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World War II Utah Supports the War

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1 World War II Utah Supports the War
Chapter 13 World War II Utah Supports the War

2 December 7th, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.







9 President Franklin D. Roosevelt led the United States through the Great Depression and most of World War II.

10 The United States allies are…
1) Great Britain 2) Soviet Union (Russia)

11 Britain's Prime Minister was Winston Churchill.


13 Many Americans did not like the Soviet Union because they followed Communism, a form of government where individuals are not free to make their own choice.

14 The Axis Powers are… 1) Germany 2) Japan 3) Italy

15 Women made airplanes, guns and worked on the railroads during WWII.

16 Women also volunteered to be nurses and secretaries.

17 Newspapers, Newsreels and Radios kept Utahns informed during WWII.

18 Penicillin was a valuable drug that was first used during WWII.

19 The largest employer in Utah during the 1940s was the Federal Government.

20 Reasons Utah was in a good position to help the government during the war.
1) Open spaces for training pilots. 2) Natural Resources. 3) Well educated work force. 4) Defense facilities.

21 Many immigrants came to Utah during World War II to find jobs.

22 Geneva Steel will be built in Utah to make steel for warships.

23 Many things such as sugar, butter, and rubber were rationed during the war.

24 Topaz, located in Utah, housed thousands of Japanese-Americans during WWII.


26 Most of the people at Topaz were from the West Coast.

27 Topaz was established to protect the U. S
Topaz was established to protect the U.S. from any Japanese Americans still loyal to Japan.

28 Navajo code talkers helped the United States win the war
Navajo code talkers helped the United States win the war. The Japanese never break their code.

29 There were many American POWs. Prisoners Of War.

30 Adolph Hitler of Germany, kills himself when the allies reach Berlin, causing Germany to surrender.

31 The war with Japan in the Pacific continues.

32 Albert Einstein convinced Franklin Roosevelt to build an atomic bomb.

33 Roosevelt dies before the bomb is dropped.

34 Harry Truman becomes the president who has to decide whether or not to drop the atomic bomb.




38 Hiroshima was the first of two cities to be bombed.

39 Before After



42 Japan surrenders, bringing World War II to an end.

43 The United States benefited from the war because…
1) it became an economic power. 2) ended the Great Depression. 3) became a world superpower militarily.

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