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Chemical Reactions and Conservation of Energy

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1 Chemical Reactions and Conservation of Energy
Lab Procedures 01/14/16

2 Objectives: 8.P.1.3 & 8.P.1.4 TSW complete a lab in which they will explore conservation of mass, endothermic & exothermic reactions, and measure chemicals to the nearest gram. TSW understand chemical reactions. TSW understand conservation of mass.

3 Warm Up January 16 1. Describe 2 evidences that a chemical reaction occurs when baking soda and vinegar are mixed together. 2. Identify which chemical reaction is balanced: explain CH4+2O2  CO2+2H2O / CH4+O2  CO2+H2O 3. Was the Law of Conservation of Mass supported in our lab yesterday? Explain your answer using examples. Objectives: 8.P.1.3 and 8.P.1.4 -TSW understand the properties of matter and be able to explain how balanced chemical equations supports the Law of conservation of Mass. Essential Question How do balanced chemical equations support the Law of Conservation of Mass?

4 H2O+CH3CH2Br+NH3  CH3CH2NH3+BrOH2
Warm Up /14/16 Name the two parts of a chemical reaction…..hint: its what you have before and after a chemical reaction What is the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS? Does the following reaction support the Law of Conservation of Mass? Explain why… H2O+CH3CH2Br+NH3  CH3CH2NH3+BrOH2 Objectives: 8.P.1.3 & 8.P.1.4 -TSW complete a lab in which they will explore conservation of mass, endothermic & exothermic reactions, and measure chemicals to the nearest gram. Essential Question: -What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

5 Warm Up 12/15-12/16 Define compound and provide one example of a compound. (use chemical formula if you can) What are the parts of a chemical reaction?

6 Chemical reactions and conservation of mass lab
Problem: Do chemical reactions, such as combing baking soda and vinegar and yeast and peroxide support the law of conservation of mass? Hypothesis: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Chemical reactions and conservation of mass lab
Materials: yeast, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, vinegar, lab sheet, 2 zip lock bags, scale, graduated cylinders, small cups, and a pipette Hypothesis: If we mix yeast and hydrogen peroxide, _____ If we mix baking soda and vinegar, _____ Data collection and analysis (tables): Conclusion and results: Variables for consideration: Wrap up Questions 1-4:

8 mass of setup Substance Mass (g) Cup Yeast Hydrogen peroxide
Zip Lock Bag Graduated Cylinder P Total mass of y and p (subtract the weight of the cup and bag)

9 mass of setup Substance Mass (g) Cup Baking soda Vinegar Zip Lock Bag
Graduated Cylinder V Total mass bs and v (subtract the weight of the cup and bag)

10 Mini-Project (due date 01/06 & 01/07
Choose an element from the periodic table that was named after a country. (you can google “which elements are named after countries”) Try to find the following items a) Why was the element named after the country b) Tell us a little about the country. (ex. Language spoken, population, customs, industry etc.) c) Tell us a little about the element. (ex. What does it look like, what is it used for, how much does it cost-

11 Element Superhero or Villian
Background information project due date (found in packet) Presentation project due date 12/17/12 & 12/18/12

12 Homework Option 1- Explain the law of conservation of mass and tell how this was demonstrated in today’s lab. ½ page minimum Option 2- Draw a diagram of today’s lab and illustrate the law of conservation of mass. Textbook page 79D

13 Reflection questions – Lab
Chemical Reaction 1: Baking Soda and Vinegar Chemical Reaction 2: Yeast and Peroxide Reflection questions – Lab What were the reactants in the experiment? What were signs that a chemical reaction took place? Which reaction released energy? (warm) Which reaction absorbed energy? (cold)

14 Warm Up January 3, 2012 What are the electrons called that interact to create bonds? What happens to atomic bonds in a chemical reaction? Objectives: -TSW understand how atoms combine to form molecules. -TSW understand that everything is made up of chemicals.

15 Bill Nye: Chemical Reactions Reflection Questions
What is a chemical reaction? Describe 2 common chemical reactions in everyday life. Describe 1 more chemical reaction in nature.

16 Non-fiction Reflections
What is the title of the article that you have read? What is the main idea of the article? Provide 3 supporting ideas to support the main idea. What did you learn today as you read that you did not know before? What surprised you? Explain why it surprised you? Are there any real life situations or people that you read about in the article that you have experienced before in life? How were they similar? How were they different?

17 Classifying Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions can be Classified 1 2 3 Include the following -3-4 facts per section -1 picture per section -Each picture must have a caption! -color each section

18 Classifying Chemical Reactions Reflection
How are chemical reactions classified? How are decomposition reactions different from synthesis reactions? How do combustion reactions differ from synthesis reactions and decomposition reactions? Provide one example of each type of reaction that you may have experienced in your life.

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