key for G/L accounts. Apart from the General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) and Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-AR/AP) components, there are also posting keys for assets and material accounts. Standard Posting Keys: 40: G/L account debit posting 50: G/L account credit posting 01: Customer invoices 11: Customer credit memos 31: Customer invoices 21: Customer credit memos 25: Vendor payments 3. Verify 4. Drill-Down on PK-31 (Customer Invoice) for review 4. Drill-Down 40
View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
(Misc. Pay Non-PPA) 1 Verify Document for Accuracy 1. If the Processor is comfortable with the information, click the ‘Back’ button on the menu bar Show Slide #41: View Vendor Invoice (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: This is for display and verify purposes ONLY. Notice: The payment block box is not checked. Once finished, click the ‘Back’ button on the menu bar. Point out the fact that it reads Line Item 1 at the top. 2. Double-click (Drill-Down) on PK-40 2 41
View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
(Misc. Pay Non-PPA) 2 2. On the menu bar, click ‘Display Document Header’ 1. Verify Document for Accuracy Show Slide #42: View Vendor Invoice (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: This is for display and verify purposes ONLY. Point out the fact that it reads Line Item 2 at the top. Once finished, click the ‘Display Document Header on the menu bar. 42
View Vendor Invoice (Misc. Pay Non-PPA) 3 43 2
3. Enter /N in the command line when complete, click ‘Enter’ 1. Verify Document for Accuracy Show Slide #43: View Vendor Invoice Facilitator Note: Cover all areas of the header Information. ‘Entered by’ is the user’s EDIPI. Posting period represents the months into the Fiscal Year. FY starts in Oct, it is now Feb. October – November – December – January – February = 5 periods. Note: Green Check it when Finished. Input /N and hit enter. This brings the user back to the initial screen. 3 2. Green Check it when Complete 2 43
Exercise Scenario #4 FB03 Show Slide #44: Exercise Scenario for FB03 #4 Facilitator’s Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FB03 (View Invoice) . The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 44
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA)
FMY1 Pre-Commit FB02/03 Block/View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #45: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Facilitator’s Note: There will be NO Exercise Scenario for this exercise for this transaction. This is for Familiarization only and the students level of confidence in the system should be such that little to no guidance is needed. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 45
Attach Document(s) to Invoice
The Site Invoice Processor can change miscellaneous payment invoices that have been posted (using the FB60 transaction) by using the Change Document (FB02) transaction. GFEBS prevents the data in certain fields of a posted document from being changed. This includes: Posting Amount, Account, Posting Key, Fiscal Year, and Tax Amount. These fields cannot be changed, because they have updated certain account balances during posting. Show Slide #46: Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Inform the students that if changes are made the Site Invoice Processor must satisfy certain conditions imposed by GFEBS. This is necessary to prevent any changes to documents that could result in the undesired manipulation of data, which would then make reconciliation impossible. Facilitator’s Note: If you need to explain reconciliation, explain that reconciliation refers to the process of ensuring that two sets of records (usually the balances of two accounts) are in agreement. Reconciliation is used to ensure that the money leaving an account matches the actual money spent, this is done by making sure the balances match at the end of a particular accounting period. 46
Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.)
Use this procedure where policy dictates the need to attach the physical documentation to the Invoice transaction (either MIRO, FB60 or FB65). Only the “Site Invoice Processor” should execute this action. Attaching the document creates an outstanding audit trail for future reference and for the researching of similar payments against a particular contract. At this time, students create an attachment on the desktops. (a simple word doc. will do.) Show Slide #47: Attach Document(s) to Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: Inform the students that in GFEBS Production (live system) this process must be accomplished within 15 minutes of posting the invoice transaction. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delays and work. 47
Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.)
By The Numbers Transaction Code: FB02 Role: Site Invoice Processor * View-only capabilities can be issued to multiple roles and on a ‘Need-to-Know’ basis Show Slide #48: Attach Documents to Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Have the students create an attachment on the desktop. A simple word document will do. 48
Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.)
Start 1. Enter the “FB60” invoice document number 1 2 2. Enter the Company Code ‘ARMY’ 3 3. Enter the current Fiscal Year (FY) 4 Show Slide 49: Attach Document(s) to Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: Ensure the students are plugging in the correct Document number. If there’s students getting red-flags, chances are they input the wrong document number. 4. Click ‘Enter’ 5. Invoice / GL information Posting keys 31 and 40. 5 49
Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.)
