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Plants vs. Animal Cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants vs. Animal Cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants vs. Animal Cells

2 Do Now What do you think is the most important organelle? Why, please explain your answer using science!

3 All Cells All cells have three basic components: Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Cytoplasm. Animal Cells have similarities to plant cells, but are different in a few ways. Let’s look:

4 Plant vs. Animal

5 Plant Cells Plant cells are different from animal cells.
Plant cells contain many of the same organelles you would find in an animal cell with the exception of a few key players (1)Cell Walls and (2)Chloroplasts are found in plant cells and not animal cells.

6 Cell Wall Cell Walls are only found in plant cells.
Cell walls are rigid structures made of cellulose (basically wood). Cell Walls perform the following: Protect the Cells Give the Cells a Strong Shape They provide support for the Cells

7 Cell Walls

8 Chloroplast Chloroplast is essentially what makes a plant cell a plant cell. Chloroplasts are filled with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll creates food from solar energy for the plants, it also give plants their usual green color.

9 Chloroplasts

10 Vacuoles I know, animal cells have vacuoles, but there is a difference between the two cells.

11 Plant Vacuoles Plant Cells have one or two LARGE vacuoles. These vacuoles hold water for the cells.

12 Animal Vacuoles Animal cell vacuoles are numerous, small, and contain water, food, and waste.

13 More Differences: Animal cells use mitochondria for energy production. Plants primarily use chloroplasts to produce energy. Animal cells tend to have many small vacuoles. Mature plant cells may have only one large vacuole. Animals cells have lysosomes, but plant cells do not.

14 Cells & Energy Cells get energy originally from the sun.
In plant cells, chloroplasts trap light energy and change it into chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored in bonds between atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Atoms are the basic unit of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

15 In your notebook, draw a Venn diagram to compare and contrast animal cells to plant cells

16 Conclusion All cells have a cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm.
Plant Cells have: Chloroplasts, Cell Walls Both Plant and Animal cells have vacuoles, however, Plant cells have VERY LARGE vacuoles, while animal cells have many small vacuoles.

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