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Transcendentalists: Original Hippies and Environmentalists

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1 Transcendentalists: Original Hippies and Environmentalists
By Eva Arce


3 ASSERTION: With their love for nature and humanity, Transcendentalists of the Nineteenth Century in America established the ideas that Hippies and Environmentalists embraced in the Twentieth Century.

4 Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature (1836) The American Scholar (1837)
Self-Reliance (1841)

5 Henry David Thoreau Walden Civil Disobedience

6 Margaret Fuller Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1843)

7 Frederick Douglass A Narrative on the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845) My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881)

8 Characteristics Glory of Nature Emphasis on the goodness of humanity
Individualism Self-reliance Tolerance

9 Characteristics-continued
Focus on the human spirit Belief in the Brotherhood of Man Truth through Intuition Optimism/Idealism Belief in the Over-Soul

10 Transparent Eyeball (Go to readings)

11 Pocahontas Disney Motion Picture


13 The Empire Strikes Back
Transcendentalism à la Yoda


15 Avatar


17 THEMATIC CONCLUSION: By respecting nature and maintaining an open mind towards other people and their cultures, the Transcendentalists gave modern man sound advice about how to treat each other and our planet.

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