1 1. Off to the right-side of the screen, Click the “Services for Object” button 2a 2 2. Hover over the “Create…” option then 2a. Click on the “Create Attachment” option Show Slide 50: Attach Document(s) to Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: Be prepared for the system to run a little low when executing ‘Java’. As you go through the slides read the appropriate notes, if there are not any notes inform the students to select the highlighted (numbered) information. 4 3. Java App requesting to run program, Click ‘Run’ 3 4. System prompts user to locate file to upload: Dropdown>Desktop 50
Attach Document(s) to Invoice (Cont.)
1. From the location of the file, either double-click or single-click the file to be uploaded and 1a. click “Open” 1 1a 3 5. Shows ‘File Attached,’ Creator and date created 3. In order to view the attached document, once again click the ‘Services for Object’ icon 4 Show Slide #51: Attach Document(s) to Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: Again, there is NO Exercise Scenario for this transaction. Have the students either use their slides to get them through or ‘buddy them up’ 2. System generated message 4. Select: ‘Attachment List’ 5 2 51
Exercise Scenario #5 FB02 Show Slide #52: Exercise Scenario for FB02 Facilitator’s Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FB02 (Attach Docs. to Invoice) . The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 52
Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) 53 Non-PPA Process FMY1 Pre-Commit FB02/03
Block/View FMZ1 Commit/ Obligate Non-PPA Process Show Slide #53: Misc. Pay Process (Non-PPA) Facilitator’s Note: There will be NO Exercise Scenario for this exercise for this transaction. This is for Familiarization only and the students level of confidence in the system should be such that little to no guidance is needed. FB02 Attach File FB60 Post Invoice FB03 View 53
Block Vendor Invoice An Invoice is Blocked (Changing an Invoice Document) in GFEBS for the purposes of precluding the system from retrieving the transaction from being part of a Payment Run. Blocked invoices must be monitored closely to ensure they do not incur interest when the contract is subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA) and to avoid unnecessary delays in the payment process for those that are not. An Invoice may be manually blocked or GFEBS may block it automatically due to imbalances through established system variables. Once an Invoice is Blocked, it must be Released either automatically or manually. Show Slide 54: Block (Manual) Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: The FB02 is titled “Change Document”. One of the changes that can be done using the FB02 is to Block an invoice. 54
Block Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
The following personnel will have the ability to execute the transactions covered in this block of instructions based on their assigned position and GFEBS Roles: CVS Technician CVS Analyst Show Slide 55: Block (Manual) Invoice (FB02) Facilitator’s Note: Although the CVS Technician and the CBS Analyst have the ability to Block an Invoice from payment, the transaction may be “viewed” by all the CVS Battle Team members. 55
Block / View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
By The Numbers Transaction Code: FB02/03 Role: CVS Analyst / * View-only capabilities can be issued to multiple roles and on a ‘Need-to-Know’ basis Show Slide #56: Block / View Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. 56
Block / View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
Start 1 1. Input your Document Number: 1a. Company Code: 1b. Current FY 1a. 1b. 2. Remember, PK-31 represents the Vendor Invoice. Double-Click anywhere on line item #1 Show Slide #57: Block / View Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Have the students create an attachment on the desktop. A simple word document will do. Facilitator’s Note: If the document number cannot be found, click the dropdown and conduct a search using known parameters. Student should remember that Posting Key 31 represents the vendor invoice. 2 57
Block / View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
5 4. 4. Click ‘Save’ 5. System Generated message 1. Everything appears in red. In the ‘Pmnt Block’ section, click the dropdown to reveal choices 2. 2. Select ‘B’ for Payment Block. 2a. Green Check to continue Show Slide #58: Block / View Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Have the students create an attachment on the desktop. A simple word document will do. Facilitator's Note: The student will NOT see the dropdown unless they click in the box. Select ‘B’ for blocked and click the Green Check mark. 1 2a 3. Notice the Block is now in place 3 58
Block / View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
1. Enter T-code /NFB03 1 2 3 2a. 2b. Show Slide #59: Block / View Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Have the students create an attachment on the desktop. A simple word document will do. Facilitator’s Note: In order to see the fruits of your labor, execute t-code FB03 to view your work. If the status changes from block to unblock, then the student can make the change from this window. 3. Remember, PK-31 represents the Vendor Invoice. Double-Click anywhere on line item #1 2. Once again, Input your Document Number: 2a. Company Code: 2b. Current FY 59
Block / View Vendor Invoice (Cont.)
