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Today’s Data Here Objective Here!.

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1 Today’s Data Here Objective Here!

2 Brainteaser What is the next letter in this sequence? O, T, T, F, F, S

3 Which student correctly compares prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
#21 student 1 student 2 student 3 student 4

4 Which is Which?

5 A Review of the Cell Organelles
Anatomy of the animal cell

6 Animal Cell Organelles
Nucleus Nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, chromatin, nucleolus Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough and smooth Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Lysosomes Peroxisomes Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Cytoskeleton Vacuoles Smaller than plant Centrioles (2)

7 Plant Cell Organelles Nucleus Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum
Nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, chromatin, nucleolus Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough and smooth Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Lysosomes Peroxisomes Cytoplasm Cytosleton Plasma membrane Cell wall Vacuoles Larger than animal Chloroplast

8 Nucleus “the control center”
Four parts: Nuclear Envelop Nuclear Pores Chromatin Nucleolus Function: Holds DNA (genetic information) Directs cell activities

9 Nuclear Envelope and Nuclear Pores
Nuclear Envelope: separates nucleus from cytoplasm Nuclear Pores: allows mRNA to go in and out of the nucleus

10 Chromatin and Nucleolus
Chromatin: strands of DNA that coil together to form chromosomes during cell replication Nucleolus: Where the rRNA is produced

11 Endoplasmic Reticulum “roads”
Manufacturing and shipping of “goods” Continuous with the nuclear envelop Smooth ER Rough ER No ribosome's Makes lipids (fats) Have Ribosome's Makes proteins

12 Ribosomes “PROTEIN!!” Makes PROTEINS Made of rRNA and PROTEIN
Thousands in each cell Location Bound: On Rough ER Free: Floating around cell

13 Lysosomes “clean up crew”
Peroxisomes “detoxifier” Circular, bigger than ribsomes Break down food into particles that the cell can use Destroy old cells Transport undigested material to cellular membrane to be removed Circular, about the same size as lysosome Break down lipids into fatty acids that can be used by the cell Detoxify alcohol in liver Produce and break down hydrogen peroxide

14 Mitochondria “the powerhouse” Vacuole “storage bin”
Form energy by breaking down food to make ATP (energy) ATP: fuel for cell activities Not bound by a membrane Store, digest, and remove waste. Contains water solution MUCH smaller in an animal than a plant

15 “scaffolding and skeleton”
Cytoskeleton “scaffolding and skeleton” Golgi Apparatus “the shippers” Provides the cytoplasm with structure and shape Three types: Filaments Microfilaments Microtubules Looks like a stack of pancakes Protein ‘packaging plant’ Move materials within and out of the cell

16 Cytoplasm Cell Membrane
Gel like mixture Surrounded by the cell membrane Contains genetic information Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell A lipid bilayer

17 Animal Cell ONLY Smaller Vacuoles Centriole
Involved in the organization of the mitotic spindle Completion of cytokinesis

18 Plant Cell ONLY Larger vacuole Chloroplast Cell Wall Green in color
Not bound by a membrane Converts sunlight energy to chemical energy Outer layer that protects cell Maintains shape Made of cellulose

19 Which cellular structures are involved in synthesizing and packaging protein?
1 packages protein, and 3 synthesizes protein. 4 synthesizes protein. 2 packages protein, and

20 Lets Review! Plants Animals
List the differences between plant and animal cells. Plants Animals

21 Fun Videos

22 Cells are the building blocks of life

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