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Debugging exercise. Debugging exercise A few problems? <figure> <img src="images/riley.jpg" alt=Riley is a 5 year old Shepard /> <ficaption><a href="sm-funny.jpg">funny.jpg</a></figure>

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Presentation on theme: "Debugging exercise. Debugging exercise A few problems? <figure> <img src="images/riley.jpg" alt=Riley is a 5 year old Shepard /> <ficaption><a href="sm-funny.jpg">funny.jpg</a></figure>"— Presentation transcript:


2 Debugging exercise

3 A few problems? <figure> <img src="images/riley.jpg" alt=Riley is a 5 year old Shepard /> <ficaption><a href="sm-funny.jpg">funny.jpg</a></figure> <figcaption/> The image files riley.jpg funny.jpg and sm-funny.jpg are in the same folder as the page with this code.

4 Answer: <figure>
<img src="images/riley.jpg" alt=Riley is a 5 year old Shepard /> <ficaption><a href="sm-funny.jpg">funny.jpg</a></figure> <figcaption/> <figure> <img src="riley.jpg" alt="Riley is a 5 years old" />  removed images <figcaption><a href="funny.jpg"><img src=“sm-funny.jpg”> </a></figcaption> figcaption tags should be inside figure tags </figure>

5 Why is my bulleted list not working?
<bl> <li>American Bobtail<li> <li>Burmese</li> <l1>Egyptian Mau <li>Manx <liSiamese</li> <li>Sphynx<li/> </bl>

6 Answer: Before After <bl> <li>American Bobtail<li>
<li>Burmese</li> <l1>Egyptian Mau <li>Manx <liSiamese</li> <li>Sphynx<li/> </bl> <ul> <li>American Bobtail</li> <li>Burmese</li> <li>Egyptian Mau</li> <li>Manx</li> <li>Siamese</li> <li>Sphynx</li> </ul> End li tags are not required

7 What is wrong here? <table> <td>The penalty for killing a cat, 4,000 years ago in Egypt, was death. <td>95% of cat guardians admit they talk to their cats. <td>A cat can be either right-pawed or left-pawed. </tr> <td>A cat can jump as much as seven times its height. <td>A cat has 230 bones in its body. A human only has 206 bones. <td>A cat has four rows of whiskers. <tr colspan="2">Source: </table>

8 Answer: <table> <tr> <td>The penalty for killing a cat, 4,000 years ago in Egypt, was death.</td> <td>95% of cat guardians admit they talk to their cats.</td> <td>A cat can be either right-pawed or left-pawed.</td> </tr><tr> <td>A cat can jump as much as seven times its height.</td> <td>A cat has 230 bones in its body. A human only has 206 bones.</td> <td>A cat has four rows of whiskers.</td> <td colspan=“3">Source: </tr> </table>


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