3a 2 1. Notice the ‘B’ present for Block. 2. In order to Reverse the Block (un-block), on the menu bar, select ‘Change Display Change Mode’ 4 Show Slide #60: Block / View Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: Prepare the students to EITHER WATCH the demonstration, or have them follow along in the TED. Have the students create an attachment on the desktop. A simple word document will do. Facilitator’s Note: On the menu bar, select the change button. This opens up certain (not all) fields to be edited. Simply take out the B for Block, and click save. Message generated lower left that changes have been made. 3. 1 3. Notice: The document is now in ‘Change’ mode from Display. Simply backspace the ‘B’ out and 3a. Select ‘Save on the menu bar. 4. System Generated message 60
Exercise Scenario FB02/03 Show Slide #61: Exercise Scenario for FB02/03 Facilitator’s Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions FB02 (Attach Docs. to Invoice) . The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. Facilitator’s Note: By this time, the students should be able to go in and execute without an Exercise Scenario. Assist the ones who may need it or ‘battle’ them up. 61
LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1: T-Code FB60 is used to ______ a vendor invoice? a. Display b. Delete c. Create d. Change Q2: Can changes be made in the View mode? Yes, by selecting the ‘Display Change Mode’ button on the menu bar Q3: T/F: The “Services for Object” button is used to attach documents from a known location. a. True b. False Q4: On Line item 1, ____ represents Vendor Invoice On Line Item 2, ____ represents G/L Account Debit Posting L1- Posting Key (PK) 31 L2- Posting Key (PK) 40 Show Slide 62: LSA #3 Check on Learning Facilitator's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q1: T-Code FB60 is used to ______ a vendor invoice? a. Display b. Delete c. Create d. Change Q2: Can changes be made in the View mode? Yes, by selecting the ‘Display Change Mode’ button on the menu bar Q3: T/F: The “Services for Object” button is used to attach documents from a known location. a. True b. False Q4: On Line item 1, ____ represents Vendor Invoice On Line Item 2, ____ represents G/L Account Debit Posting L1- Posting Key (PK) 31 L2- Posting Key (PK) 40 Additional Questions Q5: IRT FB60- Where did the ‘Earmarked Funds’ number originate from? a. FMY1 b. FMZ1 c. FB60 d. FMBB Q6: By clicking the “Simulate” button on the menu bar, this action: a. Checks the document for completeness and accuracy b. Generates a new document number c. Checks the Validity of the EDIPI / DoD ID Number user Q7: What transaction code is used to view vendor invoices? a. FB60 b. FB03 c. FB02 d. FB60 Q7: T-Code FB02 is used to ______ to a vendor invoice? a. Display / Disappear b. Recall / Delete c. Enter / Release d. Change / Attach Which position(s) is/are authorized to execute the FB02? Site Invoice Processor T/F: Change can be made from the Display Only (FB03) mode. a. True: (By clicking the Display/Change mode button on the menu bar) 62
LSA #3 Summary 63 Show Slide #63: LSA #2 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discussed how to process vendor invoices, which includes creating the vendor invoice and viewing the invoice for accuracy. Along with attaching appropriate supporting documentation and blocking invoices from a payment run. “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 63
TLO Summary Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Create Funds Pre-Commitment Document Create Funds Commitment and Obligation Document Process Vendor Invoice Show Slide 64: TLO Summary Facilitator’s Note: Reiterate Terminal Learning Objective Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (Non-PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: - Create Funds Pre-Commitment Document - Create Funds Commitment and Obligation Document - Process Vendor Invoice “Or” In this lesson, we discussed how to create funds pre-commitment document, create funds commitment and obligation document, along with processing vendor invoice. Facilitator's Note: Facilitator's at this time, have one learner from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer. 64